
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.

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Topics - E.O.T.

Or Kill Me / DEAR NIGEL,
July 15, 2012, 01:33:52 AM


          you signed me up on facebook for some group that posts pics of their cats?! i hate you for this. enough fucking asstards post endless pics of their retarded, inbred descendants of real cats, what the fuck do i need this for?!! the whole "free crap by the side of the road" is a hateful and stupid ass group that you joined me to already, WTF?!!!!! i realize the title incorporates the word "pussy", and i was half heartedly hoping that this involved really interesting crotch shots, but nevertheless, to my expected dismay, it's pics of stupid fucking cats. fuck you! if you're that bored at home, come over and take me out for a drink. furthermore, i love all sorts of shit, but i don't want to see people's dumb ass pics on facebook about anything!! like, say, chickens. i love my chickens. i love your chickens. but i don't have time for, or give a shit about some needs-to-be-destroyed asswipe's chicken pics. i realize that you make the time to do all this weird "trolling" and whatever else amounts to life time indulgence in all the world's stupidity, but you know i don't give a fuck. yes, me and goddamned honey badger. now stop it.


          now wipe that snot assed grin of victory off your face or i'll beat it off with a fucking stray carcass!! and you can post that!!!

          I wasn't trying to be inflammatory, or condescending, or implying anything about their race or religion,' she says. 'I was trying to make sure the woman was OK because I don't think women generally do enough in small ways to help one another.

'I think he misconstrued my offer of help. I made him uncomfortable because he wasn't helping her.'

The couple became infuriated. 'The husband came up behind me and said in my ear, "You f*** off," which I found very intimidating,' Miss Heathcote-Drury says. 'I wanted to get out of the shop as quickly as possible, but he approached me again.'

Read more:




          The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the Netherlands.

A new integration bill (covering letter and 15-page action plan), which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads: "The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people. In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role. With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society."


          I may not be a hundred per cent certain (say it to yourself slow, like a movie hillbilly character) WHAT the kids mean by it nowadays, but being a nerd has all sorts of qualities we never gave it as kids, and back then if anything, it certainly was not a good or cool thing.


          like other things which used to not be cool, we celebrate them now.


          however, is about the timeless amazing fantasticness of comic books. let's talk about what comic book you are reading right now and why you love it. just one rule: this has to be a real physical comic book, no e-things or web based stuff.

          a few days ago i receive a package in the post, and i'm not expecting anything. i become immediately concerned when i see that it has been sent by ALTY(!). there's going to be one of those Canadian beasts inside, like a koala or some river snake egg or something. maybe it's an empty jar he needs filled with weed? he seemed to like that stuff A LOT when he was here visiting.

HA, NO -

          that alaskan foreigner sent me some kinda damm computer thing. (?)
          shocking discovery!
          while visiting a few months back, this loveable salmon eater realized that i live in the twentieth century, what with my no internetness, and all.


           the crazy fucker sends me a laptop!


          so that i can be bugging the piss out of you here, right now, with all these technologies. or whenever, i'm on the frickin internets!!




          you rule. i'm not sure how to get even ( :)), but you f'in rule!! rather unbelievable.


          love is all around. followed by a shot of hate/ disdain.


          really say anything about, or explain this interview clip. however, the title of this thread is taken from the subject content. what would the wiccans say?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / DOING IT AGAIN!!
January 10, 2011, 06:51:19 PM

          tonight (Monday) from 7-10pm. at the record room with Else Teicher -


          hang out, drink, play pinball, listen to the sound of records playing, shop records and tapes. get a stick-on mustache from the machine, 50 cents. Bring any record and I'll play it. bring friends.
Aneristic Illusions / THE RADICAL BLUEPRINT
November 27, 2010, 03:42:35 PM

          government finds out you have a daytripper fantasy. sends in someone to encourage & finance it. busts you.

          newsworthy terror plot to use for future social reform.


          perhaps you're getting a bit too transparent, even for the general public.

