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SERMON #14 A Heart Full of Hate

Started by The Good Reverend Roger, April 14, 2003, 03:18:33 AM

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The Good Reverend Roger

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

Lord Trout

Ick. They Greyfaces you speak of sound like ME!... Hitting a little too close to home, Roger.
Well, shit.



Roger I'm gonna put a rush on the Concordat of the Tyranny of Nowhere (C.O.T.T.O.N.) just for you :D

Oh and...

Just How loud do you want to dream?
Just how Great are willing to be?
Just how much are you ready to give
To set yourself free?

~Hellion Trollax~

PrincessEris von Tartarus

Just my words Roger ;) But I have a little more to say about grayface-slaves.

Sisters and of course Brothers, listen to my words:  

There are not only the male slaves of orderliness and obedience. striving for comfort and a world easy enough for them to understand. Go on and think a little furter. What about the female slaves to grayface. They come in many shapes and colours. Biting and snapping at other females. Especially the free woman is a favoured target of the grayfacette(slave).
Those female *creatures*, yes i use this word conciously, would rather destroy themselves and other women with them thatn try to think one step further and stop thinking about low-esteem goals like the next date or new clothes. They are a shame to womanhood. Willing to let themselves be exploited for thier looks that will not last long anyway, willing to get themselves humiliated for a little pitty attention. i call this selling off your freedom and power for nothing but peanuts and a f***. A f*** that is not even FUN!

This kind of slaverette for masculine Grayfaceism is what is slowing equality of men and woman down. Its not only men. I will even go so far and say, that the problems a woman has can be followed back to a dreadful mechanism:  If there are enough women who do not wish more than please and pose and be decorative, the recepients will gladly take. Thats normal.
And of course this slavery has a lot to do with conditioning. Starts off with barbie dolls and britney spears videos. No, i am not your hateful feminist that frowns whenever she sees naked female flesh. There is a difference between slavish sex appeal and a strong, fierce and chaotic woman who *dares* to *confront* her environment with her sexuality and appeal. Only the strong and free can cope with this kind. Our Lady has and represents this kind of Power. No wonder she was snubbed. This kind of aura and personality is not so popular in a patriarch world. especially with the women conditioned to serve the patriarch rules.

Sisters! having tits is not the same as showing tits. (but  both can come in one box) Why not change the thought round a bit. Twist it. A good portion of tits and an ass full of attitude laced with unpredictableness brings more fun to you. Not to speak of the unmasking effect to be seen in the reaction of your surroundings. Those kind of tits are as essential to us as "balls" are to our brothers.
I am not talking about constant overt and direct sexappeal that is quite good at the right time and in the right place. I mean assertiveness and knowing what *you* want. Especially getting it no matter what the *others* may think of you.
Life is bloodywell for living and not serving. When you or your sister is snubbed like our lady take it with pride! The snubbers(ettes!!) prove thier weakness when acting like this. (I call this demasking the weak and willing slaves. Do not look behind.) Go on and especially stay your bloody self! Changing and obeying rules is the first step to slavery.

Think of hate. Just like brother Rev. Roger is talking about. This kind of hate is vital for any thinking human being on this earth. Without this you cannot differ between your free will and the will to serve. This hate keeps us well apart from falling down into the pit of pity and greyfaceism.

Rant and rage and make your own morals! Not the fake ones that were designed to keep the human mind and spirit full of servitude.

*over and out*

@Trollax: I dream as loud as i want to, think greatly and sell my soul to myself so i give all for being free. ;) This is what every sensible person should do actually  :twisted:
Atomic Assassin - Die Attentäterin - DIA/DND
International Mush Mullah with Tao Jones

Ich liebe dich mein wunderbarer Kohlkopfkiller! Du hast mein
Herz erwärmt und lässt meine Gedanken erblühen und meine Muschi glühen.... *g*

The Good Reverend Roger

Atomic Bombshell:

When I used the term "Man", I used in as a gender-neutral descriptor for the species in general.

The behavior you described is included, but you defined it quite nicely.

My hat is off.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: SheckyIck. They Greyfaces you speak of sound like ME!... Hitting a little too close to home, Roger.

Working for the man does not = slavery.

