
TESTEMONAIL:  Right and Discordianism allows room for personal interpretation. You have your theories and I have mine. Unlike Christianity, Discordia allows room for ideas and opinions, and mine is well-informed and based on ancient philosophy and theology, so, my neo-Discordian friends, open your minds to my interpretation and I will open my mind to yours. That's fair enough, right? Just claiming to be discordian should mean that your mind is open and willing to learn and share ideas. You guys are fucking bashing me and your laughing at my theologies and my friends know what's up and are laughing at you and honestly this is my last shot at putting a label on my belief structure and your making me lose all hope of ever finding a ideological group I can relate to because you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about and everything I have said is based on the founding principals of real Discordianism. Expand your mind.

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D&D 5e released!

Started by Cain, April 01, 2010, 10:55:56 AM

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QuoteThe biggest noticeable change here is that we're not talking books, any more. At least, not physically. Instead, you've got one big download and then the ongoing subscription, sort of a trickle download thing like Steam used to do when Valve was still around. We'll get to that soon enough.

I'll assume you own 4th Edition for the purposes of this review. If not... good luck. A few years ago I'd have sent you down to your FLGS to grab a copy off the Used Books shelf, but of course the last one closed up shop last month, so that's not an option. You want print you'll have to check out Ebay or Amazon. Irrelevant, though, since what you REALLY want is 5e, right? Right.

So with that, let's look at the D&D Handbook, what we formerly called the Player's Handbook. Why the name change? Well, that's because there's no more delineation between Players and Dungeon Masters. Everyone is a player, and the DM is just a piece of code on the D&D server now. All automated! Sign up and create your characters, and the DM automatically generates a sequence of events for you, perfectly balanced. No prep time, no need to wait for the DM to get his crap together. More on that later. For now, let's look at what's in the D&D Handbook.

For the most part, this is the D&D we know and love. Most of what was in 4e is still here, except it's all been refined and streamlined even further.

Hit points still work the same, but healing surges have been completely revamped. Now every player can use a healing surge in place of a standard action if they want, without any penalty. You won't have to rely on the Leaders to heal you up; you can solo if you want. And best of all, healing surges reset after every encounter -- infinite healing! -- so now you and your group can charge into every encounter without having to spend a half hour discussing, planning or resource managing.

Alignment has also gotten a much needed revamp. Nine alignments were way too many in 3e, and even 5 was cumbersome in 4e, so now we're down to just three: Lawful, Good, and Unaligned. This is a heroic game about good vs evil and I'm glad these rules emphasize that.

It gets better.  Just read the whole thing.

The Wizard

Please tell me this isn't serious.
Insanity we trust.


 :lulz: that was quite amusing!

reminds me of the april fool's day release for 4th edition. They were joking about how easy they've made the system, and alluded to that 5th edition is going to be even more simple and accessible - in fact, it's just a red kickball with 5E written on it.


The Wizard

God. Forgot what day it was. Woops.
Insanity we trust.

This just reminds me of how much I hate 4th edition.
Might as well play WOW.


That was the point of 4th ed. To make it more playable for people who don't know a lot about tabletop RPGs and don't want to become serious fans of the games.


Quote from: Professor Freeky on April 02, 2010, 09:48:51 PM
That was the point of 4th ed. To make it more playable for people who don't know a lot about tabletop RPGs and don't want to become serious fans of the games.

you sound like one of the second edition gamers who thought that it totally fucked up the entire game when they let non-humans be paladins


Heh, I never played 2nd ed. I just thought I'd heard that somewhere. Maybe not?

Don Coyote


Quote from: Jenkem and Bubble Baths on April 02, 2010, 09:48:51 PM
That was the point of 4th ed. To make it more playable for people who don't know a lot about tabletop RPGs and don't want to become serious fans of the games.

Also, ironically my gaming group, who consists of WoWtards with a WoWtard/b/tard hybrid were all WTF IS THIS SHIT with the starter set for 4e. Quickly decided to not ply 4e and go with PF.


Don Coyote

They still have issues with PF.

I swear, how the fuck can two college grads not fucking get how to fucking add numbers, or FUCKING read the character sheets.


Wait, your buddies or Paizo?
