News: forums: a disorganized echo-chamber full of concordian, Greyfaced radical left-wing nutjobs who honestly believe they can take down imaginary Nazis by distributing flyers. They are highly-suspicious of all newcomers and hostile to almost everyone, including themselves. The only thing they don't take seriously is Discordianism.

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SPIDERS: It's not a game.

Started by LMNO, September 21, 2010, 12:57:23 PM

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For reasons not fully understood, the citizens found themselves gathered in a Starbucks.  Faint traces of Joni Mitchell floated in the air, barely at the verge of audibility.  A voice spoke up.  "So, whose fault is it, anyway?"

A dozen eyes flashed and glared.  Citizens started calling out names at random, perhaps due to past arguments, or petty grievances.  You could feel the paranoia steadily growing as wild accusations flew about, followed by threats and recriminations.  Fingers clenched around travel mugs, assessing them as potential weapons.  This was going to get ugly.

"Hold on, hold ON," someone in the group shouted.  "We should make this a majority thing.  Nine votes.  Seriously.  Now, let's hear it."  The rest of the crown muttered angrily, but with a grudging shrug of their shoulders, agreed.  It was the fair thing to do.


Time for a vote.  Unofficially, we have:
Dok Howl – 1
Semaj – 2
EoC – 1
Joh'Nyx – 1
Remington – 1
Rumkle – 1
(based upon the below quotes)

You will need NINE votes in order to get someone Put On A Bus this round.

If you do not plan on voting, please post as such.  Also, it would be nice if you clearly stated, "I vote for _______", and then follow with an updated tally.

Quote from: Doktor Howl on September 21, 2010, 04:11:40 PM
Casting my vote: 
EoC - 1
Quote from: Joh'Nyx on September 22, 2010, 02:18:08 AM
Im voting for Remington, not out of spite, just to comply with the "voting" requisit, because im probably not going on before LMNO gets back.
Quote from: Iptuous on September 22, 2010, 04:37:29 AM
I vote for JonnyX, because he's not here to defend himself...
Quote from: Dr. James Semaj on September 22, 2010, 05:43:36 AM
I vote for Dok, since he's been pushing to get rid of Fred, who is one of the more competent players. He's also known to be a villainous sort.
Quote from: Remington on September 22, 2010, 05:49:18 AM
I vote for Semaj, primarily because I derive great joy from watching him die pointlessly game after game.
Quote from: phoenixofdiscordia on September 22, 2010, 05:56:17 AM
I vote Rumckle.
Quote from: ThatGreenGentleman on September 22, 2010, 06:05:03 AM
I vote for Semaj.  :lulz:

Elder Iptuous

against my own interests, i should point out that the welshman voted for me....
(at least the dice he outsourced his convictions to, voted for me.)

we only need one more vote...


I didn't read that as a vote... but ok.

Dok Howl – 1
Semaj – 2
EoC – 1
Joh'Nyx – 1
Remington – 1
Rumkle – 1
Iptuous - 1

Also, you need a majority of citizens to agree to put a citizen On A Bus.  That means one citizen needs to get nine votes, not that the person with the most after nine goes.

Elder Iptuous

that'll take forever!

for the sake of expedience, then, i would like to change my vote from johnyx to semaj...
plus, his gun waving makes me nervous!  :scared:

also, am i correct in assuming that the discordians and spiders know who they are at this point?  they don't find out the first time they are asked to take their actions, right?


Yes, the Spiders and the Discordian already know who they are.  And they are among you.

And nobody ever said democracy was easy.

Dok Howl – 1
Semaj – 3
EoC – 1
Remington – 1
Rumkle – 1
Iptuous - 1


I shall abstain from voting this round. I need to gather more information.
It's not trolling, it's just satire.

Eater of Clowns

People, people, if we don't reach a majority, nobody gets put on a bus.  Since we have no evidence, we're far more likely to vote out a citizen than we are a Spider, and just as likely to get rid of the Discordian as we are the Spider.  I don't think it would behoove us to even attempt to reach a majority this round, so I'm showing up here for role call and will abstain from voting.

Quote from: Pippa Twiddleton on December 22, 2012, 01:06:36 AM
EoC, you are the bane of my existence.

Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on March 07, 2014, 01:18:23 AM
EoC doesn't make creepy.

EoC makes creepy worse.

the afflicted persons get hold of and consume carrots even in socially quite unacceptable situations.


Dok Howl – 1
Semaj – 3
EoC – 1
Remington – 1
Rumkle – 1
Iptuous - 1
Fred - 1


I vote for Cudgel. My HEY YOU SHOULD DO IT senses are tingling.


Dok Howl – 1
Semaj – 3
EoC – 1
Remington – 1
Rumkle – 1
Iptuous - 1
Fred - 1
Cudgel - 1

This being the first round, I would like to point out that 10 votes have been cast (one abstaining), with six votes left.  If the votes are cast in such a way that a majority vote becomes impossible, then I will end the round with no consensus reached.

Elder Iptuous

So, voting continues until a majority is reached, or 24 hrs pass?
Was that the rule?


Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on September 22, 2010, 03:25:32 PM
If the votes are cast in such a way that a majority vote becomes impossible, then I will end the round with no consensus reached.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Doktor Alphapance on September 22, 2010, 01:42:18 PM
I didn't read that as a vote... but ok.

Dok Howl – 1
Semaj – 2
EoC – 1
Joh'Nyx – 1
Remington – 1
Rumkle – 1
Iptuous - 1

Also, you need a majority of citizens to agree to put a citizen On A Bus.  That means one citizen needs to get nine votes, not that the person with the most after nine goes.


If I were in Vegas, I'd bet on the spiders.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Changing my vote to Fred, since nobody is getting put on a bus anyway.
Molon Lube

Don Coyote

Changing my vote to Semaj. He protest too much.