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Rant 33: The Ripped Fabric

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, February 17, 2004, 06:13:44 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 33
The Ripped Fabric

,ÄúAll I do, you will do also; and more.,Äù
-J. Christ

,ÄúThe most unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought.,Äù
-Emma Goldman

,ÄúDeath to all fanatics!,Äù

,ÄúPatriotism? Religion? Weapons of mass distraction. Dogmatic Superstitions. Very reliable methods of creating the Moron Majority.,Äù-Tequilarius Malignatus (a couple millennia after Big JC,Äôs appearance)

,ÄúThings are not as they seem, nor are they otherwise.,Äù
-Some Crazy Tibetan Buddhist

Are you addicted to money? Do you become deathly afraid at the thought of having no money? Do you believe that your very survival is dependent upon money? Do you find that you have to increase your intake to get the same fix? Do you feel a part of some never ending treadmill with all sense of control lost? Do you find yourself selling your time, labor, and/or body only to get more money? Are you willing to do things you dislike?  Are you chronically worried about never having enough? You may have a very real physical and emotional dependency on money. If so, you have a problem. And ever growing numbers of people around the world are facing these same addiction issues. (But don,Äôt worry, right? Your whole society is one of enablers.)

The common assertion of late-stage Capitalism that money is simply a tool or a form of information is patently absurd. Money is only information in the sense that all things are information. But not all information will keep one alive, as in the case of money in today,Äôs society. To claim that money is just a matter of information is really an attempt by obsolete late Capitalist thought to hijack the Information Age, the Hermetic Aeon, the Thothic world civilization that will replace the bastard monolith of neo-feudalism and slavery that Capitalism represents. There is no stopping chaoism. Attempts to constrain it only increase its effectiveness.

Money is simply another way that ruling classes attempt to control information to their advantage. Assuming that it has a neutral function is to blindly ignore its very concrete effects. Those who dictate the value of money do not ignore that. But the coming money-less society is imminent and those whose social controls depend on the insidious manipulation of information and its effects that money represents are now threatened. One of the major threats to those rulers is the occult assault. Whereas ideologies can be argued against with counter-ideologies, and theories can either be proven or disproven depending how one manipulates data, occult technologies and their practices,Ķi.e. magic, is so beyond the pale of even the seedy pseudo-rationality of New Age thought that present mindsets of control and domination have no handle through which to try to resist or distort it. Magic is like a virus. Those attempting to use it for control become people who no longer feel a need to control anything. That is the main reason why most religions banned magical operations, except by the priesthood. And the magical adepts are immune to ideological arguments, or any other styles of reality tunneling that have become confused with knowledge in today,Äôs world. (You can argue with me that my casting a spell upon you will have no effect based on some materialist theory, but the spell will take effect nonetheless.) That is why science has been effectively subverted by the Western Hermetic tradition it had once disavowed. Consider it wisdom,Äôs revenge.

It will remain a paradox that the very methods of Capitalist control over thought- mass advertising and psychology- are the very tools through which the magical liberation of people,Äôs minds will occur. In constricting our languages and driving out all associative meanings, the ruling classes had to use logos, music, and imagery to push their consumerist society on us. But the result is that they have created a society of people who have been trained to think in imagery, power-words, and logos. They have effectively ensigilized millions. It is this ensigilization which is the means by which the Hermetic Aeon is being created. People trained to imagine imagery, even if constrained to Capitalist icons, will eventually seek associations that necessitate their escape from modern languages and into deeper mental processes. For thousands of advanced years we were a hieroglyphic species in terms of writing. Languages were alive with associations based on imagery. People knew that they themselves were mind/bodies and thought in images. Today,Äôs magical warriors, sages, and occultists in their understanding of imagery as a tool for liberation of one,Äôs mind have an effective edge. They can use their magic to infect the dying Aeon/civilization with the mass replicating virus of free-thought and information exchange.

The rise of the Discordian Society, along with the Western occult/magical revival technically should not have happened according to the dicta of our scientific era of Capitalism and the Socialist opposition to it. God was declared dead. Magic was declared a superstition based on the so-called uneducated mind,Äôs disability. But people started worshipping the old Pagan gods, and they came back. The occult traditions exploded in popularity. People invented new gods, and they gained life. The Hermeticists and trickster shamans revealed themselves, and they were the very scientists who had formerly disavowed magic. Only fools had ever been fooled. What was science but a branch of the Western Hermetic wisdom traditions? Eris had played the biggest joke ever. And those with no sense of humor are still not getting it. She used science to destroy the stifling reality tunnel that the Church was imposing. She was there when the people overthrew or threatened ruling classes and established at least the idea of freedom. And She touched a very select few crazies with Her chaos. They have since sparked off a revolt of free-thinkers against every constraint. Both occult adepts and their scientific counterparts have discovered that Nothing Is True and Everything Is Permitted.

There is no going back. And there is no stagnation that can hold itself against change. Free-thinkers, clowns, warrior mages, witches, sages, shamans, artists, revolutionaries, and scientists are everywhere, from factory floor to boardroom. The bonds of control will loosen either smoothly or roughly. The results will be the same. Imagine that billions of newly liberated people will generate the first truly humane civilization since the neolithic times.

Do you think you have no large part to play? Well, stop that right there. There is no telling what spark will start the conflagration. The chaos in your heart will not let you rest until you are fully expressing it. Society is now being controlled by dysfunctional uses of information. It is by imagery and information that minds can be freed into the sacred laughter of chaos. The fabric of reality is being ripped open. It is time to take a jack hammer to the edifice of control implied in the very definition of reality. Once that happens,Ķ

Are you living in a surrealist novel? Are you tiring of the Terminal Bureaucracy? Are you sick of being limited by other people,Äôs prerequisites?

If not, you fucking well should be. Now,Ķwhat are you going to do about it? Start laughing, for one thing.

(Chaos 46th, 3170)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"