
I hate both of you because your conversation is both navel-gazing and puerile

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A.N. Rouquelaure

Started by NotoriousNox, November 04, 2003, 01:36:21 AM

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My dears,

I have found myself caught in another series of novels that at best have helped me escape my this dreary existance and at worst have corrupted me beyond repair. Having always had a penchant for the twisted and bizarre, it is no suprise that in the sexual solitude that has become my monagamus(sp. correct me duchess) realtionship that i long not for the freedom to pursue fantasies with others but to find my fantasties fulfilled with the one I love..Ah, but alas, this must be unheard of... !!!SExual fufillment in a healthy relationship.. How do i tell my man about all of this pornagrapghia going through my head??
"Sanity is a one trick pony -- all you have is rational thought. But when you're good and loony, the sky's the limit!"
-The Tick


I say just tell him. Start off with " Honey, I've been having these fantasies... " then go into detail. Odds are very good he'll at least try them.

Then again, I'm known to be ... kinky, I think is the polite way of putting it.
SMFabal, High Pope of CoCK, PSP, CW, KSC, FP, GH, MORBJ

Q: How serious are you about this whole "Discordian" thing?
A: A blue fish Tuesday!
Q: No really, it this, like, deeply philosphical, or just a huge joke?
A: Yes.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Anybody worthy of your love should be more than ecstatic to want to try your fantasies.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


well i think i scare him a little..
"Sanity is a one trick pony -- all you have is rational thought. But when you're good and loony, the sky's the limit!"
-The Tick

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Maybe you should tie him up. Then it won't be so scary for him. :twisted:
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Offer to be the "sub" first. Gradually work up to serious stuff. Start with ice. Ice is always good.
SMFabal, High Pope of CoCK, PSP, CW, KSC, FP, GH, MORBJ

Q: How serious are you about this whole "Discordian" thing?
A: A blue fish Tuesday!
Q: No really, it this, like, deeply philosphical, or just a huge joke?
A: Yes.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Ice...and something chocolate.
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"