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Project “Silver Screen” – ‘How To Change The World’

Started by Cramulus, April 05, 2010, 09:00:24 PM

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I found this over at -- a discordian blog I hadn't yet read. The tl;dr version is: the social revolution isn't coming, people are too easily distracted by movies and TV. So instead of resisting it, let's celebrate it by watching movies and TV that promote the revolution.

I decree that from the 15th of Discord (29th March) that Discordians and all loving-entities initiate Project Silver Screen. Which is described below.

Most of us love a good movie. Some of us are paranoid of the television. And some of us love to study it. But what gets through to each and every one of these three is a unique vantage point and inspiration that helps us frame our understanding of the world around us.

Movies teach us not only about conceivable futures and iminant political dangers, but they can also teach us about ourselves, other people, society at large, and the various collective and individual issues which have plagued us all this time.

To switch subject now:

Whatever it is that we're doing, when we try to alert our fellow Human Beings to the present dangers and the present potential of this moment (The Time is Now), we are confronted with anything from disbelief, fobbing off, or hostility. And for any seasoned armchair sociologist the answer is plain: They don't want the truth.

But could this conclusion be true? Or is it possible that the mode of expression is fatally flawed?

We plaster the Internet, libraries, telephone poles, and any available space with our messages. Messages of government conspiracy, Esoteric studies, foreign concepts, and whatever weird ideas we have that week.

All SWAMPED by the clutter of millions of other direct assaults: Buy That, Eat This, Don't Park There, Don't SIT There, Take a Ticket and Wait, Pay This Bill, Hold the Rail. Few of us have the time to stop and appreciate any dissenting voice in this madness.

We try to directly approach people on these issues: "Look at the Chemtrails", "Look after your Marcaba", "Don't drink tap-water", "Why don't you stop paying tax?". People don't appreciate being told what to do. Nor do many people appreciate the truth, if they haven't come up with it themselves.

Nothing is true for the Human Being unless he or she has had a direct inner-experience of that truth. Evidence is immaterial to the Ego and its structures. Truth is a thing that is revealed, and thus has always been there. The opening to genuine experience is to open to yourself.

We then even try to congregate. Come together in groups, discuss things, and put plans into action as if that is a prerequisite to Social Revolution and not a product of Social Revolution.

Needless to say these congregations tend to fail, and if they don't fail they expand into a whole load of a lathergic nothing, and if they don't do that they'll put up posters....

The Collectivity of our longed-for and lusted-for Social Revolution is, I have the balls to say, counter-progressive.

The need to collectivise, uniformitise opinions, "educate" one-another, and keep eachother company stems from a social convention of our time: Together.

We don't know what exactly it is, but we're going to do it together. We'll all get together some day, and physically remove the demons who're praying over us.

This is a massive insult from everyone, to everyone. And if you don't feel insulted, please note that collective insanity doesn't make you sane. And it's insulting for the following reasons:
---It assumes we all want the same thing.
---It assumes that the majority of Humanity are lovely people.
---It assumes we want something to do with Mick and Joe, 15 miles away.
---It assumes that for positive change to occur, we must all think the same way.
---It also assumes we want another world government, to replace the current world government.

I for one, am insulted by the gesture that most of the time and energy of well-meaning activists is being pissed down the drain trying to mix milk with oil.

Another reason for the dreadful failure in our Social Revolution is what we've come to call "Apathy" and "Laziness". Humanity is so ready to jump down eachother's throats about this issue. Everyone likes to complain about how everyone else is dragging their heels, getting distracted, or simply not caring. This situation is typical of any kind of social-change group. And activity within such a group occurs when the threat of iminant danger is rearing its head.

As a side-note: Cult leaders (from Harry Rae of TnS to Jim Jones of Jonestown) have noticed this proclivity in their herd. They need a game to play, they need to be toe-to-toe with the police, the NWO, or whoever, if they're going to actually move and create the illusion of progress.

We Humans Live in Our Illusions. We Only Endure Our Reality.
Robert Anton Wilson

We LOVE to feel like we're acheiving something. And it must be together, because we cannot change the minds of others without some form of threat, and we are always aware that multitude in a belief will eventually break the banks and infect everyone else. Rarely do we want to do something REAL with our time and effort. Like explore ourselves, improve your immediate environment, or teach another how to look after themselves.

In conclusion: The world will NOT CHANGE, and if it will it will not change due to Alex Jones yelling through a microphone, getting a news article on the front page of Digg, or organising "meetups". The direct approach no longer works... but what does?
These things can still continue, but most of our energy needs to be redirected. We still need seminars, websites full of info, books published, and the odd local meetup. But what we need more than these things is for people to take advantage of them for a change.

There are 100's of films and TV Shows, unknown for the most-part, some really famous, with which we can learn about ourselves and the world around us. What if the answer was simply to watch these movies, TV shows, listen to this music, and let your creative mind absorb the deep tennets and parables, absorb and explore the archetypes. Let your whole self change you, instead of relying on your conscious mind of absorb linear information and somehow amend your behaviour to a more acceptable mode.

Then share it!

