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Here's an unoriginal idea

Started by monad, February 24, 2014, 10:58:24 AM

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You guys are killing this forum and through it, Dischordianism itself.

The forum stats show that not only are you failing to attract new users, you're actively driving away old ones. I say "you" because there's clearly a core group of users who have been here from near the start, and I say you're the ones doing it because that makes you the only common denominator. It's not a question of people naturally losing interest in the cause/philosophy/religion/whatever, something like this can potentially survive indefinitely; it has no natural life-cycle. Under RAW and his mates, it grew explosively.
But it's obviously dying now. There's plenty of debate in the archives where you've argued and defended your reasons for doing what you do impeccably, I'm sure you could effectively out-reason or belittle me as you have done so many other nutcases, but it really doesn't matter how well you can justify it to others or even yourselves if it's not working.

Have you not noticed or do you just not give a shit? Answers on a postcard, please.

inb4 pointless reaction gifs and smilies


Because you were being too subtle about it before.


Ho ho, good rebuttal, chap. That sure proved the forum stats to be something other than what they are!


While you're trusting the forum stats, you should also check out your badass post count.


Ho ho, good rebuttal, chap. That sure proved the forum stats to be something other than what they are!
Dear me.

>There's plenty of debate in the archives where you've argued and defended your reasons for doing what you do impeccably, I'm sure you could effectively out-reason or belittle me as you have done so many other nutcases, but it really doesn't matter how well you can justify it to others or even yourselves if it's not working.


Quote from: monad on February 24, 2014, 11:22:46 AM
Ho ho, good rebuttal, chap. That sure proved the forum stats to be something other than what they are!
Dear me.

>There's plenty of debate in the archives where you've argued and defended your reasons for doing what you do impeccably, I'm sure you could effectively out-reason or belittle me as you have done so many other nutcases, but it really doesn't matter how well you can justify it to others or even yourselves if it's not working.


The least you could have done is give it a while to develop your persona and some credibility, build up our expectations that you might not be utterly worthless, before pulling the "YOU'RE DOING DISCORDIA WRONG" card. Seriously, what is it with trolls these days and blowing their load at the first sign of skin?


There's none so blind as those who won't see.


I had a chat with monad about this post on #discord.

Unfortunately, I wasted a good 10 minutes of my time describing how he could improve the main post to get his point across without being a dick and clarifying what he meant.  However, he has "other communities" to tend to, and we are not apparently worth the time or effort to rephrase his above efforts.

So feel free to have at him.


Quote from: monad on February 24, 2014, 10:58:24 AM
You guys are killing this forum and through it, Dischordianism itself.

The forum stats show that not only are you failing to attract new users, you're actively driving away old ones. I say "you" because there's clearly a core group of users who have been here from near the start, and I say you're the ones doing it because that makes you the only common denominator. It's not a question of people naturally losing interest in the cause/philosophy/religion/whatever, something like this can potentially survive indefinitely; it has no natural life-cycle. Under RAW and his mates, it grew explosively.
But it's obviously dying now. There's plenty of debate in the archives where you've argued and defended your reasons for doing what you do impeccably, I'm sure you could effectively out-reason or belittle me as you have done so many other nutcases, but it really doesn't matter how well you can justify it to others or even yourselves if it's not working.

Have you not noticed or do you just not give a shit? Answers on a postcard, please.

inb4 pointless reaction gifs and smilies

That's part of the story. It's one I've mentioned before. Yes the forum is like sticking your arm into a basket full of asps. There's a bit more to it than that.

It's not just the hostility though because there are plenty of hostile websites that are thriving. This place was just as hostile in 2008 which was crazy busy year here.

We were publicised a lot more back then too, activities that were going on brought people into the forum. They were fun simple concepts that brought a lot of people in like postergasm, the discordian mascarade, the Eris Easter egg painting. The Fucking Orange eating Competition ( I think this actually killed more people than it brought in).

It's that there are no common banners or uniting activities going on, people are writing, people discuss politics as much but maybe not as much philosophy as we used to.

But drivers such as Intermittens publications and the like just aren't there and a big reason for it is our core members don't really have as much free time.

You say the forum is dying and Killing discordianism, but over the last six months where I've made an active effort to publicise activities and publications from around the discordian society I've seen an increase in site traffic: Just not to the forums.

Maybe the forum activity will decline further, the trend is certainly there but that isn't the be all and end all of Discordianism. I think Discorianism is getting on fine, thriving even, just not the forum.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe the forum is so horrible it's turning everyone off the concept.

If so provide your solutions plz.
Sleepless nights at the chateau


Yes, Cain. I believe that conversation ended with
>that was kind of you but you know perfectly well my comments are valid whether I phrase them in such a way to please the natives or not
>I've pointed out the iceberg to the people on the ship. if they want to argue with me about it I really couldn't give a fuck
Coming on here and declaring open season on me is the petty bullying behaviour that (I see as) part of the problem.

Faust, I hope you're right and I'm wrong, for Eris's sake.
You want my suggestions? Change the board software, discourage this atmosphere of cliques and circle-jerking. Kusaba X is open source. Instate rules and mods who actively discourage the memetic cancers that boards acquire over time, all this daily-post, navel-gazing horseshit. Discourage the import of generic internet culture and try to encourage development of new ideas and fresh content. Might work, might not. Just some suggestions, I'm not omniscient.


Kasuba is the 4chan/2chan etc board style?

I prefer it's category structure but the look and feel are on a par with smf (IE terrible).

I've been looking around at board software Burning boards seemed nice, VBulleten nearly had me ready to buy and then they were found to be horribly insecure and got hacked.
It's something I keep revisiting because forum software aestetics look quite dated compared to the dynamic content sites.

But they have their place because for long sequential discussion of detailed topics the likes of reddit aren't great. People vote populist shit to the top which tends to be the variations of posts we've seen before and anything more engaging but long or out of the ordinary tends to sink.

The issue isn't the software though. It's getting people and making them stay. Simple marketing.
We need to publicise the stuff we do, ESPECIALLY the stuff that Others can get involved in.
We need more fun activities, that are simple enough to get others in. One of the big things we used to do was forum invasions and safaris. That not only brought a lot of people together we started claiming war brides from the sites we invaded. That died a death right around the time that the activity decline started.
And finally once people are here, we need to hold them. We've got their attention so we need to apply it to things, The general discussions are often enough for that, but in many cases they are not.

Also for the insular/too many circlejerks concern. I've been looking at how to allow people to post here by logging in via Facebook, g+ login etc. That breaks down barriers, stops users having to go through that horrible registration but can have scary ramifications.
Sleepless nights at the chateau

The Good Reverend Roger

Hoo boy.

This was a record in reaching "YUO ARE TEH CANCER WHAT IS KILLING PD".

" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.

The Good Reverend Roger

Quote from: monad on February 24, 2014, 10:58:24 AM
Under RAW and his mates, it grew explosively.

RAW never posted here.
" It's just that Depeche Mode were a bunch of optimistic loveburgers."
- TGRR, shaming himself forever, 7/8/2017

"Billy, when I say that ethics is our number one priority and safety is also our number one priority, you should take that to mean exactly what I said. Also quality. That's our number one priority as well. Don't look at me that way, you're in the corporate world now and this is how it works."
- TGRR, raising the bar at work.


He probably never even knew this site existed.

Of course is the be all and end all of discordianism and as such should be differed to as the Authority on all things Discordian.

Sleepless nights at the chateau