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Dallas Police shootings

Started by Junkenstein, July 08, 2016, 09:59:57 AM

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Not sure where this goes under yet:

QuoteFive Dallas police officers have been killed and six wounded by gunmen during protests against the shooting of black men by police, authorities say.
Three people are in custody and one man who was in a stand-off with police shot himself dead, US media have reported.
Gunfire broke out at around 20:45 local time on Thursday (01:45 GMT Friday) as demonstrators marched through the city.
The protests were sparked by the deaths of Philando Castile in Minnesota and Alton Sterling in Louisiana.
The Dallas attack marks the deadliest toll on US law enforcement officers since the 9/11 attacks in 2001.

QuoteChief Brown said the suspects were all believed to have been working together, using rifles to carry out attacks while the rally was taking place.
He added: "We do not have a comfort level that we have all the suspects."

This seems unlikely to end well, in any regard.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.




There is literally nothing here that will end well from this.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


This may require its own thread.  This is...unprecedented.  And while, based on a very quick reading, the Dallas PD are not the worst city PD in existence, nevertheless you're going to have an institutionally paranoid group with a strong group identity now feeling it's under attack.  And they have lots of guns and badges.



Quote from: Cain on July 08, 2016, 01:54:24 PM
This may require its own thread.  This is...unprecedented.  And while, based on a very quick reading, the Dallas PD are not the worst city PD in existence, nevertheless you're going to have an institutionally paranoid group with a strong group identity now feeling it's under attack.  And they have lots of guns and badges.

Please feel free to split/move. The reason I stuck it here is I just have no idea what to actually refer to this as yet beyond "Massive clusterfuck" in both the immediate present and future.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Done.  Here's a livefeed

The BBC are also reporting what Dallas PD is saying the dead gunman's motives were:

QuoteThe gunman killed in a stand-off with Dallas police said he was upset about the police shootings of black people and wanted to kill white officers, the city's police chief has said.

The suspect told police that he was working alone, Police Chief David Brown told reporters.

Five Dallas police officers were killed and seven wounded by gunmen during protests against the shooting of black men by police, authorities say.

Three people are in custody.

Live updates

Mr Brown said the suspect had been killed when police used explosives to end a stand-off in a building where he was holed up.

He said that the gunman had told a negotiator that he was "upset about the Black Lives Matter [protest], about recent police shootings, upset at white people, and he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers".

"He said he was not affiliated with any groups, and he did this alone," Mr Brown added.


"key points from news conference"
QuoteThe suspect involved in a stand-off with police said he wanted to kill white people, especially police officers
He said he was upset about recent police shootings of black men
Police negotiated with the man for several hours and exchanged gunfire with him 
The suspect was killed by an explosive device sent in remotely using a police robot
Police will not identify the suspects or give any details about them while the investigation is ongoing 
Police chief David Brown said "divisiveness between our police and our citizens" must stop

The bold is particularly concerning. All of it is, but that has certain implications as a particularly worrying precedent for dealing with hostile people.
Nine naked Men just walking down the road will cause a heap of trouble for all concerned.


Yeah, I'm trying to find out more about these robots.

I mean, that's a pretty unorthodox tactic, for a police station.


Quote from: Junkenstein on July 08, 2016, 02:25:50 PM
"key points from news conference" [snip] that has certain implications as a particularly worrying precedent for dealing with hostile people.

Especially as it is happening in a country where you don't actually have to be hostile in order for tbtb to deal with you; you just have to be ethnically challenged/challenging.
"The ultimate hidden truth of the world is that it is something we make and could just as easily make differently" David Graeber


From the sounds of it, he was tightly lodged in wherever he was, and the Dallas PD had been communicating with him via a police negotiator.  It does sound like it was a situation where breaching and going in would probably result in at least one dead cop in addition to the suspect.

But I would definitely like to see what sort of rulebook there is regarding when you can send in the robot with a bomb.  That sounds like a special forces tactic, the sort of thing you'd see deployed in overseas situations by military personnel.


QuoteA robotics expert says Dallas police appear to be the first law enforcement agency to use a robot to kill.

Peter W. Singer, of the New America Foundation, says the killing of a suspect in Thursday night's fatal shooting of five police officers is the first instance of which he's aware of a robot being used lethally by police.

Dallas Police Chief David Brown told reporters that after hours of failed negotiations and in order to not put any officers in harm's way, his department used a robot to deliver a bomb that killed the suspect. Brown said they saw no other option.

Singer said in an email Friday that when he was researching his 2009 book "Wired for War" a U.S. soldier told him troops in Iraq sometimes used MARCbot surveillance robots against insurgents.

QuoteThe suspect was identified as Micah X. Johnson, 25, a resident of the Dallas area, two U.S. law enforcement officials said.

Johnson had no known criminal history or ties to terror groups, the official said, and has relatives in Mesquite, Texas, which is just east of Dallas.The official said federal agents were assisting Dallas authorities in the investigation.

Authorities believe Johnson belonged to an informal gun club and took copious amounts of target practice, according to a law enforcement official.


Hold on... They had him holed up, trapped with nowhere to go, and no one was in immediate danger... so they just up and killed him?


Quote from: LMNO on July 08, 2016, 04:40:10 PM
Hold on... They had him holed up, trapped with nowhere to go, and no one was in immediate danger... so they just up and killed him?

There are uncomfirmed reports that the police negotiator may have been killed.

I'm trying to get more info on that.


Quote from: LMNO on July 08, 2016, 04:40:10 PM
Hold on... They had him holed up, trapped with nowhere to go, and no one was in immediate danger... so they just up and killed him?

Dude, we have been doing that since the 70s, that's why you (almost) never hear about jetliner hijackings in the US.

They negotiated with him for two hours, no progress. They couldn't take him out without risking more cops, so they nuked him robotically. Hey they would have used a drone if he was Yemeni.

On the bright side what may be the first man made cybornetic "animal/robot" was announced today. Artificial stingray, propelled by heart cells from a rat.

This is why the brightest minds in the room are warning us about the emerging era of AI/robotic warfare, because it is coming to a city near you:

QuoteMusk, Wozniak and Hawking urge ban on warfare AI and autonomous weapons

When AI and (cybornetic)robotics are tasked with our security, what could go wrong?