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Messages - Jackie

It reminds me a lot of the section on the Aneristic Illusion from the Principia, which has always been one of my favorites. I love this kind of... stuff that kinda sounds like nonsense at first glance, but actually has insightful stuff somewhere. The similarity struck me after talking about Prequel (the source) to someone and Initiating someone in the same day, so I wanted to see what other Discordians thought, or if I was just grasping at straws.
Quote from: CramulusWerner Herzog
The only thing I had heard of him was in relation to Pokémon Go. His work sounds quite... interesting. While I don't know if I'd favor a world where all documentaries are in his style, I think we're better off having some. I think that in a way, in being disonest he gains a different form of honesty, because no piece of media can truly be free of influence from its creator, and he's upfront about that.

EDIT: Also, are you the "Cram" that The Johnny had referred to?
Quote from: Doktor HowlHumans are weaponized apes.
There are no humans in the section. It's a racist elf ghost talking to a giant talking cat.

Quote from: chaotic neutral observerI'm not the one to talk to about gaining wisdom.
Well if I wanted any wise wisdom, I don't think I'd have come here of all places, would I?

Quote from: chaotic neutral observerI don't see reason and logic as laws one abides by, but rather as tools.
Which is exactly the point. Not to blindly cling to one set of rules.

Quote from: chaotic neutral observerIsn't questioning things how one gets closer to the truth? ...for that matter, if something is false, why am I spending time questioning it?
Merely abandoning one truth - one thing you think is absolute - in order to question whether what you think is false is actually false. Experimenting with what's taken for granted.

Quote from: chaotic neutral observerIt doesn't matter much to me if something is the easiest, only if it's easy enough.
Again, the text isn't advocating for finding the easiest method. It just says the method you think is easiest probably isn't, and there's an easier method.

Quote from: chaotic neutral observerI don't really get it.  Sounds complicated.
You have to know your view of reality isn't perfect, and can never be; you have to learn to distinguish your view from reality from others, and adapt it to your situation.

Quote from: The JohnnyBut then again, there's bridges and engineering, rocket-science and medicine, which for the most part there's a "right" way to do it, and the "wrong way" to do it where people start dying.
I'd argue those are less "different ways" and more just "doing it wrong". For any one engineering-and-others problem, there's different good ways of solving the problem (evidenced by we finding some new ones contantly), but for each method you can either do it right or... not.
I hadn't, no. Taking a look right now.
Hi I'm Jackie and I joined the forum just to post this. I come seeking wisdom.

I've been re-reading a passage today and I think it feels very Discordian, so I wanted thoughts on the matter.

Relevant passage starts at "It wasn't easier", goes on until the end

Most relevant part being,
You're trying to do things right, and that's wrong. Mysticism means taking a step back – accepting that the very laws of reason and logic you abide by are merely one option of many. It means knowing you only see half the picture in a world where everyone else thinks they see the whole thing. It means having the sheer arrogance to have humility.

That's why I'm saying you have to think like a witchhunter. You have to be a little wrong to be completely right – to abandon truth in favor of questioning falsehood. If you think something's the easiest way, you have to know you're wrong. You have to understand how to stand against the very stance of understanding! You have to know you are inferior; that your knowledge and perceptions will never stand up to the true scope of all possible reality. You have to be a little further from perfect, and embrace that notion.