
Bigotry is abound, apprently, within these boards.  There is a level of supposed tolerance I will have no part of.  Obviously, it seems to be well-embraced here.  I have finally found something more fucked up than what I'm used to.  Congrats. - Ruby

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Messages - Sung Low

A podcast I've been listening to

just people being decent with each other, which isn't a bad thing at all

Myriad of jailbreaks might have occurred since my first forays on this forum.
am doing

I've met some pretty decent people...
Big Love for this
Or Kill Me / Re: Something I rushed off
March 25, 2018, 04:11:43 AM
Bumped because of prescience

At the moment though it seems that dick waving still takes precedence over subterfuge and AT THE MOMENT I think that they'll be unable to let go of that.
Do what thy wilt an' all. Same brain, same skin, different perspective.

Post or forever be damned... 


Fuck science, this is art
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: What is Kek?
February 25, 2017, 02:03:01 AM
Kek's like one of those cliched gang huts with the sign outside saying 'No Girls Allowed' except that the sign now reads 'Waah, No Normies'. 

The definition of 'Normie' being anyone who isn't a depressed, repressed, emotionally stunted and supposedly marginalised young male.
I'm about 80% certain that that's Ron Perlman.
Xenoturdburger is clearly one of those  alt-right spackbags.

Should anymore consideration be given?

As was said elsewhere, either he is a deluded 'edgelord', or he actually believes that nonsense. Either way...

Quote from: Cain on January 14, 2017, 10:17:43 PM
Quote from: Sung Low on January 14, 2017, 02:58:34 AM
Quote from: Cain on January 13, 2017, 09:30:34 PM
I actually wouldn't be half surprised if it was your own guys.  If I wanted to create the perception Russia was fucking with the US, to build political and public support for more aggressive cyber-operations against them, this is what I'd do.

But it could also be the Russians fucking with you, a non-state actor or even dumb technical/human error, though very coincidental if so.

I don't know how much weight this carries, but a friend of mine seems to be about one step removed from Assange. He's pretty adamant that the hacks came from the CIA. Obviously I don't know, but this guy doesn't seem to have a reason to lie about what he's been told. Of course, whether he's been lied to is another matter.

I guess I'm just throwing more speculation into the pot of Who Fucking Knows.

You mean DNC/Podesta hacks?  Forensic evidence links them to APT28 which, if it isn't a GRU cyberwarfare outfit, is certainly willing to act like one.  I don't see why the CIA would be hacking NATO emails and Ukrainian artillery.

Yeah, thems'd be the ones. I'll openly admit that I know jack shit about any of this.

I probably should start educating myself a bit more.