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Rant 168: The Great Joke

Started by Irreverend Hugh, KSC, May 31, 2006, 09:31:10 AM

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Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Rant 168
The Great Joke

"The fools look for solidity as if they would actually find it. The rest look for it knowing there will be fun and games when they don't find it."
-The White Mouse (from the "Blue Light Sessions")

"Our revenge will be the laughter of our children."
-Bobby Sands (Stailceoir Ocrais, 1981)

The greatest joke of all is the fact that we have an irreligion with the title "Discordianism" and this makes us think that we must promote all sorts of discord, strife, and disorder because such things are understood to be what Discordianism is about. "Discordianism is about discord," some of us say almost dogmatically. But those of us (sometimes within the same person) who say such things in earnest seem to be incapable of understanding metaphor. Some of us seem to be literal minded and fundamentalist in our insistence that discordians must always be creating or causing strife. But all of this is simply a joke. Societies every where are always finding ways to build in pressure valves for any of its malcontents to blow off steam through. Thus Discordianism can be seen as merely another pressure valve. An escape mechanism to expend and dissipate energy that may otherwise cause real or lasting changes if not so diverted.

Remember that there is no greater cause of conflict and strife than societies in thrall to authority (whether that is embodied by people, institutions, religions, or laws). So, in this respect, even if Discordianism wasn't an escape valve or a diversionary trick, it lacks the experience to successfully challenge or change anything in the larger scheme of things. How could it, when systems of authority have so much more experience and ability? Perhaps viewing Discordianism as supposedly some sort of method or means of challenge is a wrong way of going about it. After all, the founders of modern Discordianism, whatever else you may think of them did say that "the Discordian Society has no definition." Why the hell don't we ever get it through our heads that nonsense is salvation?

We can try to make it a serious or important endeavor, but remember that even Che Guevara is now used to make people rich in a system he died opposing. There is nothing, not even Discordianism, that can resist the great maw of the market. (Some of you disagree that Discordianism is just another escape valve for blowing off steam. I dislike the idea too, but for the sake of argument, let's try to see some truths in the idea.)

In this light, we Discordians may just be fooling around playing with life, but at least many of us admit this. The idea that Discordians must seek to cause change or must seek to set anyone else free is just an idea that many of us (and not only us but most people in the world, actually) have in order to make ourselves feel better or to make us feel like we are doing something much more important or full of meaning than really exists. Who needs meaning? Those who for whatever reason feel they lack it.

A bunch of us Discordians going around parodying religions and reverencing Eris in silly ways is no more or less silly than a bunch of people going around talking about and taking part in all sorts of revolutionary or anarchist-chic activities and ideas. A great joke that is never understood is that all of human endeavors and ideas are simply creations of ours and when we fail to see this, we become the victims of this joke. Discordianism possibly provides a way to see this joke as it is, but that is not what often happens, is it? (And if you would like for one of us to show you how Discordianism can give you a way to see this or for any other form of bottled air, let us know. Dis-orderlies are standing by.)

Many Discordian Fundamentalists would have us believe that the only things or ideas that have merit are Discordian things or ideas, or at least those of them that can be considered useful to Discordianism. Some people even think that in order to be a true Discordian, one must constantly fight by tooth and nail or by guile in order to promote Discordianism or discord, or trouble or disorder or whatever the latest chaos-chic idea is these days. Or that one must demonstrate one's freedom by never having anything to do with such "boring" or mundane activities such as children, food, or furniture...but people who think this way should know that some of us would like to enjoy life and the things we have while we are here. What part of freedom means not having fun? All of us Discordians claim to not want to be duped. Some of us actually don't even want to be duped by Discordianism itself. (Can we remember the whole thing is a joke?)

I know some of you will take issue with that and say "who are you to call Discordianism a joke?" And then you'll get all huffy and puffy and blow your mental aneurysm. But still, Discordianism is a joke. The greatest joke, probably. All religions, thoughts, ideologies, and systems are jokes. What fun would there be if they weren't? At this point you may be saying "how dare you so blithely dismiss this serious and very important thing as a joke? Life is about more than fun." Yes. Sure it is. For you, maybe. Humor works for me as much or more than any other reasons you may have for living. Humor is why I am into Discordianism. Hell, think about it. An entire religion centered around and expressed through humor. An irreligion.  

Now, before some of you conclusion-jumpers go off and respond to what you think I am saying, pay attention (I know that is hard in today's age of point-and-click). I am not saying that going around wanting to create changes in society or going around wanting to show people they are free is worthless. I said it is a joke. Everything is, in as much as it can delude us into falling for it. If you infer that by being a joke that your project or scheme to promote discord or to "do good" is worthless, then you need to ask yourself why you feel that humor is worthless.

Some of us say the words "Operation Mindfuck" and no longer laugh at the silliness of such a thing. Some of us think that whatever project we have got going on in Operation Mindfuck is of great importance, or that Operation Mindfuck never had anything to do with laughter or with nonsense. Some of us have deluded ourselves into thinking that Operation Mindfuck and the whole Discordian Society is about some sort of twisted circus-like messiah-ship in which we have to run around getting people to use their heads or to free their minds or something to that effect. But this is just another part of the joke and Operation Mindfuck's greatest contribution to the world is in the numbers of Discordians who get fundamentalist about it.

I still hear a lot of whining and complaining from some of us about how Discordianism is a failure or about how we need to start "doing things" in the real world (which is really one of those fnord phrases that means whatever agrees with the person who says it). Or I hear complaints about the need for intelligent discussion and such (even by some of the same Discordians who used to complain about such high-handedness). I don't mind the contradictions and in fact encourage them. It's just that many of the more serious Discordians get all huffy when these sorts of contradictions are pointed out. ("Not/Never I" they say.) Many of you reading this now may be pissed off because I am basically saying that no matter what you do, it is a joke. Some of you feel that you have given so much both to Discordianism and to carrying the flag of discord that no one should be able to criticize you or laugh at you. But you know that's absurd. Being behind or for the Discordian cause is just another silly part of Operation Mindfuck. And nothing you can do will change the fact that Discordianism is simply one of the many pressure valves that society has for blowing off steam.

Lighten up. If you think you have seen through the game or the system or society or the normals or any other of the no-good-shit categories used today, why is it that you don't find it funny? The flag of discord is just as limited and bigoted as any other flag. (They are flags after all. Flags care nothing so long as people are willing to fight and die for them.) We Discordians are no different from any other group of people that imagines themselves to be a special elite crowd...separate from the world of the so-called normal people. But our behavior shows that we are pretty much the same. Sure, some of us reverence Eris, and claim freedom, but that is no different from people reverencing Liberty and claiming to be free. Sure, we have silly titles, a myriad of terms and phrases that only insiders or experienced members know, but this is just like any other group. We claim to be better or smarter or funnier (though there is evidence for this last one), but many groups do this.

Perhaps the only thing that makes us distinct from any other group is that we claim to be able to see through reality all the while falling for our own lines of bullshit. But on second thought, this makes us like every other group. Perhaps then, it's the fact that we spend so much time and effort trying to "see through reality" that we miss out entirely on "seeing reality." Who can say? It's up to us to decide.

Quite frankly, if Discordianism wasn't the Great Joke (though some call it the Great Tickle) that it is, most of us wouldn't be Discordians now, would we? If we couldn't make fun out of both order and disorder (who are often in bed together) making all that racket as they roil about in the hodge-podge, then what would be the point of going around pretending to evangelize people who never heard of Eris and are therefore in danger of reincarnating as Mao-buttons? If it weren't for the Erisians (Eris-lovers if ever such a type of people could be labeled) making muck and mucking about with the Pagans and the Buddhists at all those silly fire festivals (and occasionally showing up at the odd Wiccan circle and causing hoots), the Discordian Society would be so much the poorer. (I say this because some Discordians go around saying that Erisians are sad for actually believing Eris exists. However, the Erisians are not sad at all. Most of them actually wake up laughing every morning. In fact, the only time I ever saw an Erisian cry was when Chairman Chao accidentally tried to inhale tobacco smoke through his eye.)

Then there is apathy. Some of us Discordians go around thinking that others of our kind are simply being apathetic or pathetic because we don't go around trying to "do things" about the state of the world in which we live. But really, the vast majority of us "do things," it's just that most of us don't talk much about what, how, when or where simply because once the laughter dies down we don't have the energy or the sense to try to make sense in any meaningful way that anyone who wasn't part of it would understand. (Though all efforts to try should be encouraged because, damn it, one of us has to become a great story teller at some point. I have my predictions as to who that might be, but I'll keep my mouth shut for now, since I already talk too much and most of the time my mouth runs on ahead of my brain. (The two are in a state of discord at the moment.))

Perhaps Samuel Beckett or Oscar Wilde or even Robert Anton Wilson would have something to say about this. But we don't need them for a good time and a laugh. In this Great Joke of Discordianism, all we need is a few good minds blown in the wind. Promoting discord? Sure thing. Promoting order? Absolutely. Promoting change and freedom? All right. Promoting nothing but some hoots and laughs around? Okay. But we must draw the line at turning our Great Joke into something of serious import. Otherwise, it will be the end of the whole thing and at that point we'll have to realize that Discordianism is another escape valve. And we don't want to do that, now do we? Not that it is much more than an escape valve, but there is promise in finding solace in nonsense, despite what all the detractors say. What's the point of not laughing at our foibles?

Discord 69th, 3172 / May 22nd, 2006
-Irreverend Hugh, KSC;
Episkopos of the DSSS/PMM, Arch-Drunk in the Church of Eris, Sub-Underling of the Hoshi Church, Chairperson of the Dept. of Pigeon Evangelism for the Gerfrickdan Sect,
and (Con)Founder of the Flaming Church of Baby Jesus on a Motorbike.
(Failing these, there is always witchcraft. You know, pins and dolls and odd-tasting stews.)
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"


Quite a long one, but I like it. :) Would look good written up as a document.


Do you mean that humans should just be, and that's all...just be f-ing happy, do what thou wilt and all...
I am very curious Irreverend Hugh, KSC.

You see I am split between just being, and having a purpose.
Then again, me persoanlly feels that having a 50/50 is ok.

Yes. I know you were speaking of discordians, not all humans.

All this drives me crazy, just saying.

and so it goes...
I wish I was in Tijuana
Eating barbequed iguana-

Irreverend Hugh, KSC

Quote from: maphdethmmm...
Do you mean that humans should just be, and that's all...just be f-ing happy, do what thou wilt and all...
I am very curious Irreverend Hugh, KSC.

You see I am split between just being, and having a purpose.
Then again, me persoanlly feels that having a 50/50 is ok.

Yes. I know you were speaking of discordians, not all humans.

All this drives me crazy, just saying.

and so it goes...

Sounds like you got what I was saying. I can't speak for all humans, nor even all Discordians, nor even some, though I can talk about a few here and there. And as hard as it may be to believe, I spend most of my time in this city messing with the program and whispering sweet lies to the men and women of bureaucracy. To what end? Who can say?
"Time for the tin-foil hats, girls and boys!"