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Renovating Your BIP

Started by Rumckle, April 20, 2009, 09:21:31 AM

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Okay, so this was written over about six months as I lost it, found it, forgot about it, and found it again, so it might not be that cohesive.

Hi, and welcome another instalment or Rumckle's Renovation Report, this week I'll be showing you how to turn your Black Iron Prison, from this:

A rather empty and boring BIP.

Into this:

A character filled BIP with a certain level of depth, which would impress many people. It's simple really all you need is a bit of determination.

Firstly, you may notice the book shelf. Literature is a very important aspect of modifying your BIP, it not only adds character (or at least the appearance of character), but it can also be a great tool in further modification of your BIP. A book may contain further ideas of what you can add to your BIP, or it may just be useful to compensate for your table's uneven legs. What kind of literature you have in your BIP is up to you, and really you should try and make the contents of your book shelf yours. However don't be dismayed if what you end up with is small sections of other people's bookshelves thrown together as your own, this is normal. Hell, you don't even have to read what you have on your bookshelf, if you know the blurb a lot of people won't even look twice.

Posters and art are a great addition to your BIP, they serve three main purposes. Firstly they serve as an instant reminder to you of things you find important. Sometimes you may feel like you need reminding of something, sure you could go read a through "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" again, but really, in this hectic world, who has the time? Posters or art works can serve as simple thought shot straight into your veins, for that quick hit. Secondly, it quickly shows your interests to people you may meet. Finally, you can use them to cover up the escape attempts you've made. Either because you are insecure about your failed attempts or you just don't want anyone noticing you are trying to break out.

A desk is pretty much essential, somewhere to plan your acts of mindfuckery, write down your new memebombs, and, of course, somewhere to place your computer, so you can visit They say a tidy desk, is a tidy mind, I say an empty desk is an empty mind. Make sure your desk is covered in everything you need. You want all your half done projects right there, staring you in the face. It is good, not only to remind you to complete said projects, but also to keep your aim staring you in the face, so you don't forget your goals and what you're trying to achieve.

I hope this guide has given you some idea for your own BIP, so if you aren't ready to break out, you can still make your BIP a slightly nicer place to live.

Join us next week, when I look at people who have already knocked a wall out of their Black Iron Prison, and show them how to add a nice new patio.
It's not trolling, it's just satire.