
Sometimes I rattle the cage and beat my head uselessly against its bars, but sometimes, I can shake one loose and use it as a dildo.

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Messages - Johnny Shellburn

Quote from: Johnny Shellburn on October 10, 2016, 09:20:21 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 10, 2016, 09:09:03 PM
It's not like the Uncle BadTouch cult wasn't bragging about picking up that domain.
I know nothing about that. As far as I know they've never had the domain. Maybe they were trolling you.  :fnord:
I get it. You're trolling me. Nice.  Enjoy the free issue or don't. Your choice. :aaa:
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 10, 2016, 09:09:03 PM
It's not like the Uncle BadTouch cult wasn't bragging about picking up that domain.
I know nothing about that. As far as I know they've never had the domain. Maybe they were trolling you.  :fnord:
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 10, 2016, 09:10:10 PM
Also, your account was made 3 years ago, and not touched til now, to pimp out Uncle BadTouch's latest vanity project.
I posted then when I thought about starting the issue. As posted in the issue, I abandoned it for two years because much of our "exclusive" early Discordian material appeared before we finished it in Historia Discordia by Adam Gorightly (an ad for the book appears in the issue).

The editor of this issue is myself and That's not secret; it's in the issue. If I'm pimping anything, it's our website.
Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on October 10, 2016, 08:55:54 PM
Quote from: Johnny Shellburn on October 10, 2016, 08:42:43 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 10, 2016, 08:32:47 PM
Fucking Uncle BadTouch.  Fuck's sake.

There's one page about Reverend Uncle BadTouch's group just like there's one page about the PeeDee Cabal. Creeper Uncle BadTouch did an interview with Brenton Clutterbuck about Chasing Eris, but otherwise it's Uncle BadTouch-free.

It's a LOT. 8 pages on the interview, which ties it for the longest piece in your magazine/whatever.

That's 8 pages out of 52, like one week out of a year. If you want to skip that, you can. But I'm glad it's there. Creeper is a professional writer who also wrote about the connection between Kerry Thornley and Lee Harvey Oswald for the 50th anniversary of the John F. Kennedy assassination for

There's also

*The first published statements by Tom Thornley about his late brother Kerry Thornley.

*Secrets of the Early Church of the SubGenius.

*Never before seen on the Internet Discordian material.

And much more.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on October 10, 2016, 08:32:47 PM
Fucking Uncle BadTouch.  Fuck's sake.

There's one page about Reverend Uncle BadTouch's group just like there's one page about the PeeDee Cabal. Creeper Uncle BadTouch did an interview with Brenton Clutterbuck about Chasing Eris, but otherwise it's Uncle BadTouch-free.
As nobody else used this Jake in an issue, I used it in Intermittens: In the Beginning.  The identity of TfT is revealed there.
If you haven't heard, Intermittens: In the Beginning, is finally out. Thanks to your forum, and especially Cramulus, for starting the magazine, and to the members here who contributed to this issue.
Literate Chaotic / Intermittens In The Beginning
May 15, 2013, 11:29:34 PM
Intermittens Magazine is now taking submissions!


Who's doing this? and possibly you.  This is the magazine anyone can edit, so this is our turn.


In tune with our site, the theme for this issue is "In The Beginning."

What does "in the beginning" mean?  Whatever it means to you.  Of course it includes information on the beginning of Discordianism.  But it could also include the beginning of a well-known Discordian cabal or club, the story behind the creation of a popular Erisian website, how to begin a successful jake, the creation of a Discordian book or magazine, raising an Erisian child, how you became a Discordian, whatever.

We can use essays, stories, interviews, photos, pictures, poems, quotes, fillers, jokes, etc.  Even ads (joke or for real).  If it's a real ad for a Discordian project, we won't charge but will ask that you buy something through our website's store to help cover our expenses.  But that's a request, not a requirement.

BE PROFESSIONAL.  Or at least be a dedicated amateur.  "I was going to edit this so it would be good but I ran out of time so you can do it" or "here's some random junk nobody liked" likely won't cut the mustard.


Like most things related to, we don't have any particular schedule or deadline.  If you want to submit something for the magazine, getting it to us by 1 July 2013 should be fine.  We'll probably still take things a little after that depending on what we get.


Submit to intermittens [at] kerrythornley [dot] com.  Or look for the email address on our website.  Sorry, but we won't be looking for submissions posted here or anywhere else.

IMPORTANT: Put OMAR somewhere in the subject/title of any email you send to us.  That way it shouldn't end up in our overflowing spam box.


How do you get paid?  With access to a free electronic issue just like everyone else.  This is a free project!  The issue will be released online for free, and nobody gets paid including us.

How can you keep some rights to your creation?  If you want to copyright your piece or release it under a GNU or Creative Commons license, you can do so.  That could restrict or even prohibit the use of your piece outside of the issue.  But the Intermittens issue ltself will be free to all.

IMPORTANT: We will assume your submission is Kopyleft/Public Domain unless you specify otherwise.  Keep in mind anything you send us may be used on our website or for other projects unless you specify otherwise.  We also maintain the right to edit your piece unless you specify otherwise.  If it's a major edit (in our opinion), we'll run it by you before publication--if we can get hold of you.  So keep us informed if you change email.


Why do this issue?  Why not!