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THE CANCER KILLING PDCOM - Blow-by-Blow Coverage of Democratic Primary Race

Started by tyrannosaurus vex, January 04, 2008, 06:15:23 AM

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Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

I really think we have a serious problem in this country. I think it involves a seperation between what individuals THINK the world should be like and what the world is actually like.

Large portions of the American populace are racist and/or sexist. They will not vote for either Democratic candidate. Large portions of America are centrist, they don't want crazy religious nutjobs or crazy socialists. The Republican nuts are learning this right now. A large gulf exists between ideals and reality. It surprises me when national parties ignore that. In fact, I would not at all be surprised to see McCain win in November, if for no other reason than there will be large prejudice against Obama and Clinton (not to mention the complete lack of credentials either of them have).

But Coulter is either feeling his/her womanly side, or has completely snapped.

Nah, she's looking to her pantry. If McCain wins, he will work with Democrats. He will compromise on most issues. He will behave like an adult. He will, in short, leave her with nothing to scream and screech about. The pundits today rely on partisan BS ala the Gingrich-era. They'll sputter out if Rockefeller Republicans take control of the party (yet another reason to vote McCain).
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


New Zealand is one country I wouldn't mind moving to, in all honesty.

Quote from: Ratatosk on February 07, 2008, 09:17:27 PM
I really think we have a serious problem in this country. I think it involves a seperation between what individuals THINK the world should be like and what the world is actually like.

Large portions of the American populace are racist and/or sexist. They will not vote for either Democratic candidate. Large portions of America are centrist, they don't want crazy religious nutjobs or crazy socialists. The Republican nuts are learning this right now. A large gulf exists between ideals and reality. It surprises me when national parties ignore that. In fact, I would not at all be surprised to see McCain win in November, if for no other reason than there will be large prejudice against Obama and Clinton (not to mention the complete lack of credentials either of them have).

TITCM, and it's somewhat sad, going back to what Cram blasted.

But Coulter is either feeling his/her womanly side, or has completely snapped.

Nah, she's looking to her pantry. If McCain wins, he will work with Democrats. He will compromise on most issues. He will behave like an adult. He will, in short, leave her with nothing to scream and screech about. The pundits today rely on partisan BS ala the Gingrich-era. They'll sputter out if Rockefeller Republicans take control of the party (yet another reason to vote McCain).

This is Ann Coulter. She'll backstab the GOP as long as she can continue to bitch and write shotty bestsellers on her unwarranted opinions.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Suu Fett on February 07, 2008, 09:21:00 PM
New Zealand is one country I wouldn't mind moving to, in all honesty.

Quote from: Ratatosk on February 07, 2008, 09:17:27 PM
I really think we have a serious problem in this country. I think it involves a seperation between what individuals THINK the world should be like and what the world is actually like.

Large portions of the American populace are racist and/or sexist. They will not vote for either Democratic candidate. Large portions of America are centrist, they don't want crazy religious nutjobs or crazy socialists. The Republican nuts are learning this right now. A large gulf exists between ideals and reality. It surprises me when national parties ignore that. In fact, I would not at all be surprised to see McCain win in November, if for no other reason than there will be large prejudice against Obama and Clinton (not to mention the complete lack of credentials either of them have).

TITCM, and it's somewhat sad, going back to what Cram blasted.

But Coulter is either feeling his/her womanly side, or has completely snapped.

Nah, she's looking to her pantry. If McCain wins, he will work with Democrats. He will compromise on most issues. He will behave like an adult. He will, in short, leave her with nothing to scream and screech about. The pundits today rely on partisan BS ala the Gingrich-era. They'll sputter out if Rockefeller Republicans take control of the party (yet another reason to vote McCain).

This is Ann Coulter. She'll backstab the GOP as long as she can continue to bitch and write shotty bestsellers on her unwarranted opinions.

It's amazing how a Discordian discussion of politics seems so much less discordant than most political blogs ATM.
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."



On War #248: My Master's Voice

By William S. Lind

Yesterday I placed my annual call to my All-Highest War Lord and Sovereign Master, Kaiser Wilhelm II, to offer my usual felicitations on his birthday. His Majesty was laughing when he picked up the receiver, so after congratulating him I took the liberty of inquiring what Heaven found so funny.

"Democracy," His Majesty replied.

"I take it you are watching this year's Presidential election in the U.S.," I said.

"The flea circus? That's part of it," said the Kaiser. "It nicely illustrates one of democracy's contradictions, namely that no one who is willing to crawl and grub for votes can be worthy of the office to which he aspires. There's no place for the nolo episcopari in democratic politics, it seems, nor for anyone with the slightest shred of character. Your Giulianis and McCains, Clintons and Obamas are happy to eat every toad in the public garden."