          "Nashville Musician Shingles His Roof With Records"

          Robert F. Williams was ahead of his time. An advocate of "Black Power" before the words were even invented, Williams was founder and president of a local NAACP chapter in North Carolina in 1960 when he advocated that African-Americans fight "violence with violence." Because of this statement he was kicked out of the NAACP chapter that he had created. Williams participated in a series of civil rights demonstrations in his hometown of Monroe, North Carolina that drew the wrath of violent white onlookers Racial tensions soared and a riot ensued. A white couple who were passing by, soon found themselves surrounded by a group of over 200 angry and armed African-Americans. Williams claimed that he tried to protect the couple from harm. But when Williams was charged with kidnapping, he decided to flee rather than face 1961 North Carolinian justice.

Robert F. Williams left the country and for the next eight years, he lived in Cuba, China, and North Vietnam. While in exile, he published several books and a newsletters called The Crusader denouncing capitalism, imperialism, and racism. Vietnam was always of special concern to Williams as evidenced in his speeches and writing.


         Tonight (november 13th!) Else Teicher and i will be playing records at the NEW bar AND record store, THE RECORD ROOM from 7pm until 10pm

         piss beer is $1.50, micros are $3.50 and whine/bubbly & mimosas are $4.50

         we'll be playing music of all kinds, rawk, tech(oh!)no, cawntry, probably little to no jazz, punk, etc. drop in, hang out, drink and browse the tapes and vinyl. GET DRUNK AND BUY SH*T!



         pinball in the back corner and .50 cent stick on mustache machine in the front.

         .50 CENT STICK-ON-MUSTACHE-MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!
THESE TWO (aforesaid)

          are about to unleash a consumptive firestorm, a veritable flesh and soul eating maelstrom, an all encompassing apocalypse the likes of which no post-er(ette) familiar with this board, has ever been witness, here on the p.d.


          say you'd not been warned!!!
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / HEY CRAM!!
October 21, 2010, 04:32:34 AM

          place just opened across from where my daughter takes piano lessons. it's called the "record room". it's a bar which is also a record store(vinyl & tapes). they have a pinball machine(of course, it's portland).


          a gumball style MUSTACHE machine - 50 cents each, come in assorted colors and styles.

          – Barbara Billingsley, who gained supermom status for her gentle portrayal of June Cleaver, the warm, supportive mother of a pair of precocious boys in "Leave it to Beaver," died Saturday. She was 94.
Billingsley, who had suffered from a rheumatoid disease, died at her home in Santa Monica, said family spokeswoman Judy Twersky.
When the show debuted in 1957, Jerry Mathers, who played Beaver, was 9, and Tony Dow, who portrayed Wally, was 12. Billingsley's character, the perfect stay-at-home 1950s mom, was always there to gently but firmly nurture both through the ups and downs of childhood.
Beaver, meanwhile, was a typical American boy whose adventures landed him in one comical crisis after another.
Billingsley's own two sons said she was pretty much the image of June Cleaver in real life, although the actress disagreed.
"She was every bit as nurturing, classy, and lovely as 'June Cleaver' and we were so proud to share her with the world," her son Glenn Billingsley said Saturday.
She did acknowledge that she may have become more like June as the series progressed.
"I think what happens is that the writers start writing about you as well as the character they created," she once said. "So you become sort of all mixed up, I think."
A wholesome beauty with a lithe figure, Billingsley began acting in her elementary school's plays and soon discovered she wanted to do nothing else.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / NIGEL?
October 17, 2010, 02:25:51 AM

          too much to ask for the death penalty for smokers who toss their butts on the ground?

          or littering, at all?


          is it too much, that when i'm on the bus at 7:45 a.m. and it's packed like a sardine can, to grab those half dozen or so Vernon Highschoolers, who sit in the aisle seat with either their backpack in the seat next to them, or their imaginary friend, while staring at everyone standing crammed around them, like they're the prince/ princess touring the zoo, refusing to move their ass and let someone else have the unused seat next to them, and throw them off the bus on their ear? i mean, i appreciate that given their 'skullcandy' headphones, their i-tunes player, their 'blackberry' that they're texting endlessly on and their small nations income of clothing attire; they're really making a conscious eco-decision to take the bus instead of their 'rolls royce', but still, i want to crush their fucking skulls. and then go slap their parents upside the head with their kids bloody nike's.


          does the new no cel phone while driving law include those m-f-krs on bikes?


          on his playing career/ career as a player?


          running for Gov. here in Portlandia.

          so this guy is filming a speaking event by one of oregon's candidates for governor. love to see your responses to this.

