
It's funny how the position for boot-licking is so close to the one used for curb-stomping.

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Divination on PD

Started by Cramulus, September 28, 2010, 02:57:55 PM

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Quote from: Iason Ouabache on September 29, 2010, 04:05:20 AM
Quote from: Jenne on September 28, 2010, 04:04:32 PM
"Bibliomancy"?  :lulz:  Get the fuck out!  No way!  :lulz:  Har, now I know what to use for divination for my parents.  :lulz: 

Jenne'sMom:  Don't say shit.  And no, you can't, that's witchcraft!
Bibliomancy.  :lol: Reminds me of a joke:

A man goes up to his pastor one Sunday after the service and says to him, "Pastor, I really need your help. I'm in deep financial trouble here. I've got debtors calling me all hours of the day. If I don't do something soon they are going to take everything!" The preacher manages to calm him down and tells him, "Listen, son. I want you to go home and pray as hard as you've ever prayed. Then I want you to get up, take your Bible off of the bookshelf. Close your eyes, open the Bible, and there you will find your guidance." The man thanks the preacher profusely and goes on his way.

The preacher sees the man again the next Sunday and ask him how everything went. The man reply, "Pastor, I prayed for a good 2 hours. My knees were really hurting by the end. Then I found my Bible and did exactly as you said. Opened it up at random and found the perfect message from God!" The preacher inquired, "Well, what did it say?"

"Chapter 13."


Huh?  :?
- So the New World Order does not actually exist?
- Oh it exists, and how!
Ask the slaves whose labour built the White House;
Ask the slaves of today tied down to sweatshops and brothels to escape hunger;
Ask most women, second class citizens, in a pervasive rape culture;
Ask the non-human creatures who inhabit the planet:
whales, bears, frogs, tuna, bees, slaughtered farm animals;
Ask the natives of the Americas and Australia on whose land
you live today, on whose graves your factories, farms and neighbourhoods stand;
ask any of them this, ask them if the New World Order is true;
they'll tell you plainly: the New World Order... is you!

Iason Ouabache

You cannot fathom the immensity of the fuck i do not give.
┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘


So would modern stichomancy just involve using stumble upon?
It's not trolling, it's just satire.


- So the New World Order does not actually exist?
- Oh it exists, and how!
Ask the slaves whose labour built the White House;
Ask the slaves of today tied down to sweatshops and brothels to escape hunger;
Ask most women, second class citizens, in a pervasive rape culture;
Ask the non-human creatures who inhabit the planet:
whales, bears, frogs, tuna, bees, slaughtered farm animals;
Ask the natives of the Americas and Australia on whose land
you live today, on whose graves your factories, farms and neighbourhoods stand;
ask any of them this, ask them if the New World Order is true;
they'll tell you plainly: the New World Order... is you!

the last yatto

Didn't have time at lunch to write text so here ya go
Quote from: Pēleus on September 29, 2010, 04:08:22 AM

We look to the bottom card, which starts the shuffle with the blank hex... somehow it ended up as the fool.  Guess that means me as it seems this deck likes talk a bit too much, I'm guessing it wants to be used in its own way, which I'm still reading so its not a true reading as its orginal master intended but playing poker or solitare with it I've seem to encourage it to give me converation. Let's see the three card peak

Out dances the star, its in a state of sleep, more so in the past sense. Considering PD's history its reading isn't off but even newspapers sometimes gets your horrorscope right.

Pale horse :lulz:
This almost seems directed at me, but maybe others like me who feel they need to be some knight ready to battle but instead of being on some grand campaign, we sit idle and listening to emo music

Third flip, here we see rest from the strife. Just :fnord:
Not to be confused with its cup of its number, these swords appear from each corner.
Look, asshole:  Your 'incomprehensible' act, your word-salad, your pinealism...It BORES ME.  I've been incomprehensible for so long, I TEACH IT TO MBA CANDIDATES.  So if you simply MUST talk about your pineal gland or happy children dancing in the wildflowers, go talk to Roger, because he digs that kind of shit


I have a copy of the lost Discordian Oracle Apple(k)ation. This nifty little .exe file will throw a discordian I-Ching hexagram and also Cabaculate the numerical meaning of any word.

"PeeDee" = 175, "High AND No" (the app gives you the closest pre-programmed word on either side of your query)

Meditating upon this, and throwing a Hexagram, I receive (hexagrams are also stored @ the 23AE site):

Hexagram 00036

36. Greyface
In the year 1166 B.C., a malcontented hunchbrain by the name of Greyface, got it into his head that the universe was as humorless as he, and he began to teach that play was sinful because it contradicted the ways of Serious Order. "Look at all the order about you," he said. And from that, he deluded honest men to believe that reality was a straitjacket affair and not the happy romance as men had known it.
It is not presently understood why men were so gullible at that particular time, for absolutely no one thought to observe all the disorder around them and conclude just the opposite. But anyway, Greyface and his followers took the game of playing at life more seriously than they took life itself and were known even to destroy other living beings whose ways of life differed from their own.
The unfortunate result of this is that mankind has since been suffering from a psychological and spiritual imbalance. Imbalance caused by frustration, and frustration causes fear. And fear makes a bad trip. Man has been on a bad trip for a long time now.

This signifes a wounding that a being in a position of authority brings to wise and able men (and therefore may be tied to the current War On Druggies). The E-Jing-A-Ling hopes that you will maintain your inner light during this harmful period and rise from it's ashes like a cliche.
Telarus, KSC,
.__.  Keeper of the Contradictory Cephalopod, Zenarchist Swordsman,
(0o)  Tender to the Edible Zen Garden, Ratcheting Metallic Sex Doll of The End Times,
/||\   Episkopos of the Amorphous Dreams Cabal

Join the Doll Underground! Experience the Phantasmagorical Safari!


this used to be my home page for about 3 years...

Here is a reading about our forum:

One who knows, or claims to.

A good amount of Hearing, Air, Action

Imbalance of Smell, Aether, Intensity

Excess Sight, Fire, Bizarreness

Conflict between Eristic and Aneristic illusions

the last yatto

Look, asshole:  Your 'incomprehensible' act, your word-salad, your pinealism...It BORES ME.  I've been incomprehensible for so long, I TEACH IT TO MBA CANDIDATES.  So if you simply MUST talk about your pineal gland or happy children dancing in the wildflowers, go talk to Roger, because he digs that kind of shit


yeah that one was rather spot on, no?  :lol: