
Don't get me wrong, I greatly appreciate the fact that you're at least putting effort into sincerely arguing your points. It's an argument I've enjoyed having. It's just that your points are wrong and your reasons for thinking they're right are stupid.

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A Cinderella script.

Started by Pergamos, March 11, 2016, 08:53:48 AM

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Scene One (entry)
Storyteller: Welcome to Valley of the Moon, tonight's entertainment will be Cinderella, but it may not be the Cinderella you are used to.  There are no talking mice, and the faerie godmother, well you'll see.  The story begins with two people who loved each other very much.  They had a little daughter who and as the girl grew, more beautiful every day, her mother grew weaker and more sickly.  The little girl, whose name I am afraid I don't remember, was just starting to grow into a woman when her mother died.  As she was dying she asked to be buried by the house, so she could be near her family always.  She was buried near the house but the ground was barely grown back with grass before her widower had found a new wife, who had two daughters of her own.  If everyone will follow me please.

Scene Two (Cinderella's home)
   Father, Cinderella, Fiona, Brittney, Kacey, storyteller
Father: Dear, this is Fiona, she will be your new mother, and her daughters will be your sisters. 
   Fiona embraces Cinderella, Brittney and Kacey curtsey
Fiona: It's so good to finally meet you, such a lovely child. 
   Brittney pinches Cinderella, Cinderella shouts
Brittney: It was her (points at Kacey)
Kacey: It was not
Father: Oh I can see you three will get along wonderfully.
Storyteller: Her new sisters were bullies and her Fiona always took their side.  Her father was away often, and even when he was home he usually took the side of his new wife and her children.
Scene Three (Dining room)
   Fiona, Cinderella, Brittney, Kacey, Storyteller
Brittney: Is the stupid goose to sit in the parlor with us?
Fiona: She who would eat bread must earn it, out with the kitchen wench
   Kacey dumps Cinderella's bowl in the fireplace, Cinderella goes to start sifting her food from the ashes, Brittney and Kacey laugh.
Kacey: That's the right place for a cindersoot like you. 
Brittney: She's a regular cinder fella.
Storyteller: They called her cinder fella so much it just became Cinderella, and even her father took to calling her by it.  They took all of her nice clothes for themselves, leaving her with only rags. Not much later her father was going to the fair.

Scene Three (outside the house)
   Father, Brittney, Kacey, Cinderella, Storyteller
Father:  I'll be back this evening, what presents would my girls like me to bring home for them?
Brittney: I want a beautiful dress, the prettiest one at the fair.
Kacey: I want a necklace of pearls to go around my neck.
Father: and you Cinderella, what would you like?
Cinderella: Father break off for me the first branch that knocks against your hat on the way home
Father:  Of course.  I will see the three of you tonight, behave yourselves while I am gone
   Kacey and Brittney smirk, Father leaves
Storyteller: The man brought what he had been asked, a dress for Brittney, a necklace for Kacey, and for Cinderella the branch of a hazel tree that had knocked against his hat.  She went and planted the branch on her mother's grave and before long it had grown into a hazel tree.  Each day Cinderella would lay by the tree and weep, and a little white bird would come, and if she wished for something the bird would give it to her.

Scene Four (Cinderella's home)
   Cinderella, Storyteller, Fiona, Kacey, Brittney
Storyteller: The king of the land where this all happened had a son who he wished to have marry but who was very picky and who had not been satisfied with any young lady that he had met. So the king declared that there would be a grand ball and that every marriageable young woman in the land was invited, and that the party would last for three days and three nights.  Brittney and Kacey were terribly excited.
Brittney: Oh Cinderella, come and comb my hair, I'm going to the ball at the king's palace.
Kacey: Yes, come and shine my shoes and lace them up, I want the prince to notice me.
   Cinderella starts working on Kacey's shoes
Cinderella: I would like to go to the ball.
Brittney: You go to the ball?  All covered in ash and soot?
Kacey: You have no clothes or shoes, and you want to dance!
Cinderella: (to Fiona) Can't I please go?  It's all I'll ever ask of you.
   Fiona dumps a bowl full of beans in the ashes
Fiona: If you can sort out all of those beans in two hours I'll let you come.  Come girls, we must get dressed
   Fiona and step sisters leave
Cinderella: You tame pigeons, turtle doves, and all the birds beneath the sky, come and help me to pick
   Birds enter and sort the beans out of the ashes, Cinderella takes beans, Fiona enters, Cinderella offers beans
Fiona: No Cinderella, you have no pretty dress and you cannot dance, you would only be laughed at.  And we would be ashamed. 
   Cinderella leaves, crying

Scene Five (The tree)
   Cinderella, Birds, Storyteller
Cinderella: Shiver and quiver my little tree, silver and gold cast down on me
   Birds dress cinderella in beautiful gown
Cinderella: Now to get to the ball.
Storyteller:  And so we shall, right this way