Find the movies, shows, and music that you have found to be an inspiration in your life or have taught you some amazing things. And share them all. The less direct, the better. For instance; don't hand someone a DVD of The Matrix, a CD of Rage Against the Machine, and a DVD of "The Young Ones". Don't even mention anything out of the normal, just share the media.

The idea behind this is to be as least obvious as possible. The Ego is very quick and discerning, even in the "dull" folk. Don't whisper a word of insurrection.

Official Project Movie/TV List
The China Syndrome
The Prisoner (TV)
Soylent Green
Waking Life
They Live
South Park (TV)
One Hour Photo
What Dreams May Come
The Edukators

to be expanded....

So you all have your orders. Seed this media on the torrents, burn off DVDs and CDs, always carry an external hard drive full of this stuff, suggest people watch these movies.

We can't change the world, we can only inspire it to change.


While I disagree with some parts of this, I can't fault the general sentiment.

Interestingly enough, I found a "mindfuck films" torrent download a couple of months ago.  I can provide the actual links on request, but essentially it allows you to download the following films without going through any website service:

12 Monkeys (1995)
2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
American Psycho (2000)
Being John Malkovich (1999)
Donnie Darko
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
eXistenZ (1999)
Fight Club
Frailty (2001)
Jacob's Ladder (1990)
Lost Highway (1997)
Mulholland Drive
Naked Lunch (1991)
Oldboy (2003)
One Hour Photo
Pi (1998)
Scanners (1981)
Session 9 (2001)
The Game (you just lost it, 1997)
The Illusionist
The Machinist (2004)
The Others
The Prestige (2006)
The Sixth Sense (1999)
Total Recall
Vanilla Sky
Videodrome (1983)

A Beautiful Mind
A Clockwork Orange
Barton Fink
Dark City
Dead Man's Shoes
In the Mouth of Madness
Lucky Number Slevin
One Point O
Pink Floyd's The Wall
Requiem for a Dream
Spun Limited
The 13th Floor
The Butterfly Effect
The Fountain
The Jacket
The Number 23
The Salton Sea
The Usual Suspects
Waking Life
What Dreams May Come

Not all of those are immediately applicable for this project, though I list them for interest. 

I would suggest adding Fight Club though, for sure.

Triple Zero

Name of the torrent in question would be greatly appreciated. I searched for "mindfuck" and a bunch of movie packs came up, but the larger ones seemd to not have any seeders. Is this on a public torrent?

Cram, I have yet to completely read your OP, will comment later.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



(don't worry about it for my sake - was merely pointing out other discordian bloggers.  :))


Quote from: Triple Zero on April 07, 2010, 12:03:07 PM
Name of the torrent in question would be greatly appreciated. I searched for "mindfuck" and a bunch of movie packs came up, but the larger ones seemd to not have any seeders. Is this on a public torrent?

Cram, I have yet to completely read your OP, will comment later.

It's on Demonoid.  The torrent only links to other torrent files - which aren't tracked by any site, but are fairly well seeded (I usually get about 90-150 kb/s on it).


Wicked, DSH is getting attention.  :lulz:
Now bow before the exemplary literature!

I found that torrent about 2 weeks ago. Fantastic collection. My connection is shit, so I've only got One Hour Photo yet. Great inspiration for the list.

If anyone would like a Demonoid invitation code, let me know, I have a few saved up.

The Wizard

Damn, Cain already noted most of the ones I would have gone for. There are some others though.

Truman Show
Taxi Driver
One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest
High Fidelity
Enemy Mine
Alien Nation
District 9

That's all I can think of off the top of my head. Good enough.
Insanity we trust.


Sorry to interrupt, but how is High Fidelity a mindfuck movie?

It's a "time to grow up, manboy" movie.

Quote from: John CusackI've spent the last 20 years thinking with my gut, and the conclusion I've come to is that my gut has shit for brains!

Triple Zero

Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


The Wizard

QuoteSorry to interrupt, but how is High Fidelity a mindfuck movie?

I always though that it was a kind of slow moving realization. "Grow up, Manboy" is something a lot of people should here. So, less mindfuck, more grow up. Take that one or leave it, I guess.
Insanity we trust.

Pope Pixie Pickle

High fidelity is an awesome film.

I would add What's Eating Gilbert Grape in its metaphor for America sense.

Not really mindfuck material but also good for exploring personal relationship dynamics.

I really like Into The Wild for that kind of reason, but the main character is a bit naïve. 

Triple Zero

Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Placid Dingo

Into the Wild is probably better if you're not familiar with the basic premis.


And yeah, maybe awakening that sense of 'hey i can be more/different/grow/develop is the little worm that needs to wake up, not 'be different, and do it like this, ok'.
Haven't paid rent since 2014 with ONE WEIRD TRICK.

Pope Pixie Pickle


Well I'll be adding "Grow up, manboy" movies to my list on the blog post. For me this mindfuck thing has the exact purpose of "Grow up, manboy"

I'll download all of these titles y'all are suggesting. Nothing I love more than finding new movies, thank you. We could also build some cool movie lists.

What have you guys made of "The Men Who Stare At Goats"?