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JSTOR theft

Started by Cain, April 25, 2007, 09:54:47 AM

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Triple Zero

1) i posted proof for 2 + 3 = 5 a while ago, but you gotta search for it yourself. a good keyword could be "successor"

2) i know what a kepstrum is, but i thought it was spelled cepstrum. it's like "spectrum" only reversed. srsly. it's for detecting formant frequencies in speech. if you want to experiment with it, there's a program written by some dutch professor called "Praat" ("talk") which you can download for free (i think), google for it.
a i see, "kepstrum" is "complex cepstrum" .. i dunno what that is for, but basically, you take the FFT of the signal, square it, and iFFT it back, as far as i know. then you get some new signal (which doesn't sound like anything) but you can use it for analyzing the sound.
LMNO, i did a lot of computer programming with DSP (writing very simple software synthesizers, sound effects and filters), i learned most of what i know from this tutorial: it's still got math, but it should explain you the basics for learning about the more difficult DSP math (and i presume you are already familiar with fwe parts about sampling and frequencies, but after that it picks up pretty fast. if you like i also have a large book on PDF called "music and mathematics" which is AEWSOME in a sort-of goedel-escher-bach kind of way.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.




Quote from: Cain on April 27, 2007, 11:45:00 AM
1+1 = 3

I think I may have found something

Thanks for that, Cain.  Go figure it's quantum mechanics and non-locality that would make 1+1=3!
The bun-sellers or cake-makers were in nothing inclinable to their request; but,which was worse,did injure them most outrageously,called them prattling gabblers,lickorous gluttons,freckled bittors,mangy rascals,shite-a-bed scoundrels,drunken roysters,sly knaves,drowsy loiterers,slapsauce fellows,slabberdegullion druggels,lubberly louts,cozening foxes,ruffian rogues,paltry customers,sycophant-varlets,drawlatch hoydens,flouting milksops,jeering companions,staring clowns,forlorn snakes,ninny lobcocks,scurvy sneaksbies,fondling fops,base loons,saucy coxcombs,idle lusks,scoffing braggarts,noddy meacocks,blockish grutnols,doddipol-joltheads,jobbernol goosecaps,foolish loggerheads,flutch calf-lollies,grouthead gnat-snappers,lob-dotterels,gaping changelings,codshead loobies,woodcock slangams,ninny-hammer flycatchers,noddypeak simpletons,turdy gut,shitten shepherds,and other suchlike defamatory epithets; saying further,that it was not for them to eat of these dainty cakes...


I found it through pure luck, too.  I was browsing Grey Lodge's G-Podcasting site, looking to see if there was anything new, when I saw 1+1=3 leap out of the page at me.


Ah, so it was both on the page, and leaping out at you at the same time you say?  A fine example of non-locality.
The bun-sellers or cake-makers were in nothing inclinable to their request; but,which was worse,did injure them most outrageously,called them prattling gabblers,lickorous gluttons,freckled bittors,mangy rascals,shite-a-bed scoundrels,drunken roysters,sly knaves,drowsy loiterers,slapsauce fellows,slabberdegullion druggels,lubberly louts,cozening foxes,ruffian rogues,paltry customers,sycophant-varlets,drawlatch hoydens,flouting milksops,jeering companions,staring clowns,forlorn snakes,ninny lobcocks,scurvy sneaksbies,fondling fops,base loons,saucy coxcombs,idle lusks,scoffing braggarts,noddy meacocks,blockish grutnols,doddipol-joltheads,jobbernol goosecaps,foolish loggerheads,flutch calf-lollies,grouthead gnat-snappers,lob-dotterels,gaping changelings,codshead loobies,woodcock slangams,ninny-hammer flycatchers,noddypeak simpletons,turdy gut,shitten shepherds,and other suchlike defamatory epithets; saying further,that it was not for them to eat of these dainty cakes...

Deepthroat Chopra

Just in case this is all still in operation -

Can't remember the name of the researchers, but there has been studies that allegedly show positive results in the treatment of Schizophrenia with a combo of fasting and "vitamin therapy".

There's heaps of info on the nets, but little in the way of the actual studies.
Chainsaw-Wielding Fistula Detector

Deepthroat Chopra

Quote from: Deepthroat Chopra on June 01, 2007, 05:29:47 AM
Just in case this is all still in operation -

There has been studies that allegedly show positive results in the treatment of Schizophrenia with a combo of fasting and "vitamin therapy".

There's heaps of info on the nets, but little in the way of the actual studies.

Some researchers include Hoffer, Riordan, Horrobin, and Deutsch, Ananth, & Ban.
Chainsaw-Wielding Fistula Detector
