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Started by ~, February 22, 2010, 02:37:23 PM

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Doktor Howl

Quote from: NotPublished on March 02, 2010, 09:23:34 PM
See! Proof enough of Eris's doings!

Met an old man who did random "contemporary" dance moves while turning a corner. He froze ... then raised his hands in the air and  did something that looked like the "Running Man" (Hardcore style (?)) and then walked off like normal.

Eris is responsible for syphlitic idiocy?
Molon Lube


I realise it works in any combition. It was a major discovery on my half :D

I've been saying Suprise me, Dean?
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: NotPublished on March 02, 2010, 09:26:04 PM
I realise it works in any combition. It was a major discovery on my half :D

I've been saying Suprise me, Dean?

You REALLY want Dean Martin to surprise you?   :eek:
Molon Lube


The wonders of Eris  8)

Hey whats wrong with Dean Martin?
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: NotPublished on March 02, 2010, 09:30:49 PM
The wonders of Eris  8)

Yeah, ask the Trojans about that.

Quote from: NotPublished on March 02, 2010, 09:30:49 PM
Hey whats wrong with Dean Martin?

Nothing that embalming fluid couldn't fix.
Molon Lube


If you think about it, with Dean it's less necro than Eris! The whole age gap thing I mean.

I thought this is one of the lessons that SME was ment to teach?
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: NotPublished on March 02, 2010, 09:35:23 PM
If you think about it, with Dean it's less necro than Eris! The whole age gap thing I mean.

Well, if all you need from Dean is a little festering corpse action, I can't see any harm in that.

Quote from: NotPublished on March 02, 2010, 09:35:23 PM
I thought this is one of the lessons that SME was ment to teach?

Um, I suppose.  If you're out to learn someone else's lessons.
Molon Lube

Triple Zero

I'd participate, but I can't really risk extra weirdness right now.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



It'll happen regardless, atleast if something does you get to blame somebody dead!

How about Freddy Krueger?
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.

Rococo Modem Basilisk

I suggest Ben Franklin, since although he had a tendency to pull very odd practical jokes, he'd feel bad if they hurt anyone.

Trufax: During the formative pre-revolution stage, Franklin had an electrified portrait of the british king installed in the local bar. He dared any loyalists to make an oath to god of loyalty to the king and kiss the ring on his portrait.

There was also a wax replica made of him, which in his old age was circulated through britain and passed off as the man himself, until one old acquaintance of his by chance met the man trying to introduce people to the waxwork (who punched a hole in the head of the waxwork for not being polite enough to shake his grandson's hand). Although there is no proof that Franklin knew of this wax replica business, this was precisely the sort of thing he would have done himself had he a waxwork.

I am not "full of hate" as if I were some passive container. I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.


Don't mess with that shit! Zombie Ben Franklin is out and about :scared:
In Soviet Russia, sins died for Jesus.


15 minutes into my run on the elliptical machine and I started crying.  No reason.  I'm actually under less stress lately than I have been for a good four months.  I kept running and about five minutes later I stopped crying.  I felt fine the entire time.  I just had lots of water leaking from my face for no apparent reason.  I've never had something like that happen before.  Dunno what kind of hormonal shit that indicates.

Dr. Paes

Quote from: Paesior on February 24, 2010, 09:09:05 PM
I asked Eris to surprise me this morning and got to work to find an email from the boss saying that we weren't allowed on Facebook or forums during our work hours any longer. It also said that the IT guy had installed special monitoring software to make sure we didn't and those who attempted to bypass this would be in TROUBLE.

I'm the only IT guy.

I'm interested to see how my afternoon/evening goes. I'm planning on hitch-hiking to a concert.

Testimonial: Holy fucking fuck, Eris. When I asked you to surprise me, I was expecting all my friends to jump out with streamers and cake. Instead, I got to work and discover that some ASSHAT has been taking the credit for all the work I do. I thought I just wasn't very popular, but it turns out that nobody even knows I work at this company... All the work I do, he presents to the person I thought was my boss and then this fucker gives me a percentage of his paycheck so I don't notice.
My entire life is a lie.
Thanks Eris. I think I'm going to kill myself now.

Quote from: Paesior on February 25, 2010, 12:09:40 AM
Surprise Me, Eris Part 2 -Hitchhiking to a concert: A friend told me they could drive me as far as a city 2 hours away from me. That sounded convenient so I organised to meet up with them. To get out of this city, I need to walk about 2 hours and start hitching from there. Everywhere else is expressway and if you are seen walking on that, the police pick you up and take you all the way back to the beginning. It's like snakes and ladders. Friend is going to be an hour and a half late picking me up now because his car broke down. Thank you, Eris. You better be good to me after that, because then I have a ride to this other city which is surrounded in impossible to hitch out of motorways and need to work something out there.

If I start walking and hitch-hiking now, I'll still not get out of here faster than if I waited for my friend.
Waiting for friend, I get to a city which will be an enormous mission to get out of and I end up trying to get out of there in rush hour traffic.
It's also raining rather heavily here and apparently there as well if the internets weather has the troof.

I'm going to end up standing in the rain in the middle of nowhere trying to get a lift.
This is what happens when you crash all the vehicles you own.

Quote from: Paesior on February 28, 2010, 03:26:55 AM
A quick list of the drivers involved in my hitchhiking to see a concert with a friend.

