Saw The Filibuster Thread and Got Slapped in the Face By a Pissed Off Muse

Started by POFP, June 17, 2016, 12:59:24 AM

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In-line with my recent attitude toward politics: I think a country that's too lazy and afraid to use guns to defend their rights doesn't need their fucking guns anymore. I do see guns as a right when the People have the Will to use them to defend their other rights. But as the Newsfeed explained we have [tea-bag] patriots in this country. Previous generations gave up their rights for the compartmentalized media and law enforcement that current generations require to keep their sanity. They say they want freedom, but they don't mean it.

Rights will continue to be taken until we are willing to stand up for them. Billy fucks-his-cousin Joel isn't more willing to stand up for those rights than Donald Trump or Ted Cruz or anyone else in politics that pretends to care. The right to own guns WILL be taken. Very soon. And no one will do anything relevant about it. Nor will they do anything when the rest are taken.

It may not happen due to this filibuster. But it will happen. And regardless of your views on guns themselves, or which party's clown you support, you can't help but admit that America doesn't deserve it's fucking guns.
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