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STFU with your hippie shit

Started by Cain, September 21, 2006, 06:43:55 PM

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The very concept of chaos was still considered equivalent to strife and treated as a negative.
- The Principia Discordia

Eris was there with Kydoimos (Confusion) among them, and Ker (Death) the destructive; she was holding a live man with a new wound, and another one unhurt, and dragged a dead man by the feet through the carnage."
- Homer, Iliad 18.535

"I have a high art, I hurt with cruelty those who would damage me."
,Äî Archirocus, 650 BC

I'm absolutely sick of this uninformed, bury your head in the sand, cute fluffy animals and sweetness view of Eris.  Yeah, you read right.  I've read all the crap I can take from 17 year old Myspacers who think calling themselves ,ÄúxXxErisxXx,Äù and acting in a poor imitation of ,Äúwacky,Äù means they are somehow like our Lady of Discord.  Most people here have little on Eris, but you types ain't even in the same ballpark.

Eris is more than the goddess of Confusion.  I know not many Discordians are Greek scholars, but even the name of Our Lady herself means ,ÄúStrife,Äù in the ancient Greek!  Strife, Chaos and Disorder, mother of the terrible Kakodaimones, the leveler of cities, the equal of Athena in warfare.  Why do wars keep on happening if no-one wants them?  "[Eris] is hateful ... [she is the one] who builds up evil, war, and slaughter (Hesiod).

,ÄúOh, but thats too mean and nasty to believe!  Eris is a cute Greek lady and chaos is laughing children dancing in the happy anarchy,Äù  You better slap that hippie shit out of you before I do it myself!  You can embrace the ,Äúpositive,Äù aspects of Disorder all you want, but you cannot forget there is a pretty nasty flipside.  And even that has a purpose.

Who feared Eris most?  For whom does Disorder mean all is lost?  Authority, authority, authority.  The men and women of The Con crave order, and only use chaos when it is the means to the greater end of more order.  They hate messy, unplanned and uncontrollable disorder, because it screws up their careful conspiracies.  Eris most certainly bought war and death in her wake, but it never said anywhere against whom she would bring destruction on, or that it wouldn't stop even greater death and violence.

"[Aion, god of time addresses Zeus:] 'Lord Zeus! behold yourself the sorrows of a despairing world!
Do you not see that Enyo [another name for Eris] has made the whole earth mad, mowing season by
season her harvest of quick-perishing youth?" - Nonnus, Dionysiaca 7.7

You read that?  They feared Her.  The immortal Olympians themselves lived in dread of this uncontrollable goddess, who sowed lawlessness in her every step.  Who fed the infernal beast Typhon and unleashed him against the King of the Gods?  Eris.  Who put Zeus in the embarrassing position of having to choose between his daughter and wife in a competition of beauty?  Eris.  Who gifted the Queen of the Amazons, the allies of Troy, with a dread weapon from the armoury of Ares, in order to defeat the Greeks?  Got it in one.  At every stage she took an active hand in undermining the plans of gods and mortals, whether in person, via trickery, or by steps removed.

You may call me a personification of Destructive Disorder.  You may even think of me as a hypocritical trickster, trying to lead the faithful to a terrible doom.  You can certainly think of me as an agent of Strife, because thats about the only thing that is true of the above.  The worst people in history are those who chase ,Äúpeace,Äù, especially when they equate it with order and are willing to do whatever they can to get it.  Hitler wanted peace.  So does George W Bush.  Almost everyone wants peace.  The question is always on what terms.  Disorder doesn't recognize ,Äúterms,Äùand it sure as hell doesn't recognize a wasteland called ,Äúpeace,Äù.

Random Probability

POTD  10/10

Not much to add to that, but maybe the fucktards that've been hanging around here lately will get the hint.  Glad I'm not the only one who gets it.


Thanks.  And good to see you back.

Random Probability

I've just been lurking due to the retard factor.  I'm half convinced that they are retard xians from some of the forums I've been tormenting.

and for the record, christians are extremely fucking retarded.  And bigots.  I'm so glad we killed their leader.  Fucker deserved worse.



I have noticed a fair few fluff discordians, if you want to call them that, they are harmless enough, even if they are a bit boring, the closest they get to discord is with ZANY :roll: and random posts Like "I like Cake".
The "do nice stuff for people" croud make me weary. I will do nice stuff if it takes me, but If Im in the mood im going to be a dick, or have fun trolling people in real life, not to serve a point but just cause it seems like a good decision at the time.

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: faust on September 21, 2006, 09:48:12 PM
I have noticed a fair few fluff discordians, if you want to call them that, they are harmless enough, even if they are a bit boring, the closest they get to discord is with ZANY :roll: and random posts Like "I like Cake".

Hence, TGRR is chock full o' hate.

Knows that dadaism is dead for a fucking REASON.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


it reminds me of a time ..... 5 years ago ..... when 9/11 occured ..... there was this sweet little coffee shop in Asheville, NC. called the Natural Mystic or something (now the Emerald Lounge) ..... anyway ..... it was the haven for many a hippie and coffee shop guru type which over the coarse of bumming around this town a year+ and facing up to being a new father ..... i got to know these folks ..... day in day out revolt revolution spirituality coffee rinse repeat blah yadda yackity schmackity ..... one fatefull Sept. 11 i went into this coffee shop which i frequented, about 5pm (we all knew at that point), and all these solem heads and faces all hung with some kind of sympathy i can no longer relate too ..... i said "what's wrong with all you people" ..... they were like "didn't you hear ?"
i said "yeah why the long faces ?" ..... it was like all that talk fo revolt and overthrowing and blah and stuff went right out the window ..... i said to them ..... be careful what ya ask for ..... ya might just get it ..... not that tarot has any weight but the towers crashing is a little TOO symbolic to be ignored ..... so anyway yeah those fake as hippies ..... and by the way ..... untill you have had sex with yer girlfriend on acid while sucking off one trannie and takeing it the ass from another ..... then you need to stfu about what is weird and out there and what isn't ..... 'cause at the end of the day all yer pathetic ass attempts at philosophical debate on a goddess who defy's all you consider her to be and the subculture built around her on a whim is just some good old homegrown justification/rationalization for whatever weird shit your brains clipping at a slow ass 17% (20% if yer pushing Genius) of capacity, have to deal with .....

if i didn't need to take this forum too personally than you can ignore the previous paragraph and go strait to fucking yerself with that dildo in the movie seven ..... send me photos


Again without all the superflous crap please?

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: davznothere on September 22, 2006, 03:05:27 AM
it reminds me of a time ..... 5 years ago ..... when 9/11 occured ..... there was this sweet little coffee shop in Asheville, NC. called the Natural Mystic or something (now the Emerald Lounge) ..... anyway ..... it was the haven for many a hippie and coffee shop guru type which over the coarse of bumming around this town a year+ and facing up to being a new father ..... i got to know these folks ..... day in day out revolt revolution spirituality coffee rinse repeat blah yadda yackity schmackity ..... one fatefull Sept. 11 i went into this coffee shop which i frequented, about 5pm (we all knew at that point), and all these solem heads and faces all hung with some kind of sympathy i can no longer relate too ..... i said "what's wrong with all you people" ..... they were like "didn't you hear ?"
i said "yeah why the long faces ?" ..... it was like all that talk fo revolt and overthrowing and blah and stuff went right out the window ..... i said to them ..... be careful what ya ask for ..... ya might just get it ..... not that tarot has any weight but the towers crashing is a little TOO symbolic to be ignored ..... so anyway yeah those fake as hippies ..... and by the way ..... untill you have had sex with yer girlfriend on acid while sucking off one trannie and takeing it the ass from another ..... then you need to stfu about what is weird and out there and what isn't ..... 'cause at the end of the day all yer pathetic ass attempts at philosophical debate on a goddess who defy's all you consider her to be and the subculture built around her on a whim is just some good old homegrown justification/rationalization for whatever weird shit your brains clipping at a slow ass 17% (20% if yer pushing Genius) of capacity, have to deal with .....

if i didn't need to take this forum too personally than you can ignore the previous paragraph and go strait to fucking yerself with that dildo in the movie seven ..... send me photos

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


gods you people are so infuriating with yer psuedo philosophies and/or feigned chaotic discoarses ..... it's like being in a room full of physicists who have fake diplomas they got on 63rd and market w/ their crack rocks .....


Quote from: davznothere on September 22, 2006, 03:40:55 AM
gods you people are so infuriating with yer psuedo philosophies and/or feigned chaotic discoarses ..... it's like being in a room full of physicists who have fake diplomas they got on 63rd and market w/ their crack rocks .....

If you dont like it, press ALT-F4.  Bye, dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.


Quote from: Cain on September 22, 2006, 03:42:05 AM
Quote from: davznothere on September 22, 2006, 03:40:55 AM
gods you people are so infuriating with yer psuedo philosophies and/or feigned chaotic discoarses ..... it's like being in a room full of physicists who have fake diplomas they got on 63rd and market w/ their crack rocks .....

If you dont like it, press ALT-F4.  Bye, dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.

lovein' it ..... i got no fear ..... i just find it ironic


Quote from: davznothere on September 22, 2006, 03:44:35 AM
Quote from: Cain on September 22, 2006, 03:42:05 AM
Quote from: davznothere on September 22, 2006, 03:40:55 AM
gods you people are so infuriating with yer psuedo philosophies and/or feigned chaotic discoarses ..... it's like being in a room full of physicists who have fake diplomas they got on 63rd and market w/ their crack rocks .....

If you dont like it, press ALT-F4.  Bye, dont let the door hit your ass on the way out.

lovein' it ..... i got no fear ..... i just find it ironic

Sorry?  Failed musician say what?



wow .... nice comeback .....

by the way can you even play an instrument ?

i mean of coarse besides the skin flute.

and out of curiosity. how do you define failure vs. success ? ..... cause if we're talking just a matter of tech. ability, well i got that (and if ya can't give me that much credit than i doubt yer ability to decern ability). if we're talking a matter of a paycheck ..... well i get those too (and i have no BS job on the side) ..... if we're talking a matter of national stardom or some illusionary reality of rockstardom, based on corporate TV and Media's portrayal well then, know i failed ..... fortunately that wasn't my goal as a musician ..... if it were i'm sure i woulda booted an oversized speedball years ago, if for no other reason than to push record sales (ya sell more when yer dead i hear) ..... anyway ..... got anything better than failed musician ? ..... or should i go smack my cock for awhile ?


You started with the ad hominem, shithead.  I'm just playing by your rules.  You can't even answer a straight question, so I don't see why I shouldn't fuck with you from now until eternity.  When the fuck did this site and Discordianism become the refuge for morons like you who stopped thinking the second they picked up the Principia?  Fuck, no wonder everyone left, if this was all they had to work with.