1st driver: Respectable looking businessman. Flash new Holden. Talking to business associates on his bluetooth for the first half of the journey. Then all of a sudden. Oh, shit! The police are up ahead! Hang up on business associate. Take the next left. "This is a shortcut! Fuck. Fuck! " 150km an hour all the way to where he stops just long enough to let us out before disappearing in a cloud of smoke.

2nd driver: Two Brazilians who didn't quite understand the idea of driving on the left side of the road. Lost count of head-on collisions we narrowly avoided. Two lane roundabouts also were a mystery to them and they thought both lanes were for their use, swerving everywhere and causing havoc.

Arrive in Tauranga. Watch the show.

Leaving Tauranga. 3rd driver: Not much conversation, drove us 10 minutes down the road.

4th driver: Mad Englishman. Blasting around New Zealand playing with extreme sports because he runs a recruitment company remotely.
Mad driver, sideways around some corners, but he seemed to be in control so it was okay.

5th driver: Middle-aged osteopath. Turns out he knows a friend of mine's parents. Is responsible for patching up the students at the circus school I'm looking at attending in the South Island. This guy was drinking energy drink after energy drink until his hands were shaking and he was still falling asleep behind the wheel. Driving a tiny little Starlet. Doing 130km per hour. This tiny car is getting speed wobbles. Says we're being dropped close to where we want to go. 2 hours on a bus later and we're there. He was basically going where we needed to be.

Party in Auckland. Chinese lantern festival. Everybody we meet wants to fight us because they're so bored with the festival.

Stand almost on the motorway trying to get a ride and not get picked up by the police.

6th driver: Got a ride with a quiet girl who drove to a place where we couldn't walk anywhere and had very little luck getting picked up because there was no room to pull over. It's progess, but it's hard to get out from here.

7th driver: Family on their way to the beach. Didn't want to talk to us. Quietly sit for a couple of hours. Nice rest.

8th driver: Amazing. This is Fear and Loathing in Northland. Handbrake assisted pulling over. "Get in, kids! Get in!"
Starts telling us what he thinks about the universe introducing him to fantastic people. Discussing his raw food diet and what is wrong with western society's view on this and that. Turns around to talk to me in the back seat, driving with his knees. "Oh my god, you guys. I'm on so much acid. I took so much E. Do you want some?" Hands a bag of assorted drugs to my friend. Drives out of his way to come to our house and share his music collection with us. Fantastic driver, considering the chemicals playing with his brain.

Testimonial: I'm coming down from an acid meltdown in the middle of nowhere, with no money, no phone and about half a dozen police cars looking for me. I came to in the passenger seat of a crashed car loaded with firearms, drugs and money. The driver was nowhere to be found but his seat was covered in blood. So is the outside of the car, for that matter... but the blood has been put there intentionally. Strange sigils and symbols. Diagrams I can't even begin to guess at the meanings of. Okay, Eris. I'm surprised. What now?

Mesozoic Mister Nigel

Quote from: Iptuous on March 02, 2010, 07:43:12 PM
Quote from: Doktor Howl on March 02, 2010, 07:37:58 PM
Quote from: Iptuous on March 02, 2010, 07:30:15 PM

We're just making fun of the SMG thing where people attribute good things to YHWH by pretending that anything strange is attributable to Eris, right?

Started out that way, then we became the thing we were making fun of, and it turned into another Apple Talk thread.

That seems to be a trend, these days, yes?


Is anyone in this thread really, for real srs?

I'd tend to think not...

Are you seriously asking this question of a bunch of Discordians? Because you must know the answer, right?

Quote from: Iptuous on March 02, 2010, 07:43:12 PM

Is anyone in this thread really, for real srs?

Yes and no.
"I'm guessing it was January 2007, a meeting in Bethesda, we got a bag of bees and just started smashing them on the desk," Charles Wick said. "It was very complicated."

Herbertina Merrique V

This shit seems to be working fine so far.  :lulz: Last weekend was a magnificent bonfire of weird shit and spaggotry, which is to say that the meetup of a Finnish sci-fi and fantasy forum at my place turned out a lot stranger than I expected.

On Friday, my brother gave me this as some kind of a birthday present, which was a surprise in itself (we never ever exchange gifts, unless punching each other in the face and yelling "surprise!" counts):

The actual meetup was pure lulz, including two fucking epic rounds of 1000 Blank White Cards and definitely too much Robot Unicorn Attack. We bought broccoli in order to film a clip in which we destroy it in extremely creative ways, but I think we just forgot that, so we just kicked it around the apartment. At some point we decided to make some tea, and kick the tea bags around the place too, for reasons which probably made a lot of sense at the time, but now... Well, yeah. And all of this was done without even a drop of alcohol.
At some point, we decided to go outside and play King of the Hill on the snowhills on a parking lot nearby. I was sure we'd all end up in the hospital dying in horrible pains, with random limbs broken or buried in the snow somewhere, but we survived with some bruises and a nosebleed and one aching knee.

There were pillow, snowball and sock fights. And also a personal drama element because my ex was there too, and we probably still had some stuff to talk about and blah blah blah. Which apparently resulted in lots of confusion on both sides, the stupid "man, what if we hadn't broken up after all" kind of confusion. But I'll probably not be able to blame that on Eris.
(Well, except for the fact that maybe it would be easier not to think of him if he hadn't thrown that tea bag which somehow doesn't seem to drop from my ceiling. It's a very nice reminder. :lulz:)

So, yeah. Thanks, Eris.

Ask me anything. Or else.