"I think the American public is no happier with their options this year than is Your Majesty," I replied.

"Thereby illustrating another funny aspect of democracy," the Kaiser shot back. "Who do they think is responsible? They are, of course. No candidate who told them the truth could get above 10% in the polls. They want nostrums, bromides, comforting lies, and they won't tolerate anything else. America speaks of citizens, but all it has are consumers whose heads are as fat as their bottoms. That too is where democracy leads, to an ever-declining lowest common denominator. It cannot do anything else."

"The funniest aspect of the whole business," His Majesty continued, "is that the lower America sinks, the more determined its politicians are to force democracy on everyone else. All but one of your Presidential candidates has pledged to continue crusading for democracy, despite the lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan. By comparison, even the late Spanish Hapsburgs were models of realism."

"The democracy advocates - and I trust Your Majesty knows I am not one - would reply that democracy is necessary to freedom," I suggested.

"Another contradiction," said the Kaiser. "Prussia in my day was far more free than America is today, because Prussians understood what freedom is. Freedom is not doing whatever you feel like. Freedom is replacing imposed discipline with self-discipline. No democratic office-seeker would dare say that, because the voters would not like it. They want to be told that they can do whatever they please - spend without saving, live immoral lives without degenerating, vote without thinking - and suffer no unfortunate consequences. If the public wants to square the circle, Presto!, a hundred politicians promise to do it."

"I trust that Your Majesty's preferred alternative to democracy in monarchy, as is mine," I said.

"Yours, mine and Heaven's," the Kaiser replied. "As I have said before, Heaven is not a republic. Though there are, I think, two countries God intends should be republics."

"And those are?", I asked.

"Switzerland, to show that it can be made to work, and America, to serve as a warning to everyone else."

"Were America to wake up to the virtues of monarchy - and God knows our current election campaign should wake us up - who would you recommend for the American throne?", I inquired.

"An Austrian Hapsburg, I should think," said the Kaiser. "They are accustomed to ruling over ramshackle, polygot, decaying empires. My old friend Emperor Franz Josef did so remarkably well."

"One last question, if I may," I said. "Should America continue on the unhappy road of democracy, what lies in our future?"

"Let's just say that the combination of military defeat and economic depression is not a happy one," the Kaiser answered. "And now I must ring off. I hear the band of the Garde du Corps playing, which means it is time to review the troops. I think the tune is, 'And the World Turned Upside Down.'


Ignoring the blantant monarchism coming from both of them, they may just have a point....

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Can i HAS it to Steal?!!!! I can think of about 50 blogs that need to read that!
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson



Quote from: Cain on February 07, 2008, 10:10:12 PM

On War #248: My Master's Voice

By William S. Lind

Yesterday I placed my annual call to my All-Highest War Lord and Sovereign Master, Kaiser Wilhelm II, to offer my usual felicitations on his birthday. His Majesty was laughing when he picked up the receiver, so after congratulating him I took the liberty of inquiring what Heaven found so funny.

"Democracy," His Majesty replied.

"I take it you are watching this year's Presidential election in the U.S.," I said.

"The flea circus? That's part of it," said the Kaiser. "It nicely illustrates one of democracy's contradictions, namely that no one who is willing to crawl and grub for votes can be worthy of the office to which he aspires. There's no place for the nolo episcopari in democratic politics, it seems, nor for anyone with the slightest shred of character. Your Giulianis and McCains, Clintons and Obamas are happy to eat every toad in the public garden."

"I think the American public is no happier with their options this year than is Your Majesty," I replied.

"Thereby illustrating another funny aspect of democracy," the Kaiser shot back. "Who do they think is responsible? They are, of course. No candidate who told them the truth could get above 10% in the polls. They want nostrums, bromides, comforting lies, and they won't tolerate anything else. America speaks of citizens, but all it has are consumers whose heads are as fat as their bottoms. That too is where democracy leads, to an ever-declining lowest common denominator. It cannot do anything else."

"The funniest aspect of the whole business," His Majesty continued, "is that the lower America sinks, the more determined its politicians are to force democracy on everyone else. All but one of your Presidential candidates has pledged to continue crusading for democracy, despite the lessons of Iraq and Afghanistan. By comparison, even the late Spanish Hapsburgs were models of realism."

"The democracy advocates - and I trust Your Majesty knows I am not one - would reply that democracy is necessary to freedom," I suggested.

"Another contradiction," said the Kaiser. "Prussia in my day was far more free than America is today, because Prussians understood what freedom is. Freedom is not doing whatever you feel like. Freedom is replacing imposed discipline with self-discipline. No democratic office-seeker would dare say that, because the voters would not like it. They want to be told that they can do whatever they please - spend without saving, live immoral lives without degenerating, vote without thinking - and suffer no unfortunate consequences. If the public wants to square the circle, Presto!, a hundred politicians promise to do it."