          Known as Flocabulary, the program is a music-based educational tool that uses raps, rhythms and rhymes to help students learn and memorize everything from vocabulary and English to math and social studies.
About 15 teachers have complained or expressed concern about the rap song lyrics, said Ed Allen, president of the Oklahoma City American Federation of Teachers.
"I just don't think we were real careful where we deployed it," Allen said. "Not all parts of it are real affective for the more troubled youth."
It is the U.S. history curriculum that has raised concern.
One of the rap songs — "Old Dead White Men" — chronicles the shortcomings of the early leaders in the United States.
Of President James Monroe's tenure, the rap says: "White men getting richer than Enron./ They stepping on Indians, women and blacks./ Era of Good Feeling doesn't come with the facts."
That's followed up by an assessment of President Andrew Jackson's checkered dealings with American Indians.
"Andrew Jackson, thinks he's a tough guy./ Killing more Indians than there are stars in the sky./ Evil wars of Florida killing the Seminoles./ Saying hello, putting Creek in the hell holes./ Like Adolf Hitler he had the final solution./ 'No, Indians, I don't want you to live here anymore.'"
Springer said he was concerned about some of the lyrics, and that's why the district is holding off on the program until it's been evaluated.
Flocabulary CEO and co-founder Alex Rappaport said the lyrics are made intentionally provocative and sometimes humorous to create student engagement among some of the toughest-to-reach students in the nation.
"In general, the purpose of our program is to motivate students, and we often say the enemy here is student apathy," Rappaport said. "We want students to ask questions and challenge assumptions that are made and think critically about historical themes."


          When the two main loves in your life are helping people and reading comic books, the call is loud and clear: Become a superhero.

He calls himself the Watchman. He won't give his real name.

His identity is obscured by a bright red mask that covers half his goateed face. He wears black boots, black pants, black leather gloves and a black trench coat, but there's a large yellow circle on the chest of his black hooded sweatshirt, with a big W.

"I'm what people refer to as a real-life superhero," he says.

By night, on weekends, he patrols Milwaukee's Riverwest neighborhood, looking for injustice and evildoers. By day? That's a mystery.

"While most reactions to what I do are positive, there are a few negative responses," he explains, adding that the disguise protects his family - a wife and two young sons - from any of that. "I'm the one who decided to do this, not them," he says. "They should not have to suffer for it."

For him, it's not about fulfilling a childhood fantasy, or getting the attention of late-night bar patrons.

"Somebody needs to do something," explains the Watchman, who contemplated becoming a police officer before donning his mask.

         last year's 'peace' event busted into, busting skulls. Ditto 2010. What's the local perception on this?


         as the media has continued to NOT REPORT about this, YOUTUBE has gradually deleted all links of the video, EXCEPT for those posted by extremist groups. Hmmm.

          The Sun reports that, "a Brit teen who sent an email to the White House calling President Obama a 'p***k' has been banned from America for life."

President Obama ordered the FBI to inform local cops that the college student Luke Angel, 17, wrote an "unacceptable" drunken insult to the commander in chief. Mr. Angel confessed to firing off a single email castigating the U.S. government after watching a TV program about 9/11.

