
If it quacks like a sociopath, but also ponders its own sociopathy, it's probably just an asshole.

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Started by Wolfpoet, May 07, 2006, 11:10:14 PM

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What is enlightenment?

Bhuddists tell us of a universal sens eof inner peace and well being.

Fundamentalist Christians speak of the rapture when the chosen few are transported to heaven.

Satanists break out the recreational pharmaceuticals and kick start the party.

People of a more Nordic attitude wait for the shit to hit the fan and the war to start.

But what does it mean? Forget the far-reaching plans for a moment, forget the great work, forget everything just for a moment of reflection.

When this great and noble endaevour has been completed, when eyes have been opened, sheep converted to wolves and the packs run wild and free. When society as we know it has crumbled to half-remembered dust and the monolithic systems that rule our lives have been brought down, what then?

What happens when the soldiers have nothing left to fight for? When the thinkers have seen their thoughts turn to reality? When all we have strived for has come to pass, what then?

What are we actualy fighting for?

For each of us it's a different answer, for each of us it's a different road to this ideal.

Take a moment in each day to reflect upon this, drop your plans, forget your ideas. Just step away and consider what you are doing and why.

Never lose sight of your goal lest your ideals be forgotten, lest the struggle becomes the reason for struggle.

As long as you keep that goal in sight, as long as you realise with every breath and every thought why you do what you do, what you seek, then this enlightenment in whatever form it may take will never be far away.

Some of you are no longer content to sit and talk, some of you are no longer able to stand idly by. For some of you a rallying call has gone out and you feel compelled to make your stand and cry out in defiance.

So always keep sight of where you want to go, never lose that which you seek in the pursuit of that goal.

*steps down from the pulpit*
It's not so much that we fear the Wolf that howls outside, we fear the Wolf that howls within our soul.

Paladin, Iman, Rabbi and Fa Shih of the Erisian revival.

There are 3 sides to any conflict, winners, losers and arms dealers. Eris does a damn good deal at competitive prices.

the other anonymous

Quote from: WolfpoetWhat is enlightenment?

Sex. Lots of sex.

Quote from: WolfpoetBut what does it mean?

Sex. Lots of sex.

Quote from: WolfpoetWhen all we have strived for has come to pass, what then?

Sex. Lots of sex.

Quote from: WolfpoetWhat are we actualy fighting for?

Sex! Lots of sex!

Quote from: WolfpoetFor each of us it's a different answer, for each of us it's a different road to this ideal.

Fag. ;)

East Coast Hustle

Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"