
Testimonial: "I cannot see a slither of a viable defense for this godawful circlejerk board."

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Part 2 in a series of less than five.

Started by tyrannosaurus vex, May 11, 2007, 07:57:30 PM

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tyrannosaurus vex


In our last chapter we covered the three tiers of offense the CON will use to undermine emerging threats (Conversion, Assimilation, and Destruction).  These are not to be mistaken for a willful imposition of the CON of its own supremacy among Human behavior patterns, for the CON is (probably) not an intelligent being or force, but rather a natural function of large-scale populations tending away from abrupt disruptions to patterns they are comfortable with.

This section will deal with methods to preserve a network's autonomy or integrity when faced with outright assault from the larger population from which it must draw its members.  These methods are of course unproven, but should provide at least marginally more success than, say, arming yourselves and blowing shit up -- which is the first thing to avoid -- armed conflict with the CON is impossible, because the CON is not an entity unto itself but an amalgamation of everything else.  You cannot fight it with bombs because you inevitably end up destroying what you would rather save from the CON.

Now, on to specifics.  The CON uses the three-tiered attack paradigm.  Here, we will discuss viable methods of resisting each tier.

Quote from: what, no indent feature?1. Conversion.  This problem fixes itself.  In fact, to a certain degree, the CON's conversion and dissuasion away from your group helps you to prune your network of members who are not contributing or are not in it for the right reasons.  Actually, we endorse a limited program of helping the CON rid your group of dead weight.  Don't overtly stress the importance of loyalty to any Cause.  Such things become weighed down in dogma anyway, and that's just the sort of thing that helps in the CON's second phase of attack.  The groups we are trying to help are basically self-starting groups anyway, the kind that are not purposely organized for a specific purpose.

2. Assimilation. This attack is the primary one we need to avoid.  Warning signs of impending or in-progress assimilation are what you need to look out for.  If it seems that the memes your network has come up with seem to be catching on in the public at large, you need to re-evaluate what you're doing.  Often, a successful marketing campaign will result in a bunch of new "members" who don't really get it (fnord23lol, anyone?).  It is here that self-sabotage begins to be useful.  As soon as a meme has cropped up that seems useful, and you see widespread acceptance among members of its accuracy in describing whatever it describes, cut it the fuck down.  Quick turnaround and mindbendingly high levels of memetic replacement therapy must be maintained.

3. Destruction.  The CON will notice when a network refuses to be assimilated.  If they continue producing subversive materials or infecting the population with nonsense-memes well past the arbitrary deadline for total assimilation, it will become a target.  Names will be on government lists.  Phones will be tapped.  This is the stage at which a network breaches through the barrier at the edge of abstract creative intellectualism and into a world of shit.  Needless to say, if this happens to your network, you've either done something right, or something horribly, horribly wrong.  If you're lucky, it will be a mixture of both, tending toward OFUK.

Point 3 deserves more time.  The Memetic Self-Sabotage that guarded against assimilation must, at this point, morph into Outright Self-Sabotage.  This is where from time to time you purposely break your own network's lines of communication, or dip back under the radar (only after leaving behind a fairly convincing cover-story as to the disbandment of your network), only to reform in some new way, somewhere else.  Display the properties of a network that is under constant real attack, even if you're not, as soon as signs become evident that you're about to be under attack.  It's the moving-target trick, or playing dead when a bear is trying to kill you.  If it looks to the CON that there is nothing left to attack, it won't. Also, this tactic will not provide cover forever, so don't expect it to.

Next time, join us for tea and crumpets with the REAL Queen of England.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.


the kicker is figuring out how exactly this applies to conducting oneself

how a person moves and the decisions they make

lets see what the real Queen has to say
neat hell