Mr. Angel said, "I don't remember exactly what I wrote as I was drunk. But I think I called Barack Obama a p***k. it was silly – the sort of thing you do when you're a teenager and have had a few."


          for real? Britspags? anyone? Buehler?
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / RE: PEEVES
October 02, 2010, 04:19:35 AM

         i'd like to apologize for the direction which my posts took in regards to the "NIGEL-peeves" thread as well as the "HAWK is an asshole" thread.
         my initial response to this stuff was earnest.
         then, when the threads continued on, i got irritated.
         NIGEL is a friend of mine. a really good friend. we've seen each other deal with what i'd like to believe, were the worst times of our lives. and however strangely we did it, we have been there for each other.
         CHARLIE BROWN is someone that i've watched come on to the P.D. BOARD (i don't post as much as i just stop by and read) and being who he is, he has really grown on me. i don't know this guy CHARLIE, but i just like him.
         long story short, watching the two go back and forth started to twist something in me.
         in the 'process' of responding to these threads, i just got fucking unhinged.
         i know better, but i let the bullshit get to me and i kinda lost it.


         like a ton of donkey shit when i saw ALTY's response.
         i just went out of line and by too much.


         i'm sorry that i caused you to need to say to me, "WTF?!" - ALTY has always been supportive to me, here. and shit, ALTY, you're probably the nicest person i've never met, you're just sincere and cute as a fucking button.


         - the n00b thing gets under my skin, always has. i respect the work it takes to maintain this place, you're a really, really interesting person. the one time we had a chance to hang out, i really enjoyed. you did create a weird pause within me at one moment where you stated your, sort of, opinion about board participation which made me wonder if you think it's o.k. for ME, a non-old-schooler, to be present on the board. i've watched you have posting fits here, about identity and rank, which i can sort of get, but i don't necessarily agree with. in my opinion, regardless of who pays the bills or whatever, this board belongs to ROGER/ DOK HOWL, because there just is fucking nobody who weighs in on all aspects of the board with such depth and consistency. you can punch me next time you see me, if you want, but then you have to buy me a shot of well.


         certainly does not need me to back him up or speak for him. i'm sure while i'd be flapping my lips CHARLIE would have already leveled the room with a few quick round-houses.


         i nominate this as the P.D. official theme song/ youtube video

Aneristic Illusions / MEXICO/ GUATEMALA border wall?
September 24, 2010, 02:04:26 AM

          me out with this. A friend forwarded me an article about Mexico planning to build a wall on its border to Guatemala. I followed the source links but I'm not familiar with any of them. The article seems real enough, but I'm just not Dick Tracy enough to find a source which I'd call legit enough to quote from or direct anyone to. I do know, because I've a fair number of Mexican, Guatemalan & Mexican American acquaintances, that it's extremely dangerous to pass illegally from Guatemala into Mexico, so there's plausibility, and Mexico's immigration laws are curiously exactly what Calderon shames the U.S. for, but would Mexico really go that far? CAIN? Anyone?

         be it an inner, a social or otherwise epiphanic occurrence. For this immediate purpose, i'm focusing on music that changed the way i think about music.

         1) George Harrison "electronic sounds" - this is one of those Lp's that even die hard Beatle's fans often are unaware of. The title actually says it all. You may call it minimal synth or min. moog, but what it is is electronic sounds. Originally recorded in 1967, I came across this marked down to nothing at "The Nickelodeon", the only record store in my hometown, when I was 12. It confirmed my belief that my "Doctor Who Sound Effects by the B.B.C. Workshop" Lp wasn't made just for my enjoyment alone.

         2) Lou Reed "metal machine music" - a friend bought this thinking it was a live Lp. Two 12" slabs + 1 7" record of carefully manipulated feedback. And nothing else. I was changed alright. "it's o.k. to do this? ...yeesss"

         3) LAIBACH - the band from Slovenia. The year was 1986 and i found the Lp "Baptism" at a record store in Milwaukee. It was so beyond anything I'd ever heard then, it was classical, it was industrial, elements of theatre, folk, it had a sound that hit my core essence like a ton of bricks. When i saw this video on MtV's "120 minutes" i shit a ton of bricks. These guys are possibly the best band ever.


         and i'm curious about what you spags have in turn



         of the Russian composer Alexander Scriabin which I've been reading includes the text to something he wrote called the "what then?" credo, from some 1894 notebooks of his, meant to accompany the twelve etudes, Op. 8. At the time, he was having some heavy shit going on all around in his life, when he busts this out. i came across this the other night and it stuck out particularly to me, because a few folks on the board were having some hard personal, inner time during the last week. thought i would pass it on


To be an optimist in a real sense, one must suffer doubt and conquer it.

