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Vote for Bush?

Started by MescalineBanana, July 30, 2004, 06:53:26 AM

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Guido Finucci

Quote from: The Grammar NaziThat is, for your information, a sentence fragment.

Must ... not ... feed ... the ... trolls ...


I thot it wuz speeled : powl.

The Commander

I had a big long serious post I was going to put out, but I got about halfway through and my computer crashed.

Hail Eris!

The Commander
The Commander
Discordian Intelligence Agency


Quote from: The CommanderI had a big long serious post I was going to put out, but I got about halfway through and my computer crashed.

Hail Eris!

The Commander

hey! hey! the commander puts out! woo hoo!


Quote from: MescalineBananaYes.  It has, of course, as of late, been my pleasure to need to begrudgingly oblige to vote for Kerry in the face of four more years of Bush.  While I don't particularly like Kerry or Edwards, and I believe Democrats and Republicans to be two nearly identical sides of one seriously fucked up coin, there is no doubt in my mind who would do a much better job as president.  To describe the situation I use the cliche "Pick your poison."  In this case, Kerry seems to be the preferred poison.

But then I was thinking the other day.  That's right, I was thinking.  And what was I thinking, you may ask?  Well, I was thinking that, since they are both poisons, both will kill you.  Eventually.

The United States is dying.  The poison is in its veins, and the egregious outcome at this point is inevitable.

Bush & Co., along with all the deeds to be performed thereby, are the quick poison which will serve to end the life of this ill and ill-fated country in a very timely fasion, nigh instantly.
Kerry and his band of Republicrats, on the other hand, are the slow-working poison, the poison which slowly, over time, eats away at the insides of the country until This Great Republic, gaunt, passes away, agony etched in its face.

So which poison would you rather take?  The one which prolongs your suffering, or the one which ends it all with one final gasp?
I would certainly choose the latter.

The end is ineluctable.  It is up to us how it comes about.



Quote from: Chef

now that's what you'd call ironic.


I don't know much about Colin Powell's opinion on the war in Iraq. He seemed for it when he was talking about WMD in Iraq, but maybe he was just told to do that. What I do know is that he studied Vietnam, and tried to develop a strategy to prevent a Vietnam-situation from happeneing (go in with superior numbers and a good exit-strategy). The rest of the administration ignored him and winged it. He seems like the best human being in the Bush administration, so it's a shame.
POEE Pre-Chaplain Neon Irwin of the Bahumbug Pre-Cabal, CG, UE, KoBaSN


my neighbor said that there has never been a general who was president who chose to go to war.  this includes polk who said that if people imigrated to texas and mexico tried to push them out, we'd back our guys..  he failed to back them cause he knew it'd lead to war..

guy said the closest we had to a military man who led our nation to was was rosevelt.  said he was a "hawk"..  but wasn't a general, so that his statement still held true.

of course this guys' name is "dick fink" and his birthday is april 1.

i have no opinion on that.

as to bush and kerry.  to me they are the same demon.
i don't know if i'll vote for kerry or nader..  

on one hand nader is cool.  on the other hand he hasn't got a shot in hell.

as to kerry..  first time i saw him i said "he's going to win the election.  he's going to do worse things than bush."  don't ask why, just a gut feeling i had.  see..  bush is stupid.  kerry is smart.  smart people can do more damage.


good luck.
consistancy is the blah blah-blin of blah blah blah


I feel compelled to point out that I did not say that I wanted a general
for President. (I actually would prefer none, but c'est la vie.) What I
said was I wanted somebody who had been in combat. I want somebody
who was shit in the pants scared. There's a difference.

Guido Finucci

Quote from: MescalineBananaSo which poison would you rather take?  The one which prolongs your suffering, or the one which ends it all with one final gasp?I would certainly choose the latter.

Surprisingly, all the people who have ever had chemotherapy have chosen the poison that prolongs suffering. In fact, if certain weirdy philospher-types are to be believed, anyone who has even eaten has chosen the poison that prolongs suffering.

Kill yourself if you must but please don't burn the fuckers who chose not to follow you.



Pollingpoint Presidential Survey


damn. am i going to throw up every morning?


Quote from: Chef

Pot calling Kettle
Pot calling Kettle
Coito ergo sum
O! Plus! Perge! Aio! Hui! Hem!
"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best golfer is a black guy,the tallest guy in the NBA is Chinese, the Swiss hold the America's Cup, France is accusing the U.S. of arrogance, Germany doesn't want to go to war, and the three most powerful men in America are named Bush, Dick, and Colon.  --Comedian Chris Rock

Rupert Giles

Quote from: Malaul
Quote from: Chef

Pot calling Kettle
Pot calling Kettle

Roger that, Pot.
How's the weather up there?


Quote from: Hotsuma
Quote from: Chef

now that's what you'd call ironic.

moreso given who posted it...



Pollingpoint Presidential Survey


damn. am i going to throw up every morning?

Took It twice... so far