
I liked how they introduced her, like "her mother died in an insane asylum thinking she was Queen Victoria" and my thought was, I like where I think this is going. I was not disappointed.

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The Great Unfolding

Started by AFK, January 13, 2009, 02:14:23 PM

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Only time will tell...

If you believe what you see on TV, then you are expecting a great New Dawn to occur around noon EST next Tuesday.  Of course, I imagine most of us HERE know better than that. 

The Republicans ridiculed the Hope and Change message from soon-to-be President Barack Obama.  It was endlessly lampooned and satirized.  But they attacked it from the COMPLETELY WRONG angle.  They framed it as an empty message.  A skeleton of an outline and a no-logic model.  Anyone who was paying attention clearly understands that Obama DID have a plan behind his message of "Hope and Change".  His campaign website had pages, and pages of plans and initiatives.  So the Republicans totally screwed the pooch and really should've looked at it from a more pragmatic perspective.

That perspective being, "Do you really think you can do all this shit?"  Oh sure, a couple of the Conservatives tried it, but after George F. Will and the other Republican egg-heads dissed Palin, the rest of the movement ignored anything they said.  And this is the question Obama and the rest of us have to wake up to every morning.  I'm not naive enough to think that he is naive enough to think he can actually do EVERYTHING he promised on the campaign trail, much less what was on his campaign website.  Obviously, there isn't a politician that has ever lived that has carried out all of their promises.  Okay, well maybe Hitler and Milosevic did, but I digress...

Now, we know how a large chunk of our compatriots operate.  We especially understand how they react to messages that come from the television and other "news" media outlets.  And as technology has advanced, every other Joe on the block has a "news" blog.  Yes, even THAT Joe.  I'm sure we all have also witnessed how the pending Obama Presidency has been sold by many of the "news" media outlets.  I think there is an expectation among many akin to that scene in The Two Towers, when it looked like Saruman's hordes were about to totally obliterate the Rohirim at Helm's Deep.  But lo, the sun breaks and there is Gandalf with some huge army he's conjured up from the wastes.  Switch Gandalf with Obama and the army with economists and you have the expectations for what will happen on January 20th. 

And it's hard not to empathize with that sentiment.  Desperation will cause a person to latch on to any glimmer of hope that may present itself.  It is human nature.  And it can seem cruel to temper that enthusiasm.  But one also doesn't want to succumb to reverse paranoia, the idea that someone out there is going to save you from your economic ruin.  Or, that if it does happen, it's going to happen next week, when in reality, we're probably looking at the next decade. 

Indeed, only time will tell how successful President Obama is able to channel that Hope and process it into Change in the people's pockets and Change in the people's prospects.  The past has demonstrated that these troubled times do come to an end.  The question on the table is if it will happen WITH Obama's interventions, or in spite of. 

Or at least, that's how I see it.
-Reverend What's-His-Name?
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


I'm with ya. 

Obama's greatest success may end up being that he pissed everyone off, but only a little bit.


Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Requia ☣

I'm hoping he pisses everyone off a lot.
Inflatable dolls are not recognized flotation devices.


I'm sure you all saw where the other night he was invited to dinner at George F Will's house.  Also in attendence, William Kristol, Gigot, Krauthammer, Peggy Noonan, and a couple other egg-head Conservative columnust's I can't be arsed to remember right now.  And, on Monday, before his inauguration, he will host an event honoring John McCain. 

He seems to be making it pretty clear his intention is to talk to and listen to everyone, yet, answer to no one individual group. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Bebek Sincap Ratatosk

Quote from: Rev. What's-His-Name? on January 15, 2009, 03:11:41 PM
I'm sure you all saw where the other night he was invited to dinner at George F Will's house.  Also in attendence, William Kristol, Gigot, Krauthammer, Peggy Noonan, and a couple other egg-head Conservative columnust's I can't be arsed to remember right now.  And, on Monday, before his inauguration, he will host an event honoring John McCain. 

He seems to be making it pretty clear his intention is to talk to and listen to everyone, yet, answer to no one individual group. 

If this is true... and if it catches on... we may not be totally fucked.

Well, at least it might mean some lube....
- I don't see race. I just see cars going around in a circle.

"Back in my day, crazy meant something. Now everyone is crazy" - Charlie Manson


Well, I think it's easy to point out Obama's handicaps coming in--for chrissakes, he's being handed 2 unfinished and badly managed wars, a historic shit economy, and all the falderal that comes along with those.  Let alone the fact he's a controversial person just by virtue of his very existence to many in the country.

So, setting the bar high, to me, is actually a good thing for us.  Lowered expectations means that's exactly what people will rise to.  There will always be campaign promises no one can fulfill.  But if he TRIES, that will at least be on record.  After all, he also has many things going for him, the first and foremost being he is following one of the if not the worst presidents in US history.

I think the Obama KoolAid drinkers have already been shocked back down to Earth in the last 2 months, or at least most have, so it'll be interesting, to say the least, to see how everything pans out for him popularity-wise in the next 6 mos.  It's inevitable that someone like him, so notable, so historically significant, would disappoint SOMEone.  But I don't think he'll disappoint EVERYone (like Bush nearly has).  That is one feat that may be virtually impossible for him.