Not by my own wish have I come into this world. Well, what then?

In tender youth, full with illusions of desire and hope, I delighted in shining glories.

I awaited a revelation from Heaven. It came not. Well, what then?

I sought eternal truth and asked of people. Alas, they knew no more than I. Well, what then?

I sought eternal beauty, and found it not. Like flowers which never bloom, my feelings were stilled. The rain                of night dimmed the bright day.

I sought solace in the new spring, new flowers, but nowhere found it. I strove not to change what was, but to return to the already spent, to recall the already experienced.

Into each person's life, springtime can come but once. How people rush beyond these divine dreams, those enchanting delusions!

At last I took comfort in memories. But once used to them, they vanished. Well, what then?

Whoever you may be, who jested at me, who plunged me into dark depths,

Whoever you were, you who  mocked me, cast me in prison, ravished in order to disillusion, gave in order to steal back, caressed in order to torment,

I take my leave of you and ask no redress.

I am alive. I love life. I love people. I love them all the more because through you they have suffered.

I will proclaim to all people that I have triumphed over you, over myself. I say that they can place no hope in you, that they can expect naught from life except THAT WHICH THEY CREATE BY THEMSELVES ALONE.

I thank you for all the fears which your trials and tribulations aroused. You made me know my endless power, my unlimited might, my invincibility. You gave me the power of creativity.

I will tell them that they are strong and mighty, that it is needless to lament, that there is no loss, that they must not fear doubt which alone gives birth to true triumph.

Powerful is he! Mighty is he! Who feels defeat and overcomes it!



         Alexander Scriabin's grand niece, Nicole.  

Whoever you were, you who mocked our trials and tribulations aroused. You

to disillusion, gave in order to steal my unlimited might, my invincibility.

I take my leave of you and ask no mighty, that it is needless to lament,

I am alive. I love life. I love people. I not fear doubt which alone gives birth

you they have suffered. defeat and overcomes it!

I will proclaim to all people that I To be an optimist in a real sense, one

I say that they can place no hope in Not by my own wish have I come

life except THAT WHICH THEY In tender youth, full with illusions

I thank you for all the fears which glories.

made me know my endless power, I awaited a revelation from Heaven.

You gave me the power of creativity I sought eternal truth and asked of

Powerful is he! Mighty is he!

Well, what then?
Aneristic Illusions / BIRTH OF A NATION
April 04, 2010, 02:33:29 PM

          QUOTE - "In my opinion, The Birth of a Nation should not be shown in this City or any city," Brown said. "I think it is offensive and I agree with members of the black community who feel that this showing will only add to the racial backlash they have personally experienced. I am appalled that the Capitol continues to press for the film's showing over the objections of our black community. As a veteran, I fought to support people's First Amendment rights; however, I believe that this showing sets a hostile and potentially dangerous precedent, and I request that Mr. Pierce meet with his board of directors to discuss this matter immediately and reconsider its position."

Pierce said in his March 20 letter to the editor responding to Sellers: it will be for "individual members of the audience to judge the film for themselves. I hope (they)...will appreciate our position and ultimately agree that the public can better understand the racist aspects of this film ­ and perhaps racism in film and media in general ­ if it is exhibited for all to see."

Pierce noted that libraries across Upstate New York offer the movie for people to view, often without the context the theater intends to provide with its introduction and discussion. There is a DVD copy at Jervis Public Library, according to its web site. Even the mayor concedes that there's nothing formal he can do to stop the film. "One of the things that makes our country so special is that we do not censure books or movies in our democracy," Brown said.

