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Messages - Voice of Truth

Quote from: Altoid AddictYou didn't notice that NSRA stands for New Soviet Republican Army then?

All your country are belong to us

I don't usually read the auto-sigs, but even had I, I doubt I would've figured that one out.

And Libertarians get it right every once in a while, but yes, they want a little bit too little gov't.  If they were in charge it'd be anarchy around these parts.
Quote from: Anonymous
Quote from: T'ai Kungwe're not far off here. I support controlled logging, though I think old-growth should be left alone, and I don't think we should be building more roads into the national forests.

...and I think global warming definitely exists, but to say it's our fault and not just part of the natural cycle of climatological shifts is a stunning display of hubris.

That was pretty funny you mentioned the old-growth forests.  I almost said the same thing, but keep in mind these are some of the areas that need attention the most IF we really want to think about stopping forest fires.  But yeah, they're fucking awesome and I hate the idea of taking them out.  It poses a dilemma; that's for sure.  I'd probably side on tax breaks for companies willing to clean out the under brush without logging the old trees or something.

As for ANWAR, a couple things; one, it definitely will be profitable or the oil companies wouldn't do it anyway.  I honestly don't give those numbers about how much is there much creedence because the original numbers for almost every oil reserve that is ever found are usually way off.  If the predictions about the amount of oil where there already is drilling were correct before we built the pipeline we'd have been dry a long time ago.  As it is, we're still pumping oil out of there so go figure.

And on the global warming I just look at it like this.  Meteorologists and scientists can't even get the weather in three or four days correct.  They say things like "The overall temperature of the globe is warming at a rate higher than ever before since data on temperatures has been recorded.  Wow, what's that, about 100+ years.  Considering this planet is something like 600 million years old that doesn't really impress me very much.  Furthermore about 10,000 years ago there was an ice age and most of the U.S. was frozen.  Did "global warming" cause the glaciers to melt?  I think not.  Is it POSSIBLE that human energy consumptoin and related emissions are causing a slight rise in temperature.  Hell, maybe.  Do I believe that science in ANY way can prove global warming.  Not a chance in hell.  They don't know shit from strawberries when it comes to the science of this planet.  We only figured out it was round about 500 years ago.  That's about the way I see it.

This all being said, it's good to see another common sense environmentalist.  Welcome to the club, even if you do appear to be a communist?  Is that what's up with the hammer anc sicle?

Yours truly.
I'm an environmental moderate.  The coal-burning emissions plan was murky at best.  I've seen stats from both sides that show reductions vs. increases.  Seriously.  In general I love the outdoors.  I hunt, fish, camp, backpack, travel, etc.  I support common sense environmental policy which I feel the left does not.  I also feel there are those in my party who have a Rush Limbaugh mentality of fuck it.  It's here for our use.  End of story.  That's not right either.  I support selective logging not because I feel that IT will end forest fires, BUT because, IF we want to clear out the brush, this is a common sense way to do it.  The idea of clearing out undergrowth and the fuel for forest fires and not logging is ridiculous.  That basically is saying "let's do a garbage cleanup of ALL forests".  Who exactly is going to do that and who will pay for it.  By allowing selective logging and replantation we can reduce forest fires while not costing trillions of tax dollars.  Replantation DOES work.  Forest fires are natures way of taking care of herself anyway so new growth can happen.  Logging isn't much different.

I also support drilling in ANWAR so long as it is a VERY SMALL percentage as stated (currently less than one tenth of one percent).  Alaskans, who actually live there and WILL use it if anyone, support drilling AND we need more oil.  The area where it is intended is a frozen tundra with no real life there anyway, so common sense says "let's drill".

I like conservation, but I don't feel like we have to stop the development of some town or business because of damage to some bug that may become extinct or useless plant.  On the other hand, I don't want to kill a species of fish due to river pollution or something either.  On the environment I honestly don't know that either party will get it right, but I AM pro-business so I feel the Rep's are closer to what I can accept.

I'll also add I flatly reject "global-warming".  Greenpeace and the Sierra Club suck.  PETA are a bunch of terrorists.  Blatant disregard for the environment is crap as well.  Touchy subject.

VoT (since this will probably say guest)
Quote from: LMNO3) The point being, if so many people who thought they knew what they were doing in the stock market got fucked when the bubble burst, imagine what would happen when millions of americans who know little to nothing about the stock market do the same damn thing with their retirement.

That's why part of the plan for the accounts is restrictions on what you can invest in.  For instance, you can't invest all your funds in one company's stock.  It will have to be a mix of stocks and bonds.  There are plans like this in various states for their state employees and over and over again they all say they love it.  The Congress has this kind of plan.  Anyone with any intelligence investing for their retirement uses 401K's and IRA's.  Mixed funds keep that shit from happening.  Yes, at any given moment a downturn can hurt your investments, but if you are investing for 30+ years as we would be your return will ALWAYS be better than anything SS can dish out.  The thing is, I know you know their better.  I bet if you're investing for your retirement you're not doing it in a damn savings acct.  Why can't we just all admit it's a good idea?  I actually know the answer to this:

Because it "Bush's idea". :roll:
Does anyone want to tell me why I can be totally logged in with "Log out [VoT]" up top as an option and yet I make my post and it comes up as guest.  Fuckin' shit... :?
Guess who that was?  I swear if I take too long to post I'm logged back out or something.  Gay... :?
I'm not much feeling like getting into the inner workings of every program he created and I'll agree that the development of the parks department, dams creating lakes for recreation, etc was one of the cooler things that came out of the mess, but the point is, whether you want to admit it or not, hundreds of programs were created that were solely to create jobs.  Creating gov't programs to spur the economy is retarded when you consider you need tax dollars to pay those people anyway which have to come from somewhere in an economy that was already dead.  It just didn't make any sense.

