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Street Actions Thread

Started by Q. G. Pennyworth, November 19, 2024, 12:47:32 AM

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Q. G. Pennyworth

Yo nerds. I'm gonna be in on a lot of these might as well keep it organized.

Went out to holler at the anti-choice dicknuts on Saturday, partially for the reasons on the tin and partially to feel out my Current Capacity since we're all 8 years older and creakier than we were last go round. Went well, recruited appropriate supports, tapped out when I needed to tap out, got mouthy at a cop and told a bunch of cunts to suck a dick.

Core improvements I've made for myself: dedicated and competent buddy system; intentionally and aggressively expanding the ally circle early and allowing for more parallel play and less "all my allies are friends both with me and each other" errors; robust self-knowledge and acceptance of limits; properly calibrated hypervigilance; more complete understanding of the rules of engagement the cops are (supposed to be) playing by.

Happy to share strats, answer questions, scream at the void together. I hope to have some time for a diatribe on parallel organizing and diversity of tactics before too long.

Abbot Mythos

Seriously, stay safe out there, and good luck!

Doktor Howl

Quote from: Q. G. Pennyworth on November 19, 2024, 12:47:32 AMYo nerds. I'm gonna be in on a lot of these might as well keep it organized.

Went out to holler at the anti-choice dicknuts on Saturday, partially for the reasons on the tin and partially to feel out my Current Capacity since we're all 8 years older and creakier than we were last go round. Went well, recruited appropriate supports, tapped out when I needed to tap out, got mouthy at a cop and told a bunch of cunts to suck a dick.

You're turning into me, you know.

QuoteCore improvements I've made for myself: dedicated and competent buddy system; intentionally and aggressively expanding the ally circle early and allowing for more parallel play and less "all my allies are friends both with me and each other" errors; robust self-knowledge and acceptance of limits; properly calibrated hypervigilance; more complete understanding of the rules of engagement the cops are (supposed to be) playing by.

Wise.  Those rules will be subject to shockingly rapid change.  Also, remember that Trump has been promising to use the military on you.  Whether or not they would be enthusiastic about it is very much dependent on which units would be potentially deployed.

QuoteHappy to share strats, answer questions, scream at the void together. I hope to have some time for a diatribe on parallel organizing and diversity of tactics before too long.

I am your go-to guy for the more direct approach.  Also, I can give you a description of the state of the art drone situation.
Molon Lube

Doktor Howl

Molon Lube

Q. G. Pennyworth

Cops and Military play by different rules. They all have rules. They don't necessarily follow them but if you know what the other guy has in his head it's an advantage. Knowing is half the battle, the other half is actually hitting the guy with your laser beams.

... which is a GI Joe reference for the soulless NSA shithead reading this thread and trying to build a case on me.