"I trust that Your Majesty's preferred alternative to democracy in monarchy, as is mine," I said.

"Yours, mine and Heaven's," the Kaiser replied. "As I have said before, Heaven is not a republic. Though there are, I think, two countries God intends should be republics."

"And those are?", I asked.

"Switzerland, to show that it can be made to work, and America, to serve as a warning to everyone else."

"Were America to wake up to the virtues of monarchy - and God knows our current election campaign should wake us up - who would you recommend for the American throne?", I inquired.

"An Austrian Hapsburg, I should think," said the Kaiser. "They are accustomed to ruling over ramshackle, polygot, decaying empires. My old friend Emperor Franz Josef did so remarkably well."

"One last question, if I may," I said. "Should America continue on the unhappy road of democracy, what lies in our future?"

"Let's just say that the combination of military defeat and economic depression is not a happy one," the Kaiser answered. "And now I must ring off. I hear the band of the Garde du Corps playing, which means it is time to review the troops. I think the tune is, 'And the World Turned Upside Down.'


Ignoring the blantant monarchism coming from both of them, they may just have a point....

This is beyond epic win. Mad mittens to the author.
Sovereign Episkopos-Princess Kaousuu; Esq., Battle Nun, Bene Gesserit.
Our Lady of Perpetual Confusion; 1st Church of Discordia

"Add a dab of lavender to milk, leave town with an orange, and pretend you're laughing at it."


One thing about Mitt dropping out that really pisses me off.

In his concession speech, basically said that a democrat in the white house means the terrorists have won, and will put the US in great danger of another attack.

I know it's a familiar GOP tactic, but it fucking infuriates me.


He really is an oily SOB.  Just looking at him makes me wanna punch him inna face.  He just has that smug look of "Hey, I'm better than everyone!"  Fuck, even his advisors like Mary Matlin act the same way.  She made that comment before he dropped out about his family being a shining example of "The Great American Family" which was clearly a swiped at Obama and more notably McCain who has an adopted daughter from Bangladesh.  Fucktards all of them. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.



I also wanna punch Howie Carr in the face for supporting him.  Yesterday a caller was calling him out on the fact that he called Kerry a flip-flopper yet he won't do the same for Romney even though there is a clear record of his flip-floppiness.  Either he thinks his audience is really stupid, or he is really stupid and can't comprehend logic. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on February 08, 2008, 02:21:00 PM
I also wanna punch Howie Carr in the face for supporting him.  Yesterday a caller was calling him out on the fact that he called Kerry a flip-flopper yet he won't do the same for Romney even though there is a clear record of his flip-floppiness.  Either he thinks his audience is really stupid, or he is really stupid and can't comprehend logic. 

Pundits do not use logic, they use rhetoric.
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on February 08, 2008, 02:21:00 PM
I also wanna punch Howie Carr in the face for supporting him.  Yesterday a caller was calling him out on the fact that he called Kerry a flip-flopper yet he won't do the same for Romney even though there is a clear record of his flip-floppiness.  Either he thinks his audience is really stupid, or he is really stupid and can't comprehend logic. 

Its different when Romney does it.  Quantifiably so, because Mitt Romney is trying to save America from the Brown Muslim/Liberal/Comme Horde and thus must use whatever duplicitous methods he can to try and bypass the craven Democrats.

Its kind of like all the Democrats who decried Bush's adventure in Iraq as illegal, yet fully supported Clinton's own duplicitous bombing campaign in 98, along with his illegal military aid to secessionists in Serbia.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Cain on February 08, 2008, 03:35:58 PM
Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on February 08, 2008, 02:21:00 PM
I also wanna punch Howie Carr in the face for supporting him.  Yesterday a caller was calling him out on the fact that he called Kerry a flip-flopper yet he won't do the same for Romney even though there is a clear record of his flip-floppiness.  Either he thinks his audience is really stupid, or he is really stupid and can't comprehend logic. 

Its different when Romney does it.  Quantifiably so, because Mitt Romney is trying to save America from the Brown Muslim/Liberal/Comme Horde and thus must use whatever duplicitous methods he can to try and bypass the craven Democrats.

Its kind of like all the Democrats who decried Bush's adventure in Iraq as illegal, yet fully supported Clinton's own duplicitous bombing campaign in 98, along with his illegal military aid to secessionists in Serbia.

Nooooo Teh Democrits R GUD!!!!

They Would Never engage in any duplicitous behavior... nor would they ever act in any way hypocritical...

- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson