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More neofascist terrorism in Europe

Started by Cain, November 14, 2011, 02:21:39 PM

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This is disturbing,,15527746,00.html

QuoteAccording to German investigators, a link has been found between a neo-Nazi group and a string of unsolved murders. A connection also appears to exist between the neo-Nazi group and the murder of a policewoman in 2007.

Police had been investigating the scene of fires that destroyed a motor home in the eastern city of Eisenach and an apartment in Zwickau. In the motor home, the bodies of two men were found, apparent victims of suicide after a botched bank robbery. In the ruins of the apartment fire, police also found guns that were used in the killing of the police woman as well as eight food vendors with foreign backgrounds dating back to 2000.

DVDs found at the scene of the fire were also revealed to contain propaganda for a group known as the "National Socialist Underground."

"There is sufficient evidence to attribute the murders to an extreme right-wing group," said a statement from the Federal Prosecutors Office.

Spiegel explains the background more,1518,797327,00.html

QuoteThe murder series involved execution-style killings of nine shop owners, eight of them of Turkish descent and one Greek, in cities across Germany between 2000 and 2006. The press dubbed the murders the "doner killings" because the victims were all small businessmen and included two kebab shop owners, a grocer, a tailor, a flower seller and a key cutter. The only link that police found between the murders was the weapon used -- a Czech-made Ceska 83 pistol with a 7.65 millimeter caliber.

I wonder how many other murders they may be responsible for?  The NSU is previously unheard of, which hopefully means it is small.  But then, it has been in operation it would seem for well over a decade, with no-one hearing about it.

Triple Zero


I also think back from time to time about that East German village taken over by neo-nazis.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



How very frightening--and the length of time it's taken for them to expose the operation...yeesh.  Wonder if it's because of lack of evidence or the make-up of the victims...

Nephew Twiddleton

So, Cain, in your opinion is this stuff on the rise, or is it just a switching of gears?

And what's with Europe and fascism anyway? I suppose it's a stupid question. What's with America and the Klan.

Muslims and immigrants are the stupid answer to both those.
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



It's definitely on the rise.  It's not as bad as the 1960s...yet, but it's certainly getting there.  So called "black terrorism" (as in blackshirts, opposed to "red" communist terrorism) is the untold story of terrorism in Europe.  Not least because of how many of these terrorists were supported as part of a broader covert war aimed at stopping socialists and Communists getting into power in west Europe.  Even less well known is the story of how fascist supporters were dropped into the Eastern Bloc, but that is a story for another day.

Well, according to Stanley Payne, the Klan actually influenced European fascism.  It's more complicated than that, but the original Klan could be seen as a fascist organisation, perhaps the first in the world.

Anyway, posting again because new information about the cell responsible has surfaced.


QuoteThere is a group within the (right-wing) scene that promotes a "tension strategy". The goals is to provoke political opponents or foreigners - by murders or attacks in areas where foreigners live.  This leads to demonstrations, attacks against neo-Nazis, etc.. The objective is a civil war scenario, similar what Anders Breivik envisioned. Ideally, this civil war would occur throughout Europe.  The outcome of this war - according to the theories ofthe neo-Nazis - would be authoritarian regimes instead of a stronger democracy

The strategy of tension is the actual name of the Italian strategy of sponsoring fascist and communist terrorists to fight it out on the streets of Rome, Milan and Venice.  If they used the same phrase...that is worrying.

Even more worrying are the suspicions that German intelligence had informants within the Neo-Nazi scene who were supporting the supposedly covert cell mentioned in the OP.


QuoteOfficials investigating the Zwickau neo-Nazi terror cell have uncovered what could be a list of targets created by the suspected terrorists. According to information obtained by SPIEGEL ONLINE, the list includes the names and addresses of 88 people, including at least two politicians who are members of the German federal parliament, the Bundestag, and representatives of Turkish and Muslim organizations.


Curiously, neofascism is on the rise here too. Before you could only meet young skinheads late at night in the park or at football games. Recently I went out with a group of friends, but we separated as I wanted to go home and play WoW. As I was walking home I heard a crowd yelling, but I couldn't understand what.

My friends, who went a different way told me they met with the yelling crowd - it was a big crowd of skinheads yelling "we are nazzis", waving flags and attacking people on the street. They were going to attack my friends but luckily one of them was an ex-classmate to one of my friends and convinced the crowd to leave them alone. Scary shit, actually as I've heard other people's stories of such "street parades" and a guy I know got severely beaten by them.


We had "Nazis" here at my house recently--unbeknownst to ourselves, of course.  At our Halloween party, my cousin invited HER cousin whose wedding she'd just attended in the OC.  She grew up with her (this is a cousin on her dad's side, she's a cousin of mine on her mom's side), but hadn't seen her in YEARS.  Knew she'd been into drugs, etc.  But thought she'd cleaned up her act, etc.

She and her new husband (tall, palefaced fucker who looks like a WE WANT YOU ad for the Marines) were all chill and shit.  Till the conversation outside turned somehow to JEWS.  She started telling my then-pretty-soused brother "WELL YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM JEWS.  YOU KNOW, HOW IT IS, WHEN YOU HAVE A JEW-FRIEND."  It was like something out of a bad comedy act or something.  Straight textbook assbaggery, and it caught everyone unawares. 

My brother just sorta blinked at her and said, "No, and I hope you don't mean what I THINK you mean, because that's just wrong and weird."

I guess the conversation devolved from there, and my brother ended up making it clear they were no longer welcome.  I didn't know about any of this as I was inside the house entertaining other guests, but they said their goodbyes and had a funny look on their faces when I said they should come back some time when my husband was home.  HAR.

Later on I found out the moment they decided to leave was when my brother said "You KNOW who owns this house, right?  An Afghan Muslim."  HAR HAR.

I hadn't seen the white power tatt on the back of the dude's neck, but apparently my uncle WAS aware that this guy and his buds were part of a white power pack of assholes.  So yeah, I met some real-life Nazi assholes for the first time in my life...I've met plenty of Haulocaust survivors, know TONS of jacked up bigots (my in-laws are the worst perps at it I know of), but damn if I ever met a real-life white-power bastard.


Quote from: Jenne on December 01, 2011, 04:00:40 PM
We had "Nazis" here at my house recently--unbeknownst to ourselves, of course.  At our Halloween party, my cousin invited HER cousin whose wedding she'd just attended in the OC.  She grew up with her (this is a cousin on her dad's side, she's a cousin of mine on her mom's side), but hadn't seen her in YEARS.  Knew she'd been into drugs, etc.  But thought she'd cleaned up her act, etc.

She and her new husband (tall, palefaced fucker who looks like a WE WANT YOU ad for the Marines) were all chill and shit.  Till the conversation outside turned somehow to JEWS.  She started telling my then-pretty-soused brother "WELL YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM JEWS.  YOU KNOW, HOW IT IS, WHEN YOU HAVE A JEW-FRIEND."  It was like something out of a bad comedy act or something.  Straight textbook assbaggery, and it caught everyone unawares. 

My brother just sorta blinked at her and said, "No, and I hope you don't mean what I THINK you mean, because that's just wrong and weird."

I guess the conversation devolved from there, and my brother ended up making it clear they were no longer welcome.  I didn't know about any of this as I was inside the house entertaining other guests, but they said their goodbyes and had a funny look on their faces when I said they should come back some time when my husband was home.  HAR.

Later on I found out the moment they decided to leave was when my brother said "You KNOW who owns this house, right?  An Afghan Muslim."  HAR HAR.

I hadn't seen the white power tatt on the back of the dude's neck, but apparently my uncle WAS aware that this guy and his buds were part of a white power pack of assholes.  So yeah, I met some real-life Nazi assholes for the first time in my life...I've met plenty of Haulocaust survivors, know TONS of jacked up bigots (my in-laws are the worst perps at it I know of), but damn if I ever met a real-life white-power bastard.

Where I live is crawling with them.  Most are too ignorant to realize that they are supposed to hate Gypsies, or that someone with gypsy blood in him probably hates them.
You're a special case, Babylon.  You are offensive even when you don't post.

Merely by being alive, you make everyone just a little more miserable

-Dok Howl


QuoteGerman state organs have provided varying degrees of support to a recently uncovered neo-Nazi ring in that country, according to an overwhelming majority of Turkish immigrants living in Germany, a recent survey has found.

The survey comes some two months after the discovery of a neo-Nazi ring that was responsible for at least 10 murders. Nine of them were immigrants; eight being of Turkish origin, the other one Greek. The 10th victim was a police officer. As the investigation into the terrorist ring unfolded it became evident that Germany's federal intelligence agency, the Organization for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), had been watching every move of the gang and had agents among the gang members. An investigation is under way into the murders, but the findings hint that the BfV possibly knew about some of the murders. It is now known that a BfV agent was present at the scene of one of the murders when it happened, and some German authors have suggested that the same agent might be the one who pulled the trigger. It is also known that the neo-Nazi gang was active since 2000 and authorities in Germany are now re-investigating all murder cases where the victims were immigrants that occurred after this date.

Triple Zero

Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.



Oh ho ho!

While Nazis have been running around murdering immigrants, guess what the German intelligence agencies have been doing?  Spending far, far too much time spying on the German Left Party (Die Linke):,1518,810773,00.html

QuoteGermany's opposition far-left Left Party is under more intense surveillance from domestic intelligence than previously thought, SPIEGEL has learned. Information from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) reveals that 27 Left Party parliamentarians are being observed -- more than one-third of the party's 76-strong parliamentary group.

The BfV is reportedly watching not just radical party members, but also a number of more moderate members, including almost all of the Left Party's leading figures in parliament. Among the targets are leader Gregor Gysi, deputy chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht, and members of the party's parliamentary committee Dietmar Bartsch and Jan Korte.

You see, such extremist positions as progressive taxation, increased education spending, withdrawal from Afghanistan and more infrastructure projects are incompatible with the German way of life, and a direct threat to the citizens of the state.

Unlike resurgent Nazi terrorists.  I mean, when in history have Nazis or terrorism ever been a problem?

Triple Zero

Quote from: Cain on January 25, 2012, 10:12:41 AM
Unlike resurgent Nazi terrorists.  I mean, when in history have Nazis or terrorism ever been a problem?

I don't know, but I heard they're indirectly responsible for Godwin's Law. So fuck them, really. If you're not going to let me gratuitously compare anything and everything to nazis then, well, you're basically a nazi right? Fuckin nazis.
Ex-Soviet Bloc Sexual Attack Swede of Tomorrow™
e-prime disclaimer: let it seem fairly unclear I understand the apparent subjectivity of the above statements. maybe.


Nephew Twiddleton

Quote from: Cain on January 25, 2012, 10:12:41 AM
Oh ho ho!

While Nazis have been running around murdering immigrants, guess what the German intelligence agencies have been doing?  Spending far, far too much time spying on the German Left Party (Die Linke):,1518,810773,00.html

QuoteGermany's opposition far-left Left Party is under more intense surveillance from domestic intelligence than previously thought, SPIEGEL has learned. Information from the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) reveals that 27 Left Party parliamentarians are being observed -- more than one-third of the party's 76-strong parliamentary group.

The BfV is reportedly watching not just radical party members, but also a number of more moderate members, including almost all of the Left Party's leading figures in parliament. Among the targets are leader Gregor Gysi, deputy chairwoman Sahra Wagenknecht, and members of the party's parliamentary committee Dietmar Bartsch and Jan Korte.

You see, such extremist positions as progressive taxation, increased education spending, withdrawal from Afghanistan and more infrastructure projects are incompatible with the German way of life, and a direct threat to the citizens of the state.

Unlike resurgent Nazi terrorists.  I mean, when in history have Nazis or terrorism ever been a problem?

Cain, why are people retarded?
Strange and Terrible Organ Laminator of Yesterday's Heavy Scene
Sentence or sentence fragment pending

Soy El Vaquero Peludo de Oro



Quote from: Triple Zero on January 25, 2012, 12:57:35 PM
Quote from: Cain on January 25, 2012, 10:12:41 AM
Unlike resurgent Nazi terrorists.  I mean, when in history have Nazis or terrorism ever been a problem?

I don't know, but I heard they're indirectly responsible for Godwin's Law. So fuck them, really. If you're not going to let me gratuitously compare anything and everything to nazis then, well, you're basically a nazi right? Fuckin nazis.
:lulz: :horrormirth:


Quote from: Twid, not Billy. on January 25, 2012, 01:17:57 PM
Cain, why are people retarded?

It is only retarded if you assume the intelligence agencies and neofascist terrorists are, in fact, enemies.

Fun facts about German intelligence:

- it was set up in the aftermath of WWII
- it was principally backed by the CIA, whose Allen Dulles was noted for his Nazi sympathies
- this is the same CIA who recruited a large number of Nazi scientists under "Operation Paperclip".
- oh, and knew the location of Eichmann.
- and also hired Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon, to run counterinsurgency ops against Soviet allies in South America
- and German intelligence was lead in the postwar period by Reinhard Gehlen, a German Army General who worked for the Nazis in WWII, and after the war used his private intelligence organization, made up of committed Nazis and war criminals and directed against the Soviet Union, to buy his freedom.
- West Germany and the USA also armed various Neo-Nazi groups in the postwar period to act as "stay-behind" units in case of invasion or internal subversion who, of course, then started to use these weapons and specialist training to kill Jews, unionists and social democrats.

While its something of a logical fallacy to suggest an entire institution may be "objectively pro-fascist" due to its past, that a large number of German terrorists had good links with the intelligence services at least up until the 1980s suggests a disturbing institutional trend.