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Vote rigging in Afghanistan explained

Started by Cain, September 05, 2009, 08:12:22 PM

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CIA and US politicans try to stuff ballot boxes for Abdullah Abdullah, who is more hawkish than Karzai.

Karzai, relying on the network of patronage, corruption and bribes that have held Afghanistan together over the past 8 years, stuffed ballot boxes to make sure that AbdullahX2 wouldn't win, fairly or otherwise.

Who actually won?  Who the fuck knows?


I wonder did more then 100% of the population of afganistan vote this year?
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Thats just proof of how devoted to democratic principles Afghanistan is.  Some people just love democracy so much, one vote seems like not doing enough.


I've actually decided I like the Afghan war.  Where else could you find a major player who goes by the name of Mullah Rocketi?  The name isn't just coincidence either, he took it because he likes to blow things up with rockets.

This could almost be as fun as the Tajikistan Civil War, where one commander had the nickname of "Hitler" (self-chosen) and another called himself Schwarzenegger, after Ah-nold himself.


Har.  That's Afghans for you.  Irony's sorta lost on them these days.  That, and they just don't give a fuck.

The ballot stuffing is a lailtastic maneuver, and the whole villages who got cheated out of their votes (hey, they got to keep their fingers, at least!), well, we'll wait to see what happens here.  Iran is still roiling under the surface...seems Afghanistan has even lost the support of bloodlusty GOP hardliners like George Will (whose agenda has only ever been protecting Israel anyway).  Might be time to just split Afdamnistan up and have done with it.