Benchmark SCOTUS decision on Miranda rights for youth

Started by Jenne, June 17, 2011, 05:15:07 AM

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Fucking finally.  This has actually been, for those of us who advocate for kids' legal rights, a pain in the ass when it comes to legislation.  A lot of child/parental rights cases have come up lately, since police more or less abuse kids' rights and therefore parental rights by interrogating them AT MOTHERFUCKING SCHOOL without parental consent, notification or anyone setting down what the kid's entitled to know about their own rights.



Telarus, KSC,
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The justices who voted against the measure, by the way, can go get fucked.  Hope their grandkids bump up against this shit, and often, so they know what it feels like to get raped by the longsword of so-called justice.

Dysfunctional Cunt

Thanks for posting this Jenne, we had an issue with this a couple of years ago with JW being accused of something and his being searched without my permission, notification anything.

It's a shame they didn't find anything, that might have saved a couple of people's jobs, but again, my son isn't a drug dealer.


Quote from: Khara on June 17, 2011, 07:20:57 PM
Thanks for posting this Jenne, we had an issue with this a couple of years ago with JW being accused of something and his being searched without my permission, notification anything.

It's a shame they didn't find anything, that might have saved a couple of people's jobs, but again, my son isn't a drug dealer.

I think you and Stella both have come up against this in the recent past, Khara.  It's always best to KNOW YOUR GODDAMNED RIGHTS.  And in this case, the schools and the police are just assholes--they REALLY assume the worst about everyone the police come for.  Even if they are just "investigating," the schools assume if you're party to information, you're guilty.  So they don't protect your kids like they should.

I recently read an article in EdVoice saying that principals need to teach their staff the law so that schools aren't tied up in so many lawsuits.  I think this is a GREAT use of principal training and time.  Because lawsuits probably deplete our schools' resources quite a bit due to asshole behavior by teachers and administrations, because THEY DON'T KNOW THE LAW.




...but it might influence it.  Because lookit, if cops are being told by schools they can't interrogate onsite and have to take kids downtown instead, and if DAs are telling cops they have to Mirandize in order to get the charges to stick in court, you betcha shit's going to be done a bit different.