BELIEVING their lies, and wishing for a strongman to hide behind DOES.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

PrincessEris von Tartarus

Roger I did presume that you ment both genders. but for me it was important to add the *specific* aspects regarding female slavery of greyface ;)
As a girl that walks thought the world with open eyes such specific gender problems just jump into my face ;)
And to make the case worse, I had do discover that two women I know are indeed just that kind of slave-woman. some are capable for disguising themselves as harmless cabbage-pals before you notice what lies beneath  :twisted:

but I must say, that your sermon expresses just what I think every bloody day *applause*
Atomic Assassin - Die Attentäterin - DIA/DND
International Mush Mullah with Tao Jones

Ich liebe dich mein wunderbarer Kohlkopfkiller! Du hast mein
Herz erwärmt und lässt meine Gedanken erblühen und meine Muschi glühen.... *g*

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: Eris von Tartarusbut I must say, that your sermon expresses just what I think every bloody day *applause*


I just wanted to rant at the faithful, lest they fall into the heresy of "feeling bad for" the grayfaces.

They are the enemy, not just deluded fools.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


In my experience, this kind of hate is nothing but destructive.  Instead of smiting and smashing, should we not try and open their eyes?  No-one is beyond redemption, and falling into the trap of seeing the enemy in those who are merely different is one of the sure signs of a greyface.

Voluntary slaves or not, it is our duty to HELP them, instead of destroying them.  To do any less is to become them, as we become slaves to our own hatred.

I thought there was no enemy anywhere.


Quote from: Eris von Tartarus
What about the female slaves to grayface. They come in many shapes and colours. Biting and snapping at other females. Especially the free woman is a favoured target of the grayfacette(slave).
Those female *creatures*, yes i use this word conciously, would rather destroy themselves and other women with them thatn try to think one step further and stop thinking about low-esteem goals like the next date or new clothes. They are a shame to womanhood. Willing to let themselves be exploited for thier looks that will not last long anyway, willing to get themselves humiliated for a little pitty attention. i call this selling off your freedom and power for nothing but peanuts and a f***. A f*** that is not even FUN!

@Trollax: I dream as loud as i want to, think greatly and sell my soul to myself so i give all for being free. ;) This is what every sensible person should do actually  :twisted:

EVT: I've never had any doubts about you and your potentiality. :D
The words themselves are a poem.

As for female grayfaces?ñ I couldn't agree more if you shot me full of truth serum and electrocuted my pleasure centers.

I've been thinking of a discourse for a while now on screwed up gender roles, the way we initially convinced women that femininity was domestic slavery, then convinced everyone that we were wrong (which we were) and that women were somehow better and that masculinity was flawed (not so true). Now we come to the point where women are told that men are bad and worng no matter who they are, and that a woman is somehow sacred and special.
Yet the feminine role is still misplaced. Men and women have the exact same parenting instincts (barring the obvious ones which are exclusive) and function just as well in each category. Men and women show similiar physiological responses to the same canon of situations: when under stress, in a survival situation, even during sexual intercouse!

The bulk of the perceived differences between the sexes are learned behaviours, and it starts young people. Girls and boys as infants are encouraged to play and interact in vastly different ways, girls are encouraged to be passive, boys are encouraged to be active, then the way toys and such are marketed at us then the way lifestyles are marketed at us into adulthood. I remember reading that Lara croft was popular with girls age 9-15 because she was confident, no-nonsense, and kicked ass (somebody stop me!) SHE IS THE ANTI-BARBIE!!!! Not just that but she's definitely a woman too.

OK, poor example (in some respects) but how often do we see it? A doll similar to action man aimed at the girl market? Or how about Action Man doing what most males will be doing once they reach about 30? Hanging round the same old jaunts with his mates, talking about sports and business, and feeling quite miserable but not saying anything.

We've all been made to be dysfunctional, we teach women to feel that physical confidence is somehow unfeminine and men to think that emotional openness makes you gay.

It's sick really.

~Psycoanalytical Trollax~

PrincessEris von Tartarus

Quote from: St. TrollaxEVT: I've never had any doubts about you and your potentiality. :D
The words themselves are a poem.

*flabbergasted* oh, thank you! now *that* just flattered me deluxe ;)
But to give the compliment back, i really did enjoy reading what you had to say about this topic. as if you had scooped the inside of my head. exactly. ;)

As for female grayfaces?ñ I couldn't agree more if you shot me full of truth serum and electrocuted my pleasure centers.

