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Rant 120: Tunnels and Bridges

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, August 31, 2005, 08:33:47 PM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 120
Tunnels and Bridges

"The lazy and the stupid are always quick to denounce violence when it threatens their stranglehold on comforts. If people keep ignoring and repressing the faceless ones who are struggling against oblivion, of course the faceless ones will eventually use violent methods to remind other people that they are still alive and struggling. Do the new Masters of the Universe- the Global Marketeers, the transnationals, the WTO, and the governments that either back them or are enthralled to them- think they can slip their chains around human beings without so much as a peep? Just wait. Better yet, don't wait. Support your sisters and brothers in their quest to remain in existence."
-Soror Nyx (in a private correspondence that thoroughly wrecked my recent mental tendencies)

"There can be no peace without justice first."
-EZLN saying

I have recently become infected with an insidious idea that seems to say that all violence is wrong. (As evidenced in several previous rants.) But I must be clear and bring my attitude (recently corrected a bit with a dose of reality) to the fore: It is not that violence, especially the violence of those who are in resistance and who are struggling against oblivion, is wrong. It's just that I live in a country where it appears that the socio-political processes are such that violence is counter-productive. It infuriates the masters of society that there are hordes of people who are up in arms, literally and figuratively, all around the world. As the Global Project metastasizes, it seems that resistance to it has proven to be just as non-local. From the small groups of anarchists and anarchist sympathizers to the larger groups of labor unions and various ethnicities that have been nearly ground up in the so-called "Free Market," the past few years have been uncomfortable on the masters and their free-lance terrorist counterparts. (Both of whom have tried to reclaim the world stage and the media spotlight-and their efforts have succeeded in many cases.) Because the masters get infuriated and have much armed force to back up their will, people who are sick of being pushed around and slapped have every right to arm themselves and ensure that they will no longer be pushed around with impunity.

While you were away, distracted and worried about the Iraq war, or the Islamic terrorists, the contracts that are going to limit your future options and the quality of your lives have been silently snuck on through faster than ever before. (Where was your chance to vote on those, huh?) There is the rapidly expanding growth and gain in power of an all-encompassing economic system that will continue to strip away your rights to even your own freely and naturally developed genetic material. And as you run from leader to leader, trying to vote for the good guy who will finally make all right in your world, you have been hoodwinked by the shill of the war on (some) terrorists and the bloodbath of Iraq. Meanwhile farmers and indigenous people and workers and other people loose more and more ability to choose their own destinies.

As hard as it may seem to some people in comfortable Western European nations, people who are threatened with oblivion, slavery, and voicelessness will use "violence" to ensure a proper balance can be achieved. Despite what all the ideologues and brown-nosers of the Bush government would have you believe about violence (in the supposed world of the War on (some) Terrorists), for many people it becomes a way out. Despite the fact that religious fundamentalists who like to blow up innocent people or who like to bomb and invade other countries without even a moral pretext have hijacked the global media spotlight, the struggle between the Globalizers and those who reject being globalized is the major struggle of our times. If this struggle is lost, you better get used to always being told what to do, how to do it, and who to do it with. Despite the fact that I prefer other less violent methods to contribute to change, I am now holding my tongue on those who use more violent tactics. And besides the whole violent/non-violent argument is really a semantic trap foisted upon us by those who still wish to control us.

You can say that it is useless to struggle or to rage or to do anything against the so-called and proverbial "machine," but what right have you to get so down and defeatist about that? In many cases, overt armed struggle or resistance can be pretty stupid, but in other cases it is the tactically superior method. Can you live with the implications of that? In my railing and ranting about seeking more intelligent means to free yourselves, or whoever you deem needs or wants freedom, I was merely trying to point out that it is best to look at all of the options, from the personal efforts you can make to the more social or political. (Or at least I was trying to say that. The rant complex and myself have been at odds, leading to the mixing of certain signals and messages lately.) Most of you reading this can thank your lucky stars that you are not forced to use violence to exist or to press for your right to freedom. Who knows about the future, though? The point is to be flexible and to try being nonjudgmental when you encounter others who may be using methods you don't, at first, understand.

The resistance to slavery links us all from many walks of life and from many occupations into a sort of spontaneous world-wide counter slap in the faces of the masters of World "Trade" and those who would be masters. The fight against being made into faceless automatons is something that is catching on, despite the odds and the dangers. We are linked by the tunnels and the bridges and the cracks in the edifice of the "Well Ordered Market" and those governments who seek to further the aims of the slave drivers and the masters. (Perhaps the anarchist contention that the State can only be an instrument of the masters is very well true, considering how the USA is even destroying any shred of the idea of "social contract.") But this is clear and easily enough seen. The chains and the manipulations that are used which you cannot normally see are the real glue that binds you to thralldom. (The ideas, stories, words, religions, entertainment, unofficially sanctioned forms of rebellion, etc. You can probably list so many more.)

