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Indecision 08 Wingnut thread

Started by Cain, June 26, 2008, 05:22:20 PM

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I watched part of his speech on BBC america. It was cool, they had a creeper that updated itself as he spoke.

At one point it read:  "Obama: John McCain doesn't get it."

Damn, that guy can speak.  He's still the Smiler (courtesy of TGRR/Spider Jerusalem), but it's refreshing to have an actual orator on stage.


BBC Parliament is so fucking dead with the summer holidays happening, they've been showing the full speeches from the convention.  The Senator from PA seemed to go down well.  He seemed to get something of a chant going in the crowd with his speech, which was one of the more direct attacks on McCain, IIRC.

I haven't watched too much, to be honest, but I am looking forward to the Republican convention.  I'm going to take a shot every time someone mentions an actual policy position.  I expect to be stone cold sober all week.


You need a different game.

You should take a shot any time you want to say, "Citation Needed."

You'll be in Hospital by 9:00.


I'll be in hospital from before the convention.

"And up next, the Republican National Convention on BBC Parliament!"

O rly? According to who?  Do you know that for certain?  Are you physically there as they prepare the broadcast?  Do you have the necessary technical skills to know that the transmission feeds are working as they should?  Do you know if the RNC leadership has not infact ordered a bunch of 18 year old rent boys and coke and will not be able to make any speeches until tomorrow?  Huh, HUH!?!?!!?


no no no...9/11!  Or pulling out of Iraq = certain D00M!  (mostly for those poor, unfortunate Iraqis!)


I watched most of the speech on MSNBC.  I fell asleep so I missed a few minutes of it.  I didn't fall asleep because it was boring, I just haven't had much sleep lately.

Anyhoo, it was a good speech.  It's hard from my perspective.  I mean, I understand exactly why John McCain shouldn't be in office.  As good a speaker as he is, I don't need him to tell me why he is a better option.  I also know that the staunch anti-Obama folks aren't going to be swayed either.  (As is evident by the Conservotard posts I've seen on  I wonder how it will play to those who haven't made up their mind. 

I also wonder how it will affect them when John McCain announces Mitt Romney as his VP.

Based on what I've seen so far, I think if the Obama that gave that speech is the Obama that shows up to the debates with McCain, he will win.  It won't be a blowout, but it will be convincing enough.  If it's the wimp Obama we've seen since the end of the primaries.  McCain will eek out the win. 

Also, I'm looking forward to the smackdown between Biden and Romney. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Yeah, I don't see anything coming from the debates but possibly more of the same from Obama vis a vis "attacks" on McCain...that includes what little harshness he handed down last night.  He's too gentle by half.

I do like the fact the montage vid and the beginning of his message focused on his roots--people needed to hear that.  And see that he could've gone the way of many a frat boy but instead chose to work amongst the poor in Chicago. 

I thought the whole thing too long...but then I tend to think that about MOST political speeches.

RWHN, you hit the nail on the head re: Romney and Biden.  Biden's going to have a field day, and it'll be the first decent set of fireworks we've yet to see on the campaign trail.


I like Biden, he's nutty.  Anyone catch the brief speech he gave yesterday?  At the beginning and at the end of his speech he was giving "shout-outs" to Harry Reid, but only Harry Reid.  It was odd. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


:lol:  He's a total nut, but right now, I think the Dems need to show some nuttiness.


Quote from: Jenne on August 29, 2008, 02:19:43 PM
Yeah, I don't see anything coming from the debates but possibly more of the same from Obama vis a vis "attacks" on McCain...that includes what little harshness he handed down last night.  He's too gentle by half.

I dunno, I like his attack style.

"I'm not saying that McCain doesn't care about the country... He's just ignorant as to what's actually going on."

It sets McCain up as a well-intentioned idiot.  Better than if he tried to say that McCain actually wants to hurt the US.


Well, calling him the same as Bush should have the desired effect, but for some reason, it just DOESN'T. 

Though, I'm not sure if the detractors from Hillary's camp and McCain's more rabid, white-power followers would be bowled over if he got more vicious.  I just sometimes wonder:  where's the oomph?  Where's the "YEAH!  FUCK YEAH!" that presidential hopefuls can bring to the table...?  I listened to Bill Clinton and thought--now THERE'S a dude that would STILL get a handjob from America if he could.

Obama's speech was good--he used a strident voice often...but he needs to not make the same mistake as Gore and Kerry--softballing this election into oblivion.


With Biden on board?  Not a fucking chance.


I hope they don't figure on muzzling him.


I hope not.  Cheney had it way to easy in his debates going against fuckin Lieberman and Edwards.  I wanna see someone get chewed up and spat out. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Many have proposed that is exactly WHY they picked Biden...though Huckabee called him "the vanilla choice, the easy choice" on the Colbert Report...I think he just has sour grapes.