
Testimonial: "I cannot see a slither of a viable defense for this godawful circlejerk board."

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It could be worse, right?

Started by Payne, December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM

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You think that's gravity, do you? No son, that's the world sucking so hard that you're stuck to it like that bit of paper that clogs up the pointy end of your vacuum cleaner. This world is just so much busting your back cleaning a filthy manky house, top to bottom, just to find some fat ass parked in front of the television watching "How Clean Is Your House?" or "Grimefighters". They turn to you and say "See? It could be worse, right!" and you know as soon as your back is turned you're going to have to clean the god damn place again.

And then again. Forever.

Except it won't be forever. It'll just feel like it. No son, it's more like 80 years, give or take a few. In that time you'll be born, grow up, grow up some more, grow up some more (it takes a while, you just never notice how long it REALLY takes), do some menial factory schooling where you learn what it takes to "get by" in this world from school yard bullies to classroom bullies to bullies who you MUST tack a Mr. or Mrs. to the front of their name, then you go out and get yourself some menial factory job (possibly in a menial factory, but just as possible are Graphic Designer, Insurance Salesman or Postal Delivery Operative. All this and MORE could be yours for just 200 hours a month!) and then you stop working. And then you die. I mean, it could be worse, right? This is the plan people! Stick to the god damn plan!

Ah yes, the plan.

Now some would have you believe you are an oppressed minority. Some would have you believe you are the silent majority. They'd sell you your own dreams back to you to make a buck and make a name for themselves and all that Hollywood crap. I know you know the type. I know you have never been suckered by them. NEVER. You're too smart for that shit, right? Okay, so sometimes you have to fall back onto ideology, but everyone does that so it can't be all that bad. And sometimes you HAVE to decide between two evils, but hey that's just how the world is! So we're left here with imperfect people running imperfect Governments presiding over imperfect nations and spreading their shit around so that everyone who doesn't matter can take a bite, but it could be worse, am I right? LEMME HEAR AN 'ALLELUIA!

Praise the motherfucking Lord, asshole. Praise him, or sooooo help you God.

Now, I have no beef with God. He ain't never done nothing to me, and as long as it stays that way, we're solid. I DO have a problem with his lunatics though. Fuckers all up in my face leaving mental graffiti with their spiritual spray paint. You know, the kind of assbag who has no problem telling a newly bereaved mother that her child is going to hell. But hey, they have their free speech too! Too fucking right they do, but so do you Son and I ain't never seen you tear a strip out of this self righteous prick. So they've never actually tried to come and intimidate, cajole, harass and brainwash you and yours. They've never tried to bring hell upon you to show you the error of your ways. No sir, that's always one country, one state, one county, one town, one street over. If it's happening to other people, it could be worse, right? I mean the fuckers, if they had their way, wouldn't even let you know about gravity. They'd have you believe a tiny angel was holding you down or some shit. They'd never let you believe it was the world sucking so hard.

And so I leave you with some thoughts:

Play as hard as you can, work as little as possible to make it happen.

People in positions of power, believe in their power. You don't always have to.

Idealism before Ideology. If you think the world can be a better place DO something about it. Don't consult the fucking manual.

When you have a choice between 50 flavours of shit sandwich, that's not freedom. That's 50 flavours of shit, and everyone will demand you take a bite. Pack your own sandwiches.

You will never be able to defy gravity (that's how much the world sucks). You can however defy your own expectations, but only if you're willing to face up to the illusions they really are.

Reginald Ret

I like it.
Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM
Play as hard as you can, work as little as possible to make it happen.

People in positions of power, believe in their power. You don't always have to.

You will never be able to defy gravity (that's how much the world sucks). You can however defy your own expectations, but only if you're willing to face up to the illusions they really are.
Especially these bits.

I am currently trying to put point one into use.
The second one i am always aware of.
The third is ... damn. can't find the words. just wow.
Lord Byron: "Those who will not reason, are bigots, those who cannot, are fools, and those who dare not, are slaves."

Nigel saying the wisest words ever uttered: "It's just a suffix."

"The worst forum ever" "The most mediocre forum on the internet" "The dumbest forum on the internet" "The most retarded forum on the internet" "The lamest forum on the internet" "The coolest forum on the internet"

Pope Pixie Pickle

Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM

Idealism before Ideology. If you think the world can be a better place DO something about it. Don't consult the fucking manual.



Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM
You think that's gravity, do you? No son, that's the world sucking so hard that you're stuck to it like that bit of paper that clogs up the pointy end of your vacuum cleaner. This world is just so much busting your back cleaning a filthy manky house, top to bottom, just to find some fat ass parked in front of the television watching "How Clean Is Your House?" or "Grimefighters". They turn to you and say "See? It could be worse, right!" and you know as soon as your back is turned you're going to have to clean the god damn place again.

And then again. Forever.

Except it won't be forever. It'll just feel like it. No son, it's more like 80 years, give or take a few. In that time you'll be born, grow up, grow up some more, grow up some more (it takes a while, you just never notice how long it REALLY takes), do some menial factory schooling where you learn what it takes to "get by" in this world from school yard bullies to classroom bullies to bullies who you MUST tack a Mr. or Mrs. to the front of their name, then you go out and get yourself some menial factory job (possibly in a menial factory, but just as possible are Graphic Designer, Insurance Salesman or Postal Delivery Operative. All this and MORE could be yours for just 200 hours a month!) and then you stop working. And then you die. I mean, it could be worse, right? This is the plan people! Stick to the god damn plan!

