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Local 73rd Hermits Cabal

Started by Tinfoilment, January 24, 2023, 06:23:37 AM

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Individual called Altered,

why are you even here?

Iffin you want to smash and destroy everything weird, why not convert to Thelema and serve Ra Hoor Khuit?

I disregard your aggro control trip.  Discordianism is chill hippie shit designed to be open-ended. 

Also, I'm even doing it in a formal way that rhymes with the old way.  And this forum is so quiet that there can expected to be nothing new for the next several decades.  Why ban anyone?



It is called 73rd because there are 73 days in a season. 


1: I am here because I've been here for ages and some people I like are here. Where the hell else would I be?

2: I am provably weirder than you. Like, it's actually possible to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt, regardless of context, that I am weirder than you.

Some examples:
--I have 199 people living in my head. Not a joke, this is diagnosed, although using "people" for some of them may be a stretch.
--Actually, example of that: there are not one, but two individual consciousnesses in here that perceive themselves as a hive mind inhabiting a large pack of walking, predatory clams. Like, wobbling around on a fan of geoduck siphons, navigating by sonar using their beards to receive sound and scraping their valves together to make sound, and beating prey to death with their sharpened, beak-shaped valves. They aren't even the weirdest things in here. This isn't lol-random shit, this is literally a fair description of precisely 2 of the 199 beings in my head.
--My actual legal name is "Curse Fraudulence Null". Yes, for real.
--I ask everyone to refer to me as they would an object, an idea, an abstract notion, an unexpected xenomorph folded up in the closet. "It". "That". "Thing". Half of this is that I hate people and being associated with them, the other half is setting expectations.
--I have befriended and worked with multiple successful musicians, videogame developers, film directors, published authors, etc. They see me as one of their kind, even though I have never released work.
--I'm in the process of gearing up to write a queer-plural exegesis of Torah and the Zohar, using the Talmud as a guide, but with the recognition that a being like me would not have been foreseen or understood by the sages.
--I've constructed a half-dozen complete languages, just for fun.
--This list continues.

This, my reaction to your garbage on the floor, is not you being too weird. This is you being too normal. I've seen this shit a thousand times. There are thousands of people exactly like you, speaking only from personal experience, which means there's bound to be millions.

3: Discordianism is not nice. Discordianism is a religion whose goddess is one of chaos and strife. Here, from Wikipedia, is Hesiod describing Eris's children. Parentheticals are the translations of the names of her children, and a fair description of their roles.

"And hateful Eris bore painful Ponos (Hardship),
Lethe (Forgetfulness) and Limos (Starvation) and the tearful Algea (Pains),
Hysminai (Battles), Makhai (Wars), Phonoi (Murders), and Androktasiai (Manslaughters);
Neikea (Quarrels), Pseudea (Lies), Logoi (Stories), Amphillogiai (Disputes),
Dysnomia (Anarchy) and Ate (Ruin), near one another,
and Horkos (Oath), who most afflicts men on earth,
Then willing swears a false oath."

If you don't like that Eris, don't worry, there's another one. From Homer:
"... and Discord [Ἔρις] that rageth incessantly, sister and comrade of man-slaying Ares; she at the first rears her crest but little, yet thereafter planteth her head in heaven, while her feet tread on earth. She it was that now cast evil strife into their midst as she fared through the throng, making the groanings of men to wax."

I should stress, yeah, these two Erises are generally considered to be different goddesses with the same name. I feel kinship with the latter, who I tend to call "Eris Militant". Interestingly, that's also definitely the one who threw the original Apple of Discord. Hm.

"Hippie shit" is a distortion. It's not a wholly untrue one, it's just missing the coat of paint for the filth and shit underneath. Eris is not a nice lady. She's a shit-stirrer and menace. She makes people fight for her own entertainment, and doesn't particularly care if they live or die, so long as it's funny.

Bluntly put: no, you're wrong.

4: There's nothing formal about bumping ancient threads that have nothing to do with whatever the fuck you're doing. "Word salad" is not a valuable addition. It is, by definition, all noise, no signal.

As for the forum being so quiet that they wouldn't ban anyone, don't worry! I can make everyone, especially the admins, sick of my shit in a hot second. And I can 100% take you with me.
"I am that worst of all type of criminal...I cannot bring myself to do what you tell me, because you told me."