I only do that to the people who ask me politely to do so ;) For thier pleasure of course *bfg*

QuoteThe bulk of the perceived differences between the sexes are learned behaviours, and it starts young people. Girls and boys as infants are encouraged to play and interact in vastly different ways, girls are encouraged to be passive, boys are encouraged to be active, then the way toys and such are marketed at us then the way lifestyles are marketed at us into adulthood. I remember reading that Lara croft was popular with girls age 9-15 because she was confident, no-nonsense, and kicked ass (somebody stop me!) SHE IS THE ANTI-BARBIE!!!! Not just that but she's definitely a woman too.

Just made me sad, that the (sex-)industry *had to* pervert the good idea of Lara Croft into a stupid bimbo-image. (nude raider) This proves how people (grayfacemen and thier slaverettes) want to see a sexy woman: big eyed, dumb expression on her face and full of the wish to merely please and not to be pleased. if i were lara croft, i¥d get out my guns pronto and become severely trigger happy.

OK, poor example (in some respects) but how often do we see it? A doll similar to action man aimed at the girl market? Or how about Action Man doing what most males will be doing once they reach about 30? Hanging round the same old jaunts with his mates, talking about sports and business, and feeling quite miserable but not saying anything.

Thankfully I had enough decent female role models as a child. (Pippi Longstocking and other characters by Astrid Lindgren, swedish author of excellent childrens books) Not to forget my parents who told me as soon as i could understand the difference between a boy and a girl, that being a girl does not make me inferior or passive. no matter what others may say.  My sister and I did not play with barbie a lot. but we did enjoy turning her into a punk or chopping her legs off.  :twisted:

Action man as a big butted looser next to homer simpson in moes bar. i get the pictrue. *har har*

I am still waiting for a Jane Bond (not bond girl!).... (Well Alias is a start)
Atomic Assassin - Die Attentäterin - DIA/DND
International Mush Mullah with Tao Jones

Ich liebe dich mein wunderbarer Kohlkopfkiller! Du hast mein
Herz erwärmt und lässt meine Gedanken erblühen und meine Muschi glühen.... *g*

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: HVDIn my experience, this kind of hate is nothing but destructive.  Instead of smiting and smashing, should we not try and open their eyes?  No-one is beyond redemption, and falling into the trap of seeing the enemy in those who are merely different is one of the sure signs of a greyface.

Can you awaken them all before they destroy us?

No, you can't.

Are most of them PROUD of their pinkness?

Yes, they are.

Nobody is stating that the enemy is those who are different; the enemy are those who squelch difference.

RAW was wrong about enemies, or rather his words were written in a different time, before the forces of totalitariansim gave these yahoos their way.

It's hard to feel so forgiving in a chainlink cage.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
Quote from: HVDIn my experience, this kind of hate is nothing but destructive.  Instead of smiting and smashing, should we not try and open their eyes?  No-one is beyond redemption, and falling into the trap of seeing the enemy in those who are merely different is one of the sure signs of a greyface.

Can you awaken them all before they destroy us?

No, you can't.

Are most of them PROUD of their pinkness?

Yes, they are.

Nobody is stating that the enemy is those who are different; the enemy are those who squelch difference.

RAW was wrong about enemies, or rather his words were written in a different time, before the forces of totalitariansim gave these yahoos their way.

It's hard to feel so forgiving in a chainlink cage.

Roger is quight right! Reach out do one small thing to open there eyes, anyone looking for freedom will lach on to that like nothin else. Most won't and you can't make them. You don't even really want to.


It takes different strokes to move the world...

Here, grab an oar. The planet's about to go over the waterfall.

Hey Rev'. I don't "pay someone to tell me what to think." And as much
as Madison Avenue loves to think they are the center of gravity for 6.5
billion semi-intelligent life forms that think they have the run of this place,
they're not.

Now, I realize your comments were meant to be read in the context
of one's own common sense or what passes for it. (INSANITY!) :twisted:
But you know what - I'd rather go smite myself in the back room with a
towel and a change of underwear then swear my sword and shield to the
crusade of a graphic designer in San Francisco who contrived a brilliant
money making scheme that didn't work.

I'm Tom the Heretic, and this is "The Other Viewpoint"

You may all shoot me now.

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

But Tom, you'd still not allow the Greyfaces to take away your imagination or freedom without a fight, right?

I don't want to save the Greyfaces with enlightenment. I want to burn away their mental phlegm with a fucking phosphorous flame that leaves them screaming and howling like all of the people they've fucked over in their squashing of any and all differences! When Eris rolled in Her golden apple, it wasn't a nice little compassionate tap. She cared nothing for the stupid pretensions of the Olympians.

Arggh....Io Chaos!

Sounds like another rant coming on....
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"