Ah yes, the plan.

Now some would have you believe you are an oppressed minority. Some would have you believe you are the silent majority. They'd sell you your own dreams back to you to make a buck and make a name for themselves and all that Hollywood crap. I know you know the type. I know you have never been suckered by them. NEVER. You're too smart for that shit, right? Okay, so sometimes you have to fall back onto ideology, but everyone does that so it can't be all that bad. And sometimes you HAVE to decide between two evils, but hey that's just how the world is! So we're left here with imperfect people running imperfect Governments presiding over imperfect nations and spreading their shit around so that everyone who doesn't matter can take a bite, but it could be worse, am I right? LEMME HEAR AN 'ALLELUIA!

Praise the motherfucking Lord, asshole. Praise him, or sooooo help you God.

Now, I have no beef with God. He ain't never done nothing to me, and as long as it stays that way, we're solid. I DO have a problem with his lunatics though. Fuckers all up in my face leaving mental graffiti with their spiritual spray paint. You know, the kind of assbag who has no problem telling a newly bereaved mother that her child is going to hell. But hey, they have their free speech too! Too fucking right they do, but so do you Son and I ain't never seen you tear a strip out of this self righteous prick. So they've never actually tried to come and intimidate, cajole, harass and brainwash you and yours. They've never tried to bring hell upon you to show you the error of your ways. No sir, that's always one country, one state, one county, one town, one street over. If it's happening to other people, it could be worse, right? I mean the fuckers, if they had their way, wouldn't even let you know about gravity. They'd have you believe a tiny angel was holding you down or some shit. They'd never let you believe it was the world sucking so hard.

And so I leave you with some thoughts:

Play as hard as you can, work as little as possible to make it happen.

People in positions of power, believe in their power. You don't always have to.

Idealism before Ideology. If you think the world can be a better place DO something about it. Don't consult the fucking manual.

When you have a choice between 50 flavours of shit sandwich, that's not freedom. That's 50 flavours of shit, and everyone will demand you take a bite. Pack your own sandwiches.

You will never be able to defy gravity (that's how much the world sucks). You can however defy your own expectations, but only if you're willing to face up to the illusions they really are.

See, This is why I like to come here.

Thank you Payne.

*mumbles, now if it were easier done than written*
I wish I was in Tijuana
Eating barbequed iguana-


Quote from: Regret on December 25, 2009, 01:36:10 AM
I like it.
Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM
Play as hard as you can, work as little as possible to make it happen.

People in positions of power, believe in their power. You don't always have to.

You will never be able to defy gravity (that's how much the world sucks). You can however defy your own expectations, but only if you're willing to face up to the illusions they really are.
Especially these bits.

I am currently trying to put point one into use.
The second one i am always aware of.
The third is ... damn. can't find the words. just wow.

Glad you liked. Point one is Slack. Ask Roger (or seemingly LMNO, given recent career developments) about Slack.

The second one is forgotten all to often. Be sure that you haven't just forgotten you forgot it.

The third is the BIP, in like, one sentence or something.


Quote from: Pixie O'Fubar on December 25, 2009, 01:37:13 AM
Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM

Idealism before Ideology. If you think the world can be a better place DO something about it. Don't consult the fucking manual.


It would be awesome if everyone was an idealist activist. The world would be FUN CRAZY. But no, we get stuck with ideology and rules and regulations and the resultant purges and dogmatic preachers boring the shit out of us on teeeeeveeeeeeee.


Nothing like a little truth on Christmas eve. :mittens:


Quote from: maphdet on December 25, 2009, 01:37:31 AM
See, This is why I like to come here.

Thank you Payne.

*mumbles, now if it were easier done than written*

Well, this was pretty easily written. It took me about 20 minutes, virtually stream of consciousness, then a couple minutes to spell check and add in a couple italicised words. I mean, it doesn't get much easier than that.

But actually doing what is described? That IS one of the easier things. It's as hard as you let it be, at least.

Anyway, thank you for the praise :D

Pope Pixie Pickle

Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:42:56 AM
Quote from: Pixie O'Fubar on December 25, 2009, 01:37:13 AM
Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM

Idealism before Ideology. If you think the world can be a better place DO something about it. Don't consult the fucking manual.


It would be awesome if everyone was an idealist activist. The world would be FUN CRAZY. But no, we get stuck with ideology and rules and regulations and the resultant purges and dogmatic preachers boring the shit out of us on teeeeeveeeeeeee.



Quote from: Burns on December 25, 2009, 01:44:34 AM
Nothing like a little truth on Christmas eve. :mittens:

It's actually well into Christmas Day here, which is why I wrote this now.


The Johnny

Quote from: Payne on December 25, 2009, 01:21:16 AM
You think that's gravity, do you? No son, that's the world sucking so hard that you're stuck to it like that bit of paper that clogs up the pointy end of your vacuum cleaner.

Thats awesome  :lol:
<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner


HOUSE OF GABCab ~ "caecus plumbum caecus"



Cainad (dec.)

Bah, I missed this when it was first posted! I'll enjoy the late Christmas gift anyway. :mittens: Have some late Christmas mittens.

President Television

:mittens: These will keep you warm for the winter.
My shit list: Stephen Harper, anarchists that complain about taxes instead of institutionalized torture, those people walking, anyone who lets a single aspect of themselves define their entire personality, salesmen that don't smoke pipes, Fredericton New Brunswick, bigots, philosophy majors, my nemesis, pirates that don't do anything, criminals without class, sociopaths, narcissists, furries, juggalos, foes.