
Testimonial: "Yeah, wasn't expecting it. Near shat myself."

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Messages - freshmeat

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Yes Men
September 19, 2017, 06:01:02 PM
Quote from: Fork on September 19, 2017, 07:01:44 AM
Quote from: freshmeat on September 19, 2017, 03:57:43 AM
Quote from: Fork on September 19, 2017, 01:40:39 AM
Their tactical media stunts have created joyful chaos....what's the latest and greatest laughtivism?

The Yes men have created a "Share the Safety" program for the National Rifle Association!
They have proposed ways to put firearems into the hands of the underserved.


We also need a survivaball flash mob at Mar-a-Lago

QuoteJust a few examples, for the uninitiated: The Yes Men's "Share the Safety" program for the National Rifle Association proposed ways to put firearems into the hands of the underserved. They've also "represented" the World Trade Organization and the U.S. Department of Energy at trade meetings; distributed "taste of the Arctic" snow cones for Shell; introduced a new, "flesh-derived" fuel for Exxon; launched a "Coal Cares" public health program for Peabody Coal; and tumbled down the U.S. Capitol steps in bubble suits called "Survivaballs."

wtf is this shit?

Survibaball is better than KNOCKERBALL because everyone's a winner.

Not only will survivaball protect you from climate change... it will save you from sonic attacks! Knockerball could never protect it's host from a sonic attack.

Which is scarier? Climate change or sonic attacks?

Here's a link to news about sonic attacks:

go there don't!


I am off in search of font face
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on September 19, 2017, 05:47:09 AM

I am trying to shine a light on a topic that A) scares the shit outta me and B) is critically important to the thrival of our species, imo.

This forum is populated by some extremely smart posters, but that offers them (apparently) little immunity against derp.

If this forum can't see through the derp what chance does society at large have?
Quote from: Faust on September 19, 2017, 07:31:58 AM
Science should be a flashlight, but sadly more and more of it is like a sleep apnea mask.

Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Yes Men
September 19, 2017, 05:48:29 PM
Quote from: Fork on September 19, 2017, 07:05:07 AM
Quote from: Bu☆ns on September 19, 2017, 02:03:34 AM
Bonanno famously originated the Barbie Liberation Organization in 1993 to protest sexual stereotyping and violence in toys. He and a crew of collaborators purchased talking Barbie and G.I. Joe dolls, switched the voice boxes, and re-stocked the toys in several states. Then they alerted the media that consumers would be buying Talking Dudes that squeaked "Let's go shopping!" and Teen Talk Barbies who growled, "Vengeance is mine!"

hahaha wow I completely missed that.

You gotta love the multicultural trailer trash Barbie!

You might want to post that in the new Principia Discordia Kids forum.
The more intelligent people are, the more likely they are to have ideas and opinions and life styles that diverge from popular norms. At least according to psychological studies.

But psychological studies also reveal that the more educated you are the more likely you are to believe your own bullshit and tunnel even deeper into your own cult of delusions and peer group fictions.

Science is in every meaningful way every bit as crippling, manipulative and debilitating as the religions it was supposed to replace.

It also relies upon immersion into dogmatic environments to indoctrinate it's subjects into believing whatever it's authority figures proclaim to be truth.

And it also relies upon a faith based adherence to the scriptures and ideas it concocts.

And it relies upon a monopoly over knowledge that only it's prized authority figures can understand.

And it speaks a language that the overwhelming majority are not fluent in.

And it chastizes as infidels and sinners anyone who won't adopt the values and fictions it promotes.

And science seeks to answer all of the same questions and address all the same needs that religions do, like the purpose of life, creation myths, what happens when we die etc.

And it flails and fails continually at a snails pace of modernization while it ever so slowly adapts to new info and readjusts itself toward the truth.....

..meanwhile being dead wrong over and over and over and over as it very slowly and begrudgingly adapts to correct it's flawed doctrines due to pressure from new information.

There are dozens of obvious similarities between science and religion and no meaningful distinctions between the two.

Which governs every thinking, intelligent and honest person to admit that science is no more than the most modern global religion.

As much a collection of myths and confirmation bias anecdotes and just plain crazy fabrications as the Jebus myth and astrology or numerology.

Is Science a superior religion or an inferior one? Time will tell. But for now science is just another cult practiced by sheeple and skilled leaders hoping to extract a sliver of power from their obedient followers/televangelist practitioners.
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on September 19, 2017, 01:58:56 AM
Quote from: freshmeat on September 18, 2017, 08:22:47 PM

The Founders would so not love you assholes

Sounds like a Star Trek villain...

Newsfeed maybe?

only a Google bot could post something so irrationalvent.

Get thee behind us AI wanna be!
Think for Yourself, Schmuck! / Re: Yes Men
September 19, 2017, 03:57:43 AM
Quote from: Fork on September 19, 2017, 01:40:39 AM
Their tactical media stunts have created joyful chaos....what's the latest and greatest laughtivism?

The Yes men have created a "Share the Safety" program for the National Rifle Association!
They have proposed ways to put firearems into the hands of the underserved.


We also need a survivaball flash mob at Mar-a-Lago

QuoteJust a few examples, for the uninitiated: The Yes Men's "Share the Safety" program for the National Rifle Association proposed ways to put firearems into the hands of the underserved. They've also "represented" the World Trade Organization and the U.S. Department of Energy at trade meetings; distributed "taste of the Arctic" snow cones for Shell; introduced a new, "flesh-derived" fuel for Exxon; launched a "Coal Cares" public health program for Peabody Coal; and tumbled down the U.S. Capitol steps in bubble suits called "Survivaballs."

wtf is this shit?
Quote from: Junkenstein on September 19, 2017, 02:59:02 AM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on September 19, 2017, 01:35:03 AM
Quote from: Junkenstein on September 18, 2017, 11:50:29 PM
Hi Ron.