What the hell does all or any of this have to do with Discordianism? Not a damned thing, unless you want it to. But for me it does have much to do with it...thus my continued meander about it. I may not ever like violence in and of itself for whatever reason, but I have come to the place in life where I know that it is just my own opinion. I remember back before all of this, when I pointed out in the early nineties that; One: The Mayans of Southern Mexico would revolt using both traditional violent methods and many more methods never before tried; and Two: that there would be massive protests and resistance directed against the Global Marketeers themselves...I was told that I was unrealistic and had no grasp on reality. Capitalism had won against any and all progressive struggles, I was told. Anyone who wanted a better life would have to get with the program, I was also told. When January 1st, 1994 rolled along and the Zapatistas became famous, some of the idiots that argued against me came asking me how I knew. "The writing was on the wall," I said. When the Battle of Seattle rudely interrupted the American media on November 30th, 1999, again some idiots asked me how I knew it was going to happen. "The writing was on the wall,"  I kept saying. But this time, I was one of the people writing on the walls.

I'll keep writing on the walls, and I'll keep trying to clear my head to get a better picture of the things I have no direct experience with. And that's that. To speak for some of us (or at least those that like what I say sometimes), we are sick and tired of the rats and those who live off of others' sweat and blood. We are sick and tired of the mindless lies that are being peddled as measures to have a fulfilled and better life, even as those lies destroy any means of gaining such a life. If we are forced out, then to the sewers and the walls we will go, cracking through the floorboards and the drywall. Gnawing away at the ignorance that is the mortar of this metastasizing Global World Border- I mean- Order. If the masters want to keep trying to force us to choose their products and their lifestyles, we will still make our own damned choices and options. No matter how infuriated THEY may get when we walk with our heads held high, we will still practice the art of validating our own damned existence. All of us who walk with our heads held high are linked inextricably, whether we even like some of the others or not. Sometimes it's good to remember that.

<Since the truce between myself and the rant machine has allowed some fresh air into the mix, the tone of future rants may be more resistant. Who can say?>

August 20th, 2005

-Irreverend Hugh, KSC, Sin Rostro Otra Vez
(Under the influence of the Thinking and Zap-Symp ideas.)

"Este no va a terminar."
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"

The Good Reverend Roger

I PICK THE GOD DAMN terror of the fucking gods out of my nose! Pardon my language. But YEEEEEHAW, let the sons of God and man bear witness! Even in the belly of the Thunderbird I've been casting out the False Prohets; I'm busting a gut and blowing my O-ring, and ripe to throw a loaf! For I speak only the fucking Truth, and never in my days have I spoken other than! For my every utterance is a lie, including this very one you hear! I say, `Fuck'em if they can't take a joke!' By God, `Anything for a laugh', I say. I am the last remaining Homo Correctus, I am the god damn Man of the Future! I'll drive a mile so as not to walk a foot; I am a human being of the first god damn water! Yes, I'm the javalina humping junkie that jumped the Men from Mars! I drank the Devil under seven tables, I am too intense to die, I'm insured for acts o' God and Satan! I was shanghaied by bodiless fiends and alien jews from a corporate galaxy, and got away with their hubcaps! I cannot be tracked on radar! I wear nothing uniform, I wear no god damn uniform! Yes baby, I'm 23 feet tall and have 13 rows o' teats; I was suckled by a triceratops, I gave the Anti-Virgin a high-protien tonsil wash! I'm a bacteriological weapon, I armed and loaded! I'm a fission reactor, I fart plutonium, power plants are fueled by the sweat from my brow; when they plug me in, the lights go out in Hong Kong! I weigh 666 pounds in zero gravity, come and get me! I've sired retarded space bastards across the Cosmos, I cook and eat my dead; YAH-HOOOO, I'm the Unshaven Thorn Tree of the Atlantis Zoo! I pay no taxes! The Devil's hands are my ideal playground! I hold the Seven-Bladed Windbreaker; the wheels that turn are behind me; I think backwards! I do it for fun! My imagination is a fucking cancer and I'll pork it before it porks me! The say a godzillion is the highest number there is. Well by God! I count to a godzillion and one! Yes, I'm the purple flower of Hell County, give me wide berth; when I drop my drawers, Mother Nature swoons! I use a python for a prophylactic; I'm thicker, harder and meaner than the Alaskan Pipeline, and carry more spew! I'll freeze your seed before it hits the bathroom tile! YEE! YEEE! I kidnapped the future and ransomed it for the past, I made Time wait up for me to bleed my lizard! My infernal breath wilts the Tree of Life, I left my spoor on the Rock of Ages, who'll tear flesh with me, who'll spill their juice? Who'll gouge with me, whose candle will I fart out? Whoop! I'm ready! So step aside, all you butt-lipped, neurotic, insecure bespectacled slabs o' wimp meat! I'm a Crime Fighting Master Criminal, I am Not Insane! I'm a screamer and a laugher, I make a spectacle of myself, I am a sight! My physical type cannot be classified by science, my `familiar' is a pterodactyl, I feed it dipshits! I communicate without wires or strings! I am a Thuggee, I am feared in the Tongs, I have the Evil Eye, I carry the Mojo Bag; I swam the Bermuda Triangle and didn't get wet! I circumcize dinosaurs with my teeth and make 'em leave a tip; I change tires with my tongue and my tool! Every night I hock up a lunger and extinguish the Sun! I'm the bigfooted devil of Level 14, who'll try to blow me down? I've packed the brownies of the gods, I leak the Plague from my nether parts, opiates are the mass of my religion, I take drugs! Yes, I'm a rip-snorter, I cram coca leaves right into my arm-veins before they're picked off the tree! Space monsters cringe at my tread! I wipe the Pyramides off my shoes before I enter my house. I'm fuel-injected, I'll live forever and remember it afterwords! I'm immune! I'm radioactive! Come on and give me cancer, I'll spit up the tumor and butter my bread with the juice! I'm supernatural, I bend crowbars with my meat ax and a thought! My droppings bore through the earth and erupt volcanoes in China! Yes, I can drink more wine and stay soberer than all the heathen Hindoos in Asia! YEEE HAW! Gut Blowout! I am a Moray Eel, I am a Komodo Dragon, I am the Killer Whale bereft of its pup! I have a triple backbone, I was sired by the Wolf Man, give me all your Slack! I told Jesus I wouldn't go to church and He shook my hand! I have my own personal saviors, I change 'em every hour, I don't give a fuck if there's life after death, I want to know if there's even any fucking Slack after death! I am a god damn visionary, I see the future and the past in comic books and wine bottles; I eat black holes for breakfast! I bend my genes and whittle my DNA with the sheer force of my mighty will! I steer my own god damn evolution! I ran 'em out of Heaven and sold it to Hell for a profit! I'm enlightened, I achieved `Nirvana' and took it home with me. Yip, yip, YEEEEEEE! I'm so ugly the Speed of Light can't slow me down and Gravity won't tug at my cuffs! When the Rapture comes, I'll make 'em wait! They'll never clean my cage! Now give me some more of..."

(Tape runs out.)

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

The Good Reverend Roger

I PICK THE GOD DAMN terror of the fucking gods out of my nose! Pardon my language. But YEEEEEHAW, let the sons of God and man bear witness! Even in the belly of the Thunderbird I've been casting out the False Prohets; I'm busting a gut and blowing my O-ring, and ripe to throw a loaf! For I speak only the fucking Truth, and never in my days have I spoken other than! For my every utterance is a lie, including this very one you hear! I say, `Fuck'em if they can't take a joke!' By God, `Anything for a laugh', I say. I am the last remaining Homo Correctus, I am the god damn Man of the Future! I'll drive a mile so as not to walk a foot; I am a human being of the first god damn water! Yes, I'm the javalina humping junkie that jumped the Men from Mars! I drank the Devil under seven tables, I am too intense to die, I'm insured for acts o' God and Satan! I was shanghaied by bodiless fiends and alien jews from a corporate galaxy, and got away with their hubcaps! I cannot be tracked on radar! I wear nothing uniform, I wear no god damn uniform! Yes baby, I'm 23 feet tall and have 13 rows o' teats; I was suckled by a triceratops, I gave the Anti-Virgin a high-protien tonsil wash! I'm a bacteriological weapon, I armed and loaded! I'm a fission reactor, I fart plutonium, power plants are fueled by the sweat from my brow; when they plug me in, the lights go out in Hong Kong! I weigh 666 pounds in zero gravity, come and get me! I've sired retarded space bastards across the Cosmos, I cook and eat my dead; YAH-HOOOO, I'm the Unshaven Thorn Tree of the Atlantis Zoo! I pay no taxes! The Devil's hands are my ideal playground! I hold the Seven-Bladed Windbreaker; the wheels that turn are behind me; I think backwards! I do it for fun! My imagination is a fucking cancer and I'll pork it before it porks me! The say a godzillion is the highest number there is. Well by God! I count to a godzillion and one! Yes, I'm the purple flower of Hell County, give me wide berth; when I drop my drawers, Mother Nature swoons! I use a python for a prophylactic; I'm thicker, harder and meaner than the Alaskan Pipeline, and carry more spew! I'll freeze your seed before it hits the bathroom tile! YEE! YEEE! I kidnapped the future and ransomed it for the past, I made Time wait up for me to bleed my lizard! My infernal breath wilts the Tree of Life, I left my spoor on the Rock of Ages, who'll tear flesh with me, who'll spill their juice? Who'll gouge with me, whose candle will I fart out? Whoop! I'm ready! So step aside, all you butt-lipped, neurotic, insecure bespectacled slabs o' wimp meat! I'm a Crime Fighting Master Criminal, I am Not Insane! I'm a screamer and a laugher, I make a spectacle of myself, I am a sight! My physical type cannot be classified by science, my `familiar' is a pterodactyl, I feed it dipshits! I communicate without wires or strings! I am a Thuggee, I am feared in the Tongs, I have the Evil Eye, I carry the Mojo Bag; I swam the Bermuda Triangle and didn't get wet! I circumcize dinosaurs with my teeth and make 'em leave a tip; I change tires with my tongue and my tool! Every night I hock up a lunger and extinguish the Sun! I'm the bigfooted devil of Level 14, who'll try to blow me down? I've packed the brownies of the gods, I leak the Plague from my nether parts, opiates are the mass of my religion, I take drugs! Yes, I'm a rip-snorter, I cram coca leaves right into my arm-veins before they're picked off the tree! Space monsters cringe at my tread! I wipe the Pyramides off my shoes before I enter my house. I'm fuel-injected, I'll live forever and remember it afterwords! I'm immune! I'm radioactive! Come on and give me cancer, I'll spit up the tumor and butter my bread with the juice! I'm supernatural, I bend crowbars with my meat ax and a thought! My droppings bore through the earth and erupt volcanoes in China! Yes, I can drink more wine and stay soberer than all the heathen Hindoos in Asia! YEEE HAW! Gut Blowout! I am a Moray Eel, I am a Komodo Dragon, I am the Killer Whale bereft of its pup! I have a triple backbone, I was sired by the Wolf Man, give me all your Slack! I told Jesus I wouldn't go to church and He shook my hand! I have my own personal saviors, I change 'em every hour, I don't give a fuck if there's life after death, I want to know if there's even any fucking Slack after death! I am a god damn visionary, I see the future and the past in comic books and wine bottles; I eat black holes for breakfast! I bend my genes and whittle my DNA with the sheer force of my mighty will! I steer my own god damn evolution! I ran 'em out of Heaven and sold it to Hell for a profit! I'm enlightened, I achieved `Nirvana' and took it home with me. Yip, yip, YEEEEEEE! I'm so ugly the Speed of Light can't slow me down and Gravity won't tug at my cuffs! When the Rapture comes, I'll make 'em wait! They'll never clean my cage! Now give me some more of..."

(Tape runs out.)

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Sounds like a subgenius boast generation machine got to you. You okay?
If so, keep on. I actually like that boasting subgenii stuff especially out loud while watching re-runs of archie bunker.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Check the posting dates.

looks like this was pre-weekend.

Post-weekend seems to have brought a different aspect of Roger to the fore.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: LMNOCheck the posting dates.

looks like this was pre-weekend.

Post-weekend seems to have brought a different aspect of Roger to the fore.

Even though it is doubled, I'll leave them both up. Roger probably has a few aspects laying around in his pocket. Perhaps he finally was able to evict Chef from his cranium.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC
Quote from: LMNOCheck the posting dates.

looks like this was pre-weekend.

Post-weekend seems to have brought a different aspect of Roger to the fore.

Even though it is doubled, I'll leave them both up. Roger probably has a few aspects laying around in his pocket. Perhaps he finally was able to evict Chef from his cranium.


Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: LMNO
Quote from: Irreverend Hugh, KSC
Quote from: LMNOCheck the posting dates.

looks like this was pre-weekend.

Post-weekend seems to have brought a different aspect of Roger to the fore.

Even though it is doubled, I'll leave them both up. Roger probably has a few aspects laying around in his pocket. Perhaps he finally was able to evict Chef from his cranium.


True, but anyone would have a hard time evicting Chef, even Bill Gate's money couldn't do it.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"