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a: politics adn deitiy pay

Started by Horab Fibslager, July 01, 2004, 12:33:12 AM

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Horab Fibslager

so after votign on moday for the conservative party of canada, on the basis that the protential for lack of corruption outweighs any ideological rehtoric pondered by the fomrer regime( is ay former because as it will soon be revleaed anyway, they became a minority gov't, and less able to be a de-facto dictatorship). of course when i got the ballot, iwas tempted to let ideology out weigh my sense of political morality, and vote communist. despite the rather obvious fact that my vote wouldn't have mattered either way(i'm deep in conservative country, since all otehr political parties have no less than ignored this province, and no more than promised to take teh excess tax revenues from teh least taxed, province in teh country to the the highest taxed, poorest provinces in teh countries), i still voted for the local conservative candiate, deepak obrai. yes my freinds, deepak is in teh house and enjoying his salary, which makes me feel dirty. well voting makes me feel dirty. see i'm a fascist,and us fascist don't believe in voting. we believe political discoruse is best argued with fire arms and secret police, not electiosn made to look somehow fair to the casual observer who has had less than 2 weeks of political education in his or her life(ie the average canadian). which all leads to the entire point of this article. i've decided to take a step up since el fantab lo! has been going under the name of logan runjack for soemtime now(between 5 and 23 people may find this ironic somehow, but it's dountful any one of that numebr will ever read this). since he has obviously abandoned hsi namesake and the whole of creation for long legs and cheap beer, i will steal the names ake and the whole of creation both, elevating myself in one fell swoop to proprietor of the whoel of creation. now i'm not a jealous god by any means, but if you may feel free to bow and scrape if it pleases you to do so. if want to grovel at me for a longer life span, world peace, or whatever else, then don't bother. i like the world the way it is, and the mrotality of mortals makes me feel like a big god, not the demi godhood of my former position. now before i take office there are now postions open for attourney to the propriter, management, secratary to the propritor and back rubber to the proprietor. also in announcement, or more and affirmant of a previous memo, i am infallable, and belief to the contrary will result in immidiate smitage. more postions may become available later. thank you.

Hell is other people.