
What about those weed gangsters that are mad about you giving speeches in Bumfuck, Maine?

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an open letter

Started by Horab Fibslager, June 02, 2004, 03:23:50 AM

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Horab Fibslager

a sheep in wolf's clothing


so i come back after an absence, and see muuch disturbtion of shit on these here forums. not necessarily a bad thing i reckon, as having your disturbed can be a good experience for anyone except thos ewith heart trouble or sever risk of stroke, aneruism or any number of other conditions. but in any case, from my half assed and utterely prejudicial, nto to mention obnoxiously biased point of view; there seem to be mroe or less two sides to the whole thing. on the one hand we have mr jones, adn on the other we have the rest of the board. mr. jones seems to be on a judgement trip, and authority trip if you will. i spose that his trip and he's entitled to it, tho he often burns himself with his own arguments.

i coudl quote him, but i'm far too lazy and time does nto permit me to, so i won't. sintead i will leave you with the spectre of reality to find your proofs, so long as we may ignore what defines a proof, and what, if anything, we are trying to prove. indeed, i lost myself trying to hink up a flashy name for this thread. irregardless. words have been exchanged, mr jones in one example said peopel have been leaving this board, and yet i see many of the same faces that were here before, and new ones to boot. indeed, peopel have come and left the board several times over since i myself joined, and while i myself may be at least partially, if not wholly responsible for soem of these leavings, i am sure the people who came and left or were here before and left, or who haven't left but came or haven't come yet or maybe haven't left yet do so at their own discretion, and it might just as much to do with the meaningless 3 word story thread as the always ignorable tao and evt smooching threads.


to the more theological sound points - i heard soemthign abotu hypocrites, and christians, which of course is no surprise, i think we can all agree that the bible is obviously hypocritical, i mean what kind of wrathfull god suddenly sends his only begotten son to the earth to be chained to tree stuck with some metal in order to forgive creation. i mean he 's god foir fuck's sake!(or was- but that beside the point). obviously doesn't make any sense at all, but i dare anyoen to tell me that they themselves are nto a hypocrit. anyone here an anarchist but work a full time job? who here call s themself a vegetarian but uses toothpaste lipstick or one of a million household products (including gasoline) that use animal parts? and what coudl be more hypocritical than a get together for a religion that clearly states "ye shall sticketh apart".

a wise ass once told me, "stop think with your penis and start thinking with your stomach, asshole" of course we were on the way to dinner and i had the rather bad manners to keep ogling hot chicks on the way.

tell me what i smroe absurd than the idea that someone else's heresy should be another man's dogma? that just becauxe it has homosexual leanings makes it sacred, or that anythign that isn't obviously somehow discordant in a positive manner, is suddnely too blasphemous, childish, and silly for a faith that embraces blasphemy, the laughter of children, and silliness?

the kali yuga is a game played not with wooden pieces for pawns, but with men, women and children for pieces, with guns and bullets and explosives things for manouvres, with pr and backroom deals for huzzah's. if once fails to see the absurdity in these and in all aspects of life, the silliness, the discord, the order, the chaos, the organization, the disorganization, the this, the that, the everything, than one does not get the joke.

of course i don't get the joke either, tho out of social soemthing or other i'm going to smile and laugh hysterically, because i'm drunk on ther ether of life, the universe and eris's contuning swift kicks to my solar plexis.

good day and good night, good sirs and madams, for i must return to my menial existence in teh wilds of the great hurtin lands of western canada. to my $7.25/hour jobs slanging dead cows to the extremely obese, sitting on the couch smoking drugs to pass the time while watchign star treek to see who will get told next. because really folks, it's not the message that matters, it's no the results, it's not even the fuckin future, it's the hours in between that count.

i forgot the rest, but i will leave you all with this

"give war a chance"
Hell is other people.

Colonel Failure

/activate simulator
/load dir: famouspeopletemplates
/load 'Keanu Reeves'


/end simulation
All I knew, all I believed
Are crumbling images
No longer comforting me.
Scramble to reach higher ground,
Order and sanity,
Something to comfort me.

I take what is mine, and hold what is mine,
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine.
I must leave it behind,
And climb to a new place now.

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

   Tool, Flood

Do you believe
In the lies, the lies, the lies that shape your world?
Do you believe
In your own, your own, fictitious immortality?

The world won't end while you walk the earth
And when you realize that your life don't matter
You'll turn to something to help you forget
That you're only young once, old forever

And we become what we hate
(Don't think of us)

    -Screeching Weasel, What We Hate[/size][/color]



I hereby officially promote horab to the honorable rank of the Jello Mold.


Awesome, Totally Awesome!
"There comes a time when every man feels the urge to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats." -- H.L. Mencken



Horab has an amazing knack for this sort of commentary.
That's why he's been one of my personal heroes ever since he showed up
on the forums and started a ruckus at least as loud as this one.

You outdid even yourself on this one, horab.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here

Iron Sulfide

Quote from: horab
tell me what i smroe absurd than the idea that someone else's heresy should be another man's dogma? that just becauxe it has homosexual leanings makes it sacred, or that anythign that isn't obviously somehow discordant in a positive manner, is suddnely too blasphemous, childish, and silly for a faith that embraces blasphemy, the laughter of children, and silliness?

preach it brotha!

for some reason, i too have seen some discordians out there that
for some reason think that there's a line drawn in the sand that appoints
what is 'decent' and what is 'indecent' as it comes to the things that are
relevant to our faith-ish type thing. (which is everything, particularly

they take it that some things are taboo, and therefore not funny anymore.
how? who? what? when? where? WHY?!?

i never understood that mentality, but then i guess it's not my mentality to understand.

the point (or lack thereof) is that how can we even begin to concieve of
lines drawn in the sand that restrict chaos and order, prevent them from
inter-mingling; how can we see a difference between getting the joke,
and being the butt of the joke; how can we ever truely know the difference
between confusion and cogent thought?

how can i stop writing analogies (hehe, i said 'anal-ogies'...that's almost
like anal'orgies....hehehe...eww)?

well, the only way to answer that is this:

i don't know.

but, to swill away that sweet flavour in your mouths, i leave you with this
Robbinsian Zen Koan:

"If you was to eat dog shit and then shit it out again, would you have
dog shit, or human shit?"

to whuich saint larry replied, "I suppose it would depend on the sauce,
Ya' stupid Yank.

Colonel Failure

Quote from: Saint*Bastardhow can i stop writing analogies (hehe, i said 'anal-ogies'...that's almost
like anal'orgies....hehehe...eww)?

And now for something completely different:

My friend once had a plate (totally random, issued to him by the state) that read SHE 8ME. This one, however, takes the cake...
All I knew, all I believed
Are crumbling images
No longer comforting me.
Scramble to reach higher ground,
Order and sanity,
Something to comfort me.

I take what is mine, and hold what is mine,
Suffocate what is mine, and bury what's mine.
Soon the water will come
And claim what is mine.
I must leave it behind,
And climb to a new place now.

This ground is not the rock I thought it to be.

   Tool, Flood

Do you believe
In the lies, the lies, the lies that shape your world?
Do you believe
In your own, your own, fictitious immortality?

The world won't end while you walk the earth
And when you realize that your life don't matter
You'll turn to something to help you forget
That you're only young once, old forever

And we become what we hate
(Don't think of us)

    -Screeching Weasel, What We Hate[/size][/color]


Horab = God

Go Maddy go!