News: Trimming your hair in accordance with the anarchoprimitivist lifestyle

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Started by eL sTiKo, January 11, 2006, 01:22:48 AM

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eL sTiKo


I've been sitting on this game for over a year, meaning to getting around to finishing it and last night I just said FUCK IT - I'm uploading it to the web, I don't care if it's missing vital dotted lines for cutting and that the artwork is scrappy, it's the beta test version and now you lot are welcome to download it, print, assemble, play and hate me for ever.

And any questions you have about assembly and gameplay, feel free to post them via this link. I have far too much negative crap going on in my life right now to make the project suffer any more delays. It's out there, it belongs to you now! Run with it! Tell me you can't figure out how to put it together! Tell me the gameplay sucks! Come up with ideas to improve it!

eL sTiKo
Chief Tourguide
the Cuckoo Trail Cabal


eL sTiKo

eL sTiKo
Chief Tourguide
the Cuckoo Trail Cabal

the other anonymous

eL sTiKo

Such a brilliant job.

I've put your version on my site and like I said, you're a cuckoo now. There's no stopping you.

eL sTiKo
Chief Tourguide
the Cuckoo Trail Cabal