That being said, you belittle your arguments with ignorant comments like this:

Quote from: TGRRAs for the horrible affects, what do you mean? Our current economic woes are the result of a frat boi running the country on credit.

He inherited a recession when he came into office in his first term and since the tax cuts the economy has continued to improve.  Home ownership is at an all time high.  Unemployment continues to decline and is currently at a rate lower than the average of the 90's and far better than most current western nations.  Productivity is at an all time high.  Come on, man.  I know you guys hate Bush/Republicans so the strategy is always "doom and gloom" for the duration of our reign of power to try and make people THINK their life is shitty even though they have a job and can't figure out what your talking about, but it ain't working.  The peak of ludicrous was Kerry's campaign trying to come up with their "new and improved" misery index making this economy look horrible because the ACTUAL misery index under the current economy was as good as it's been in decades.  Using that same index Kerry used the economy under Carter was one of the best we've had in ages. :roll:

And while I'm on the subject, do you want to explain to me this one.  We all invest in 401K's and IRA's because we ALL KNOW that investing in the stock market (even with extremely low risk stocks) guarantees a far greater return than any savings acct or otherwise (the average return is about 12%).  Yet somehow the Dems are persuading people to believe that having simply the OPTION to put some of their SS into private investment accts is BAD?  The OPTION?  Who are these people and how is it that lots of Americans can buy into that.  Boy let me see here: Option 1) leave it as is and watch it go bankrupt over time or at best guarantee about a 2% return on my investment or Option 2) invest it like I already INTELLIGENTLY invest my OWN money in mutual funds and other things and get a 10+% return.  Gee, which do I choose :?:

The fact that a majority of Americans are starting to side with the Dems on this one really makes me wonder about the intelligence of some people...
Sorry, the dude may have been a great war leader, but that's about it.  His New Deal didn't get us out of the depression, the war machine did.  All his gov't programs did was set the stage for the BIG gov't we have today, and even my party is starting to get all sucked in.  FDR's domestic agenda is still having horrible effects on our gov't and economy and probably will for decades to come.
Funny you should mention FDR.  The History Channel did a big biography on him a few weeks ago.  Their theme or slogan or whatever for it was "He brought light to America by keeping us in the dark", basically referring to all the secrets he kept.  He had an ongoing affair and he didn't tell America he had polio, couldn't walk, or that he was dying during that final campaign.  He IS the quintessential Democrat.  I mean, whenver the Dems think of their shining moment it was his days of big gov't, SS, the new deal and all that jazz.  Anyway, it's just funny because the left loves him so much and he kept all kinds of secrets, but anytime Bush does a damn thing that he doesn't disclose he is "keeping secrets from the American public" or "Lying" or what the fuck ever.  Nice double standard.  Anyway...
Yeah, whatever they did is continuing to infect new stuff too.  He made a new forum, but the posts are getting taken out by the virus or whatever it is too.  Dirty...

By the way, Scribe, your avatar is Teh Suck.  I just thought I'd mention that. 8)
Quote from: AnonymousI'll stop in from time to time, but I really like talking politics.  What can I say.  I also post on that other forum where I host the Porn Trivia Forum, remember?  It's not even that I don't WANT to politics with you guys, but there's just so fucking many of you.  That's what I used to always try and tell you.  When I occasionally went there it was like my one post and then when I came back there would be about four pages of stuff and I couldn't even try to respond to everything.  Utterly pointless.  I liked that some of you would come over to the Messiah from time to time and that way it didn't get out of hand.  I will say towards the end there it was mostly just me and Antyhero going back and forth all the time.  Anyway, I'll say hello now and then for a dose of the "other side" from time to time.

Man, my brother posts on this other political forum that I posted on for a while, but I really hate their format.  When you make a post it doesn't automatically go to the end.  It does the thing where you can reply to a post and it will post directly after theirs.  Basically when you get on there you can't just go to your last post and read everything after that.  You have to look up top at the little map thing and figure out where all the new posts were.  Sometimes there's four or five different things going within the one discussion, all seperate from one another.  It's too much to fuck with for my feeble mind so only post there every once in a while.

Maybe I'll revert back to sending nasty letters to my local newspaper.  I've been published three or four times, but I think my letters got too "right wing" for 'em and they couldn't make themselves post my stuff anymore.  Like my last ten got turned down so I stopped writing and around that time I registered on the Messiah and stopped caring.  I don't know why I'm rambling on here.  Maybe because this is the most I've typed in three days.  Boohoo... :cry:

You know who!
Can we say, "needs help".  I guess he got a little, but shit.  Man, he really had to do the web cam thing too...
Works for me, but no need to stop at the feet.  They can just head right on up their legs on towards their face for all I care.
I hope they were top notch posts on my part.  And I have a full-time job already.  Can't you tell! :lol:

Seriously, though, I do. 8)
Thank you, Maam!! :wink: