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Rand Paul Filibuster

Started by Pergamos, March 07, 2013, 09:48:55 AM

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So it seems he is hitting on drones, as one of his big issues.  This kind of startles me, Rand has struck me as a jackbooted fascist who is quite comfortable with shooting US citizens with drones.  is this just a piece of theater?  I haven't heard any other politicians really talking about the drones.


There have been some Republicans making noises recently, that they are uncomfortable with drones.  Rand is the most outspoken of them.

Note, what they don't say is that they are uncomfortable with the legal precedent of the President being able to order an assassination in secret by whatever means he so chooses, but they are uncomfortable with drones in particular.

There is a reason for this....drones threaten the viability of the F-35 program, the sleaziest barrel of pork in US Defense and Procurements....well, ever.  It costs $200 million per base model.  The current cost projections are half a trillion, so you can bet the actual cost of the program, should it ever be OK'd, is in fact closer to a trillion that not.

That's a whole lot of pork.

Drones, by contrast, cost a few million per unit.

Just saying their objection to drones might have a financial angle.


Quote from: Pergamos on March 07, 2013, 09:48:55 AM
So it seems he is hitting on drones, as one of his big issues.  This kind of startles me, Rand has struck me as a jackbooted fascist who is quite comfortable with shooting US citizens with drones.  is this just a piece of theater?  I haven't heard any other politicians really talking about the drones.

According to this article, he doesn't seem very comfortable at all with US citizens being targetted by drones on US soil.
Which seemed to be the point of the fillibuster, to draw attention to that.
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


Good point Cain.

I know Rand's kind of a jerk, but I do respect that he did an actual fillibuster and took the floor of the senate for 13 hours, rather than what is normally done these days, which is to threaten one, and then go home.

Roly Poly Oly-Garch

It's well in keeping with his philosophical bent. He's less of a republican and more of a Randroid/Libertarian, except where dirty homos and filthy sluts are concerned. This positions him quite nicely to take up the "constitutionalist" mantle in his dad's place in 2016. Fucking exasperating that it takes a wingnut to try to move against extrajudicial execution.
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