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Lets play Pokemon: Nuzlocke Mode (WARNING: PICTURE HEAVY)

Started by Stelpa, August 14, 2011, 05:11:34 AM

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Hey spags, thought we'd try something different here in RPG-land. Hopefully you guys consider Pokemon a roleplaying game, and if not, what the fuck do you call it?

Anyways, in case you are wondering what "Nuzlocke Mode" means, it means that I am following a few special rules to make Pokemon more challenging and interesting:

1. Once a pokemon faints, it is dead. No reviving, no anything. You can either choose to keep it in a box permanently, or release it as soon as possible (I chose the former)

2. When you enter a new area, route, or whatever, you must catch the first pokemon you see. If you can't catch it, or it dies, well, sucks for you. You may only catch the first pokemon you see in an area, and no others.

3. If you "white out" (run out of pokemon), you are dead. Game over. Yep.

4. Give nicknames to every pokemon you catch, it helps you become more attached.

This will be played on FireRed Version, but it works on any pokemon game of the normal style, as far as I know. So, yeah, wish me luck, here we go!

Episode One: The Genesis Of The Björk

First picture, title screen. Boooooring.


Apparently, the original Red didn't ask you this. I guess only boys play video games, right? :P

Let's name our hero Björk, cause why not? Still, wish this game allowed umlauts in names :\

Obviously, a fitting rival for Björk.

Ok, now that that is over, I will withdraw that potion from the PC, because I will probably be needing it soon.

The first of many fourth-wall breaking signs in this game.

It was on TV, it must be true! :D

Oh look, a movie reference! Lets sue!

Note: This is the first and only time to date that "What? It's only Björk?" has been said seriously.

Yeah blah blah blah, whatever just give me a pokemon already. Where the hell did you come from anyways?

Because nostalgia, that's why.

I named him Chip. He is my bestest friend, and he will probably be dead soon.

Shit, please don't kill me yet, I just started. Just keep using growl, please.

I got by pretty closely, I survived because he is an idiot.

Leveled up already, neato.

No, you just suck.

Sorry that this is going a bit slowly, I will change the pacing during next episode, when Björk and Chip run an Errand for Oak so that the real game can actually start.


Episode Two: Björk Runs An Errand

Here we are on Route 1, about to encounter our first pokemon (which we must catch, remember?)

Ooh, a Pidgey! But wait... Shit. We don't have any Pokeballs yet (heh). Hrm, quite a problem. I guess we can put our rules off until we finish this stupid beginning segment and finally get something we can use to catch stuff. This doesn't count as cheating, does it?  :wink:

Killed him off. It was a bit close, so I headed back to my mom's house to heal. This playthrough is probably going to require quite a bit of grinding, so I will spare you the boredom and only focus on important battles.

Fuckyeah, I will probably be using this a lot, since I have to be extra careful about keeping my health up, or else it's game over.

Yay, I love free samples :D


Healin' up.


Now I feel bad :\

Obviously. There are only three houses in the entire town, idiot >_>

Yay, a fetch quest.

I give him his package thingy, he gives me a pokedex and 5 pokeballs, so I can finally catch things, yay :D

♪ I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map, I'm the map ♪

And here we are once again! Now that that annoying fetch quest is over, we can finally start catching and killing things! Weee! :3

Lemmee know if you'd like me to name a pokemon after you or someone you dislike, and I'll do my best! Until next time, when Chip (hopefully) makes a new friend or two :)

Elder Iptuous

Don Coyote


Quote from: COL Coyote on August 16, 2011, 03:50:33 AM
Quote from: Iptuous on August 16, 2011, 03:49:41 AM
I'm 33 years old and what is this?
I know, pokemon in COLOR!!!!!! :argh!: :argh!: :argh!: :argh!:
Well, pokemon Red runs like shit on my computer for some reason, and FireRed is (much) larger and prettier anyways (and less glitchy), so idunno :P

Disco Pickle

"Events in the past may be roughly divided into those which probably never happened and those which do not matter." --William Ralph Inge

"sometimes someone confesses a sin in order to take credit for it." -- John Von Neumann


Quote from: Disco Pickle on August 16, 2011, 12:32:42 PM
Quote from: COL Coyote on August 16, 2011, 03:50:33 AM
Quote from: Iptuous on August 16, 2011, 03:49:41 AM
I'm 33 years old and what is this?
I know, pokemon in COLOR!!!!!! :argh!: :argh!: :argh!: :argh!:


backlighting is for pussies.
Says you, when you are trying to play at midnight and you're supposed to be asleep, then we'll see who's the pussy :P

Plus, the original GBA didn't have backlighting! So lets just assume I am playing on one of those, instead of my perfectly backlit laptop, kay? :P

Elder Iptuous

what why this thread?!
i don't understaaaaaand...


Quote from: Iptuous on August 16, 2011, 03:27:34 PM
what why this thread?!
i don't understaaaaaand...
Just doing it for fun, idunno. If noone likes it, I can just quit, it's not a huge deal :P

Nephew Twiddleton

I think its more that some of us have no clue whats going on here. By the time pokemon came out i was 17 and therefore never really understood or cared about it.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro


Elder Iptuous

no, that's not it.
i know what pokemon is, and whatnot.
i'm just wondering what the point of the thread is.
it doesn't seem like there's supposed to be any interaction between Nekk and the other people of the board.  it's just a screencap walkthrough of a game....


Quote from: Iptuous on August 16, 2011, 06:03:32 PM
no, that's not it.
i know what pokemon is, and whatnot.
i'm just wondering what the point of the thread is.
it doesn't seem like there's supposed to be any interaction between Nekk and the other people of the board.  it's just a screencap walkthrough of a game....

It's a lets play, so there isn't supposed to be a huge amount of interaction, its more just a random play through of a game, in this case with a few added rules to make it more interesting.

I suppose I could add in some interaction if you'd like... I will try to do that next time if you want :)

Sorry if this shouldn't be here, I can always just quit it if nobody cares :\

(btw, my username is Stelpa now, could you stop calling me nekk? thanks!)


Quote from: Nph. Twid. on August 16, 2011, 05:55:13 PM
I think its more that some of us have no clue whats going on here. By the time pokemon came out i was 17 and therefore never really understood or cared about it.
Despite it having been a pretty big fad when it started out, they are fun games, regardless of age :)

Don Coyote

Quote from: Stelpa on August 16, 2011, 06:34:43 PM
Quote from: Nph. Twid. on August 16, 2011, 05:55:13 PM
I think its more that some of us have no clue whats going on here. By the time pokemon came out i was 17 and therefore never really understood or cared about it.
Despite it having been a pretty big fad when it started out, they are fun games, regardless of age :)

Now I have all the bloody game music AND the first cartoon's theme in my head ALL AT ONCE!@!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$$%@$#%#$%!@#$@ :argh!: :argh!: :argh!: :argh!:


Quote from: COL Coyote on August 16, 2011, 08:32:42 PM
Quote from: Stelpa on August 16, 2011, 06:34:43 PM
Quote from: Nph. Twid. on August 16, 2011, 05:55:13 PM
I think its more that some of us have no clue whats going on here. By the time pokemon came out i was 17 and therefore never really understood or cared about it.
Despite it having been a pretty big fad when it started out, they are fun games, regardless of age :)

Now I have all the bloody game music AND the first cartoon's theme in my head ALL AT ONCE!@!!!!!!!!!!!!@#$$%@$#%#$%!@#$@ :argh!: :argh!: :argh!: :argh!:
I wanna be the very best, the best there ever waaaaaaas  :lulz:

Next episode will be up in a little while, if you all still don't like it, I'll just stop, no biggie :)