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the value of information

Started by LHX, January 09, 2006, 06:46:08 PM

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Quote from: erotic
Quote from: LHX

my response was that we could keep the sadness
keep it stored in the INFORMATION - much like we have fossils of dinosaurs

I think I missed this setp.

Because I would ahve said that reading about emotion or somehow absorbing information about emotion tends to be far different from actual experience of said emotion.

Much like reading "Zen and the art of Motorcycle Maintenence" will make you neither a bike mechanic, nor an enlightened soul.

except that we - as in you and me -
have directly experienced the emotion

when i type sadness - you know the sadness

in that respect - the use of information seems to hold true

also -
does the emotion and tragedy necessarily NEED to be continually passed on?

my hunch is no

maybe it is possible to teach a kid sadness in one sitting
using nothing more than an apple
and a firm blow to the head

it could be like a tour

'tragedy - the interactive tour'
take them in
take them back out


i think the ultimate point i am trying to reach
(as always)
is that regardless of whether this necessitates that
it really seems like the suffering that goes on here is not necessary
we already have the tools needed to put it to rest

not eliminate it
put it away for a while
neat hell


Do we, though?

Most of human suffering doesn't come from our direct environment, but from inside ourselves, due to frustrated desire, primate hierarchy power games, selfishness, and helplessness in the face of an uncaring universe.

I'm not sure we have the technology to do away with all those causes, and even if we did, I'm not sure that society in general would want to use said technology.


Quote from: erotic
Most of human suffering doesn't come from our direct environment, but from inside ourselves,

this thread is expanding to some nice places

i agree that the suffering comes from inside
i also acknowledge the fact that sources of interruption are external

you can be a peaceful person
your tolerance is only as strong as the situations you have encountered

in that respect
it does appear that we are reaching a climax of sorts
as everybodys tolerance is being tested more these days

the trials themselves may not be more difficult
they are becoming more constant and more frequent in succession

Quote from: lmnodue to frustrated desire, primate hierarchy power games, selfishness, and helplessness in the face of an uncaring universe.

i still propose the idea that these things are not as necessary as we are led to believe
may actually be the result of intent at some point in the past

Quote from: lmno
I'm not sure we have the technology to do away with all those causes, and even if we did, I'm not sure that society in general would want to use said technology.

i will propose another idea then -
we are dealing with more than one society right now
an emerging society within 'the' society
neat hell


Quote from: LHX
Quote from: eroticdue to frustrated desire, primate hierarchy power games, selfishness, and helplessness in the face of an uncaring universe.

i still propose the idea that these things are not as necessary as we are led to believe
may actually be the result of intent at some point in the past

Ooh, I'm intrigued.  go there.  flesh out your idea.

Quote from: erotic
I'm not sure we have the technology to do away with all those causes, and even if we did, I'm not sure that society in general would want to use said technology.

i will propose another idea then -
we are dealing with more than one society right now
an emerging society within 'the' society

Well, When I say "society", i mean the dominant paradigm.  I agree there are always societies within societies.  Maybe there's a sea change coming, maybe not.


Quote from: erotic
Quote from: LHX
due to frustrated desire, primate hierarchy power games, selfishness, and helplessness in the face of an uncaring universe.

i still propose the idea that these things are not as necessary as we are led to believe
may actually be the result of intent at some point in the past

Ooh, I'm intrigued.  go there.  flesh out your idea.

okay - give me a second to get some back-door logic together

Quote from: erotic
 Maybe there's a sea change coming, maybe not.

my friend
seems to be the most definite thing that can be said

to further it tho
i propose this -

just by virtue of the fact that we can conceptualize 'a sea of change'
and that there is nothing but the lull of routine that can keep somebody on the sea of whatever-the-fuck-this-is
it might suggest that
once things become SO shitty in these parts
shitty to the point of many people would rather kill themselves than 'row the boat' in this direction any longer
'the boat' becomes so broken down and obviously sinking

the 'sea of change' is only a matter of time

the grass is purpler on the other side of the blence
neat hell


Quotejust by virtue of the fact that we can conceptualize 'a sea of change'
and that there is nothing but the lull of routine that can keep somebody on the sea of whatever-the-fuck-this-is
it might suggest that
once things become SO shitty in these parts
shitty to the point of many people would rather kill themselves than 'row the boat' in this direction any longer
'the boat' becomes so broken down and obviously sinking

the 'sea of change' is only a matter of time

They thought the same thing in the 60's.  "Age of Aquarius" and all that.  Never underestimate the apathy and inertia of the masses.

Quotethe grass is purpler on the other side of the blence

::insert witty and clever non-sequitor rejoinder here::


Quote from: erotic
Quotejust by virtue of the fact that we can conceptualize 'a sea of change'
and that there is nothing but the lull of routine that can keep somebody on the sea of whatever-the-fuck-this-is
it might suggest that
once things become SO shitty in these parts
shitty to the point of many people would rather kill themselves than 'row the boat' in this direction any longer
'the boat' becomes so broken down and obviously sinking

the 'sea of change' is only a matter of time

They thought the same thing in the 60's.  "Age of Aquarius" and all that.  Never underestimate the apathy and inertia of the masses.

wouldnt you say that some alert people have learned from this?

can you name anybody here who wouldnt step on a hippys face then take his stash and steal his girl?

46 years is a long time in computer-years
(which is pretty damn close to light years)
neat hell


Quote from: lmno
Quotethe grass is purpler on the other side of the blence

::insert witty and clever non-sequitor rejoinder here::

non se¬?qui¬?tur (nŏn sĕk'wĭ-tər, -tʊr')
An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premises or evidence.
A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it.
neat hell


Quote from: LHX
can you name anybody here who wouldnt step on a hippys face then take his stash and steal his girl?

Hey, I thought we were trying to minimize human suffering here...  :wink:

46 years is a long time in computer-years
(which is pretty damn close to light years)


Light-years is a measurement of length.



Quote from: erotic
46 years is a long time in computer-years
(which is pretty damn close to light years)


Light-years is a measurement of length.


wave-particle duality is a measurement of 'uhh-we dont know anything really'

One entry found for pedantic.

Main Entry: pe¬?dan¬?tic
Pronunciation: pi-'dan-tik
Function: adjective
1 : of, relating to, or being a pedant
2 : narrowly, stodgily, and often ostentatiously learned
neat hell


pe¬?dan¬?tic  adj.
Characterized by a narrow, often ostentatious concern for book learning and formal rules: "a pedantic attention to details."

But really, a light year is the distance light travels in one year.  I know, relativity, but still...


Quote from: erotic
Quote from: LHX
Quote from: eroticdue to frustrated desire, primate hierarchy power games, selfishness, and helplessness in the face of an uncaring universe.

i still propose the idea that these things are not as necessary as we are led to believe
may actually be the result of intent at some point in the past

Ooh, I'm intrigued.  go there.  flesh out your idea.

i cant really make a case for this
all i can do is point out some connections

if you strip away the 'fairy tale' aura of those 'yacub' legends i put up in this forum
the story becomes one of intent as the cause of the current suffering
rather than some strange 'natural' progression

if you take a look at just how absurd the current situation on this planet seems to be
it suggests that it may have taken something equally as absurd to set it into motion

and i use the term 'absurd' purposely
not unjust
not unfair
not wrong
does not make sense

the fact that people have the ability to 'make choices' and 'tell lies' suggests that something really fucked up may have happened at some point early on

for my money
this maybe looks as legitimate as any
neat hell


I'll respond to this tomorrow.


neat hell

Irreverend Hugh, KSC



"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"