Scene Six (The ball)
   Storyteller, Cinderella, Prince, Fiona, Brittney, Kacey, Revellers, Father
   Cinderella is not in scene yet, the Prince is dancing with different people, this can include the audience.
Brittney: The only reason he hasn't danced with me yet is because you keep getting in the way when he looks over here.
   Cinderella enters, all eyes go to her
Kacey:  Ooh, look at that dress, I want one like that.
Storyteller: The dress was so lovely, and the girls so unused to seeing their step sister clean and well dressed that they did not recognize her.
   Prince approaches Cinderella
Prince: May I have this dance?
Cinderella: You may
   Reveller approaches
Reveller: (To Cinderella)  May I have this dance?
Prince: (Holding Cinderella's hand tightly) This is my partner.
Storyteller: They danced until evening, with the prince dancing with no one else, and letting no one else dance with her. 
Cinderella: It is growing late and I am tired, I must get home.
Prince: I will go with you and bear you company.
   Prince and Cinderella walk, she gets a little ways ahead and runs off and hides in pigeon coop, Prince stands there for a bit, father enters.
Prince: I was walking with a lovely woman but she's run off and hid in the pigeon coop there.
   Father goes and smashes pigeon coop
Father:  If a girl hid in here she's gone now.
Storyteller: When the man returned home Cinderella was back in her rags in the soot, she had hidden the lovely dress beneath the tree after running off before he could smash up the (whatever)  The next day of the festival her sisters and step mother again refused her permission to come to the ball, and again she went to the tree, and was given an even more beautiful gown.  This way to the next day of festivities.

Scene Seven (The Ball)
   Storyteller, Fiona, Brittney, Kacey, Revellers, Prince, Cinderella, Father
Brittney: Darn it, she's back, now we'll never get to dance with the prince.
Kacey: I don't care if I dance with the prince, I just want to know who her tailor is.
   Cinderella and Prince dance
Storyteller:  Once again the Prince would dance with no other lady, and would permit no other man to dance with her.  They danced all day until evening.
Cinderella: I've had a lovely day, but I must get home.
   Cinderella starts to walk away, prince follows, Cinderella runs and climbs tree, Father comes along.
Prince: The unknown maiden has escaped me again,  I believe she is hiding in the pear tree
   Father chops down tree
Father: I am afraid she has escaped you again your highness.
Prince:  I'm going to need your help with something before the end of the day tomorrow.
Father: Anything my liege.
Storyteller: Again Cinderella had slipped away, and again she was in the soot and ashes when her family returned home.  And once more she came to the festival the next day in an even more beautiful dress that the birds gave to her.

Scene Eight (The Ball)
   Fiona, Kacey, Brittney, Rvellers, Prince, Cinderella, Storyteller
Fiona: Her dress is even better than before, don't bother girls, see if you can get the eye of one of the lords that is attending.
   Cinderella and Prince dance
Storyteller: Once again the two danced all day, but this time when Cinderella went to leave the Prince had the steps coated with pitch
   Cinderella loses her shoe on the steps but keeps running off, Prince holds it up.
Prince: No one shall be my wife but she whose foot this golden slipper fits.
Storyteller: And so he travelled about the land, trying the shoe on the feet of various ladies, until he arrived at the home of Cinderella and her family.

Scene Nine (Cinderella's home)
   Cinderella, Fiona, Brittney, Kacey, Prince, Birds
   Prince knocks on the door. Fiona answers
Prince: Hello madame, I am seeking the one whose foot will fit within this slipper, are there any maidens in the house?
Fiona: Certainly, my two daughters are here.  Let me see the slipper, I will let my eldest daughter Brittney try it on.
   Fiona takes the shoe, going inside the house to take it to Brittney, Brittney tries it on, it almost fits.
Fiona: We'll take care of that, it's just your toe that won't fit.
   Fiona takes a large knife, chops off Brittney's toe
Brittney: Oww!
Fiona:  Hush dear, you'll be a princess soon, you'll never need to walk again.
   Fiona walks out to the prince, holding up her foot with the shoe on it, he takes her to leave, the birds call out
Birds: Turn and peep turn and peep, there's blood within the shoe, the shoe is too small for her, the true bride waits for you.
   Prince looks down
Prince: The birds speak truly, you are not my bride.
   Prince and Brittney go back to the house, Prince knocks
Prince: This is not the one that is to be my wife.  Are there any other maidens here?
Fiona: There is my younger daughter, Kacey, just a moment
   Fiona takes the shoe to Kacey, Kacey tries to put it on, it doesn't fit
Fiona: It's your heel, here cut a bit off, when you are queen you won't need to go on foot.
Kacey: I suppose it's worth it.
   Kacey chops off a piece of her foot and fits it in the shoe, then goes back to the prince, they head off
Birds: Turn and peep turn and peep, there's blood within the shoe, the shoe is too small for her, the true bride waits for you.
   Prince looks down
Prince: The birds speak truly, you are not my bride.
   The Prince and Kacey return, Prince knocks, Father answers this time
Prince: This is not my bride either, have you no other daughter?
Father: No, there is only the kitchen wench, Cinderella, that my late wife left behind. 
Prince: Well send her up.
Fiona: Oh no, she is much too dirty and ugly, she cannot show herself.
Prince: I insist, send her up.
Storyteller: Cinderella washed her hands and face before she came to the Prince.
   Cinderella comes out, the prince hands her the shoe, She puts it on.
Prince: This is the true bride!  Come and marry me!
   Cinderella and Prince head off.
Birds: Turn and peep, turn and peep, no blood is in the shoe, the shoe is not too small for her, the true bride rides with you.
   Birds come and dress cinderella in gown
Storyteller:  The two were soon wed, and the party was even more grand than the one where they had met.  Cinderella even invited her step mother and step sisters, although they did very little dancing.  In fact they had a bit of a mishap at the ball.

Scene Ten (The Ball)
   Birds attack the step sisters who run off holding their faces.
Kacey: That horrid beast! It pecked out my eyes!
Brittney: Mine too! I am blind!
Storyteller:  (Closing spiel)