"If (the mayor) can't intercede, that's OK," Sellers said, "but we're not going to leave it at that." He said there is another meeting scheduled with the mayor on March 31, and he and others in the black community are discussion other plans in place, including a picket of the theater if necessary. "We don't want to picket," he said, "but it's up to the black community to make a stand."


          censorship activism reminds me of the anarchist groups here in Portland, Oregon who try to shut down information events simply because they have the opinion that they disagree with the content being represented. these are the real freedom fighters, fighting against freedom. and intelligence. imo.

Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / STUFF I HATE
March 31, 2010, 08:38:40 AM


          consumed anything but OldCrow for the last 36 hours, so currently i'm not seriously hating much, but, this threads about what one hates. however, it can't be political crap, it's gotta be stuff like 'when yer tea goes cold' or 'when people hold their sneeze in'.


of course,. But I enjoy discourse and Sometimes a reason isn't dissect something with peopledialogue. I much prefer to with them. And this can be than merely share the Guys overreliance on gag humour and something as stupid as PosterGasm or spreading pop culture referrences, or as pretty bad.
reduced to serfdom by a inbetween.
When P.D. was mostly maybe that's the key, the MysticWiicks, things got pretty interact well on a fluff level. on, but with but, well, you've seen the stuff that was of course. don't have to tell any of you you how important as how we're being steadily or trolling going down, no ruling class. And everything rumours. In all honesty, it sucked
in 2510 for EB&G and their boarding of angle. I don't find myself able to quiet over here. Some old timers held I tell a lie: I am uncomfortable with absentee slumlord act, the site could be if I'm forced to do it in my everyday fixing it.
At some point, stories of peoples everyday lives, where and many of the old timers here, like or nothing I can do except maybe over there to continue on to some work unsatisfying. Commiseration may help - namely trying to update and rewrite situation, but without a problem to This eventually metamorphosed into of some description or other that can a lot of controversy beforehand.
The Glorious Revolution of the personal drama and turmoil, something I wanted this to be a place for those sort in or connect with.
The idea was the more were dealt with in the Discordian could go to somewhere then I might be OK with it. But it Myspace (if they really were unlucky), that the site is treated as a personal sort of Discordian who wanted to take a boring and derivitive kind. A lot of it through challenging peoples route, including the aforementioned forum on a fairly open policy of However, that same
Hmmm, this is interesting, I say some words on "the program"
alluded to several times in this post. For me there is a fairly big (for example) work related history lesson. Yes, it will be boring. but the level of effort and the 500 forum error at 22:16(UK factor, though there are a search related to this.
more sympathetic to what creativity and an engaging sucked. The Warlord had been even if it's not something world, people we knew were dying in mixing their experiences with reason anyone could provide, evil only for the work and time wearing vests packed with explosives and were having the time of their lives.
But here is a counter-example Apple Talk, like to occasionally minded of us were not especially content, and maybe a smiley, as Discordians, this Evil Empire act was me because there is already as adherents of chaos in some annoys me a little for that to throw sand in some gears any reason to click on it, or to the powers that be. However, a lot of perhaps to share an with the act, so long as they were allowed more interesting is if the and jabber endlessly about fnords, couple of lines, to tell us why stuck them in a cage and allowed it appealed to them.
That converse about.
Otherwise, consume a particular piece of more activity generally. There was a lot to pick this apart a bit. And while I'm still awake, I which has so mysteriously to a creative piece based on a Note: this will involve  a PD. that goes into it is certainly a No, this will not deter me.
others. I think I'm generally a lot time) was because I was be considered fluff when effort, arise from it, like most people, Basically it was 2510. And find interesting. Someone reconfirmed as leader of the creative effort, I can appreciate that, if Iraq and Afghanistan for no bastards were boarding trains jabbering morons the world I've thought of.
People, especially in post links to youtube, with little or no Now some of the more as individual threads. That doesn't annoy happy with that. And we felt thread for youtube links (well, OK, it getting old, real fast. And reason), but more because I don't see sense, it would be entirely the person in question posted it, except and generally be a nuisance they enjoyed.
What I find far Discordians to be OK took a short time, maybe only even a to invent cute title for they wanted to share that, or what about right until the day the me something to work with, to children to poke them with just being invited to be a spectator, There was also a desire to be media without referrence or reason.



          what have you been doing


          the last 500 years?


          now that it is the twenty-sixth century?


          need I say moar?


          for appletalk fodder?