There's over 100 of us in this meat-suit. You'd think it runs like a ship, but it's more like a hundred and ten angry ghosts having an old-school QuakeWorld tournament, three people desperately trying to make sure the gamers don't go hungry or soil themselves, and the Facilities manager weeping in the corner as the garbage piles high.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Tinfoilment on September 23, 2023, 09:37:15 AM
Individual called Altered,

why are you even here?

Iffin you want to smash and destroy everything weird, why not convert to Thelema and serve Ra Hoor Khuit?

I disregard your aggro control trip.  Discordianism is chill hippie shit designed to be open-ended. 

Also, I'm even doing it in a formal way that rhymes with the old way.  And this forum is so quiet that there can expected to be nothing new for the next several decades.  Why ban anyone?

How about you fuck off?
Molon Lube


[ curse fraudulence null ] , That name is awesome.  I don't know if the legalist aspect is relevant, beacuse of disregard for the authority of the state over church.

To be honest, I have been off and on forums decades ago, this is my first forum in years.  To encounter prejudice at the first is weird, but whatever.  Previous forums almost always had pointless fighting and meat-jockeying over who is the biggest baddest nerd typing on a screen hidden somewhere.  Sometimes I would find myself in admin positions and sometimes I would be on the outskirts.  It is irritating being treated as an enemy by Discordians, considering a lifetime of devotion to Eris.  Though it is also irrelevant because religion not organized.

As per your bragging, I support your Biblical project, and I would like to see your languages.  I have a knowledge of the Torah but not of the Zohar.  I tend to think of Hebrew Kabalah as crypto-Shia.  After Discordianism, being the creation of DIY religion, it is easy to trace the origins of Torah religion, via Moses and Ezekiel. 

As for both ancient Eris and modern Eris.  The ancient world was much different from the modern world.  Modern Eris as presented by the Principia Discordia, by RA Wilson, and by other authors is totally disconnected from ancient Eris.  Why even mention LSD?  The Principia claims to have been written in 1957, continued during the 1960s, and the location seems to be San Francisco.  For any religion to trace its origins to the hippie era of California is an honor!  But ancient Eris, who might also be Ares and Iris, eating eyeballs and stuff,  isn't somebody like the authors of the Principia, or like the devotees of Discordianism.  Wicca has similar problems, where the ancient gods being slowly refurbished are different from the enduser.  Ancient Hecate is different from modern Hecate.


Instead of me fucking off,
how about you fuck off off howl 
i will have you know that i am a navy seal


why are random garble scripts desirable?

because barbarous words
because zwack cypher
because appendages
because the wall is silent
because graffiti


and on the subject , d ification , why actually isn't this lolcats ?
Perhaps because this forum existed before the internets did that,
but sweetmorns and random memes are very similar flavors.   :fap:
I think this forum could and should have a section that self-erases after five pages,
maintaining an ever-constant state of dumb creation. 


the letter lowercase L , like an ancient tally , here used for seasonal time:

chs lll lllll lllll lllll lllll
dsc lllll lll lllll lllll lllll
cfn lllll lllll lll lllll lllll
bcy lllll lllll lllll lll lllll
afm lllll lllll lllll lllll lll

chaotic neutral observer

Quote from: Tinfoilment on December 03, 2023, 08:17:42 AM
To be honest, I have been off and on forums decades ago, this is my first forum in years.  To encounter prejudice at the first is weird, but whatever.
Your posts were effluvial from the first.  No prejudice was required.

It is irritating being treated as an enemy by Discordians, considering a lifetime of devotion to Eris.
Your faith is too weak, or whatever.  Go on a pilgrimage to a fetid swamp with no communication with the outside world and meditate for a couple decades, that'll sort you out.
Desine fata deum flecti sperare precando.

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Tinfoilment on December 03, 2023, 08:17:42 AM
[ curse fraudulence null ] , That name is awesome.  I don't know if the legalist aspect is relevant, beacuse of disregard for the authority of the state over church.

To be honest, I have been off and on forums decades ago, this is my first forum in years.  To encounter prejudice at the first is weird, but whatever.

Prejudice?  You were rude to Altered.  This is what you fucking get.

Try not being a fucking dickbag, and see where it gets you.
Molon Lube


The time of normal people is now January 1st 2024.

I declare closure of the holiday Year 23 Imperitivae.

ỿꬴᶏꭉ 23 ᶖꬺꝕꬴꭉᶖȶᶖⱱᶏꬴ