You can fuck off again now.

As far as I can tell, it's not Ron.

It's just another dumbass.  You can't swing a dead cat without hitting one, these days.


I note your reply above and suggest that your answer pales into irrelevance in the face of larger, more pertinent questions. Naturally, I, as your Docktor, Confessor, Gardener, indefinite alibi, Finanical Adviser, Unrequited Lover, Bookie, Banjo Repairman, Real Estate Agent, Vizier and Legal Woo consultant, have to take you to task for some of these.

Firstly, WHY the fuck is this kind of idiocy spreading so quickly in the face of overwhelming counter-evidence.

There is no counter evidence, there is only the prevailing wind of Ice Age denial.

We have already established via the UN's own publications that the scam of taxing the planet via carbon taxes was conceived entirely independent of and prior to the advent of global warming hysteria/scientism/fake news. With entirely different justifications.

That's step 1 in a 20 step program to disabuse you of the cwazy silly notion that GW is settled science.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on September 19, 2017, 01:32:19 AM
More alt-right garbage.  :yawn:

Bullshit. The arguments in favor of GW alarmism/hysteria are paper thin and easily demolished.

If you have to balls to see the truth for yourself.

Quote from: Junkenstein on September 18, 2017, 11:50:29 PM
Hi Ron.

You can fuck off again now.

Sorry, not Ron
Quote from: Freeky on September 18, 2017, 11:27:22 PM
Okay so if you're trolling, why are you doing it here? What are you trying to accomplish? I'm trying to understand.

Like I said, i'm not trolling. I am dead serious about the topic.

I just happen to enjoy the optimization of troll value the topic rallies.

Right place, right topic, right time.

Quote from: Freeky on September 18, 2017, 11:21:22 PM
Are you serious or are you trolling?

dead serious, but motivated by the fact that this serious and important discussion has optimized troll value.

let's just begin with the beginning and go from there. The roots of this whole Global Warming hoax:

behold a document drafted by the UN itself in 2001 which explicitly warns that it not even be quoted without permission.

The document itself discusses options for financing the UN's global anti poverty initiatives which have been grossly underfunded because wealthy nations won't bother to contribute, despite public pledges. It basically reads like "what do we do?"

Scroll down to page 3.

The Zedillo Report.

The Zedillo Report was the product of a UN panel set up under Kofi Anon to identify options to the voluntary financing schemes that had thus far proven inadequate. And it's conclusions were that the UN's anti poverty programs could be financed either by effecting a Tobin Tax on global transactions or a carbon tax.

The Carbon Tax was the preferred option (page 4) because it was considered "politically more realistic" and because it could be justified as "making polluters pay".

NO MENTION OF GLOBAL WARMING. Efforts to commence the carbon tax are still underway in the form of the Kyoto, Doha, Paris agreements and amendments.

As the campaign to convince wealthy nations to contribute to the UN's war on poverty programs the UN ramped up the IPCC to build a scientific case for applying this tax (for poverty relief) to carbon consumers who were aggrevating alleged global warming.

The IPCC, as everybody knows is a UN body and is the primary driver of global warming study and hysteria.

Horrorology / Re: Horror Time in Fat City, part I
September 18, 2017, 10:40:22 PM
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 24, 2016, 03:51:17 PM
So, you've been denying reality for a while now.  Sometimes it works (at least for a while), most often it doesn't.  For example, if you deny that your late car payments aren't a problem, sooner of later a representative of the bank is going to adjust your world view.  Or perhaps you feel that if the proper candidate is elected, the rapidly heating planet will cool back down.  The world, in this case, will be along shortly to explain to you that it hasn't actually taken your opinion into account, any more than it has that of the climate change deniers.

And much like the Big Blue crane accident, every day that goes by without disaster reinforces the wrong beliefs of those who think that a late snow in New York is evidence that HE is right and thousands of climatalogists are wrong.  "The North pole melted," he'll say, ignoring that the North pole's ice wasn't on land.  "The South pole has more sea ice around it than ever", ignoring that ice calved off the mainland, and now the sea levels ARE rising.  Mauritius is being flooded, as is the Bikini Atoll.  Ted Cruz, the presidential candidate AND chairman of the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Space, Science and Competitiveness, has decided that the proper response to this looming crisis is to not look, and has actively tried to shut down both the NASA geo-satellites AND the National Weather Service.

Because, you know, if you don't look, it can't hurt you.

Just like it can't hurt you to use internal combustion engines.  Just like if you spend all your time hollering about your tiny butthurts on the internet, you can safely ignore that you have helped create a system in which you cannot go a single day without benefiting from outright, no-bullshit slavery.  Just like you can pretend that Trump is silly, instead of an indicator that what happened to Eric Garner and Matthew Shepherd is the new normal.  Just like you can pretend the banking system is fixed.

You can pretend all you like.  You can look away from all of this, and most folks will look past all of these, while screaming about their pet cause of the day.  The universe doesn't care, because it isn't alive and thus cannot listen to your elegant reasoning.

It cannot listen and there will come a time when it is impossible to pretend that all of these things are happening.  And when that day comes, praying will not help us either because, let's face it, we deserve these things.  We caused them, we pretended that nothing was wrong, and we pissed away every chance to change things the moment those chances gave a hint of materializing.

Everybody dies, but it's not often that most people all die at the same time.  And, looking at the ocean and the satellite imagery, I gotta tell you, most of us are not going to die of old age.

Or Kill Me.


too much fear over something that even if it is real we can't possible know it. Nor would there be much reason to fear it.