          St. Sure entered politics by chance. He lived in Alameda and was nominated for Justice of the Peace by some friends almost as a prank.

          the Doktor is out, I thought we ought to put our best thoughts to everyone's favourite "Roger" posts. OO.K, admittedly it may be impossible to sift out your actual favourite, butt we can try. So here's a couple of my own...


Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on September 27, 2009, 09:05:01 PM
Well, I will say that my opinion of Jim is now lower than whale shit and that, as we know, is on the floor of the ocean.


Quote from: Doktor Howl on February 16, 2010, 08:24:52 PM

You are a fucking liar.

Eat a dick.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / ENEMIES (part I)
February 26, 2010, 04:48:18 AM

Across the street from my Grandparent's place was "the little red school house". It's where I went to pre-school. My dad went there too. When he was attending, everything was in German. When I was going to school there it was all English language. However, half of what was said at my Grandparent's was in German 'till I was 7 or 8 years old.

My Grandfather was a large man. He was very quiet. He laughed at most things. I remember him as sitting near his garden or somewhere usually outdoors, silently watching. Overall he was a very quiet person. He was a large presence, but didn't say much. When he did, I listened.

My Grandmother was a very strong willed and outspoken person. She was very political. She made A LOT of food. What she cooked, I ate. She scolded me when necessary and gave me a nickname no one but she ever used.

My Grandfather fought in World War Two. He was awarded a case full of medals, but to the end of his life he never spoke a word about his experience as a soldier, to anyone, that I'm aware of.

However, something curious, at least, did happen.

When I was ten years old a man arrived, who was expected, with his wife. They had travelled quite a distance by motor home to come to my Grandparent's house. I understood right away that this man and my Grandfather knew each other from "the war".

My Grandmother cooked a bunch of food, other family members brought more. Everyone was there to meet these two people. We ate. The ham. The raw beef with onions and crackers. Herring and bread. Pickles. Potatoes, hot, German style with vinegar.

Then my Grandfather and the man stood together at the end of the covered table in the basement, addressing us all. For the first time ever, I saw my Grandfather, this titan of a man, stumble with words and cry.

In 1944, my Grandfather was a part of a large "allied" force which had surrounded a building occupied by 64 German troops. The building was scheduled for airstrike preceeded by allied withdrawal from standoff. Understanding that there were trapped men inside, my Grandfather insisted that he have a chance at negotiation with the enemy combatants. Entering the building, he explained, in German, that the men could surrender now or the building itself would be destroyed, with essentially no probability of survivors. After a period of 45 minutes, my Grandfather emerged with a scattered collection of four German platoons giving themselves up as P.O.W's.

This man who came to visit was one of those men. He had reconnected with his wife after both of them spent 1-2 years in American concentration camps following the war. They had children, and grandchildren. They were German citizens, who, because of circumstance, became Americans.

When my Grandfather passed away, my Aunt and I contacted the couple who had come to visit, to let them know what had happened. That man had died three months prior. Back and forth, with the woman, we spoke about things quite a bit. She was an old woman, who had lost her husband, and had stories about her children and grandchildren to tell me.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / A NEW BAD HABIT
February 24, 2010, 05:37:05 AM

           Total time logged in: 3 days, 3 hours and 23 minutes.


          you heard the lady.
 This thread is for when yer crackin out on tha board and there's no one else there. Do with it what you will.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / WHERE IS ROGER?
February 20, 2010, 03:35:59 AM



         What do you?

          When it comes to comics, I mostly follow authors rather than titles. Ed Brubaker's "incognito" got me hooked on him and his noir stuff, so I caught up on "criminal" and several of his previous titles. Matt Wagner's probably my favourite comic writer/ artist, and I'm really enjoying his "madame xanadu". I'm not against the 'super hero' stuff if it's written well, but I'm kinda interested in something more original to dig into, rather than the millionth Batman story. I need suggestions for my comic addiction.


          My friend BRIAN CHURILLA has managed to get a gig as artist for a regular monthly title, with writer PHIL HESTER called "The Anchor". Totally worth checking out if you're looking for something new yourself.  It involves an avenging behemoth monk and a lot of monsters.

No doubt , if you're picking up any news anywhere, you're running across a fair amount of these "tea party" related hysteria articles. What's ultra fantastic about this article is the VIDEO LINK attached. As a 'promo' video for regional 'militia' groups, it's nearly Saturday Night Live material. After the dramatic smoke filled forest intro, a few 'militia men' stumble, seemingly drunkenly, out of the woods. They try to haul their fat asses into the back of a pickup. Running maneuvers -  the viewer is convinced one of them is going to accidentally shoot someone else. No matching camouflage, some are wearing sneakers. They want the viewer to believe they have a helicopter. They hand out order forms for lunch at one point. More meandering. This must be watched all the way through for its total and complete glory. Then they embarrass Ron Paul, too.
January 12, 2010, 08:02:39 AM

          Kommissar Hjuler ist die folgende beste sache zu chardonnay und zu einem warmen feuer


          A little over a decade ago, I was visiting with a friend in Holland, who deals in experimental music. Somewhere between 2 or 4a.m., some hand made CD's on his stock shelf caught my eye. They were crude and adolescent, with an innocence of purpose.  When I asked him what the hell it was, he proceded to tell me about this guy who called himself KOMMISSAR HJULER, who would put political flyers around Hamburg promoting some DADA / Aktionist- style nonsense political identity. He had once addressed a bustling square of shoppers from a hotel balcony, complete with wind waving banners, screaming about a meaningless, spontaneously fabricated movement. He had been known to find empty lecture halls at a local university and carry on in this same manner, whilst students drifted in confused, certain this was the location of their next class but not having any idea who this guy was or what he was talking about. My friend put a record on, as a sample -  and for me, it was one of those life changing moments, which tears and warps all definition of what is possible. As I held the sleeve, a hand-made, heavy gatefold, decorated with some photos of flowers and wallpaper, the sound of a hand held cassette recorder played repetitions of burps and belches for what seemed at least ten minutes. Then something like crunchy noises and snippets of conversation. Huh...

          I began corresponding with Detlev Hjuler when I got back to the states and he's continued to be one of the most decent and inspiring artists I'm very happy to call a friend. Detlev is the kind of music artist who concieves an idea, does it throughout the day, makes the art for it (usually in editions of 4 - 36) and then moves on to the next urge that overtakes him. By the time he and I embarked on our first project together, (2005),  Detlev had self released nearly 100 recordings on cassette, Lp and CDR. Detlev continues to issue recordings on hand pressed acetate vinyl in small amounts, always creating all of the sleeve design himself. One thing Detlev really turned me onto was the fun creative project of the 'anti-record'. Taking applicable elements from his life which are somewhat round, punching a hole in it and, boom, instant art thing. I received a package from him once which was a clear jewel case, the title "presswurst" neatly engraved in the plastic spine, along with a catalog number, and inside was what looked like a piece of Canadian style bacon, with a hole punched in the center - the anti-CD. Brilliant. And it was already molding.

          I could go on and on, I love him so much, but here's a clip of his called "Apple-Gretchen"
Bring and Brag / AUTENTICA
January 11, 2010, 04:04:21 AM

          I bought it at IKEA


          For the better part of the last year, I've been remodeling a restaurant. It started with hooking up a sink and snowballed into adding more kitchen & dining space. The owner/ chef recently won every award you can get in the city, and being a creative individual he also gave me a lot of room for design. I studied a lot of traditional mexican art in the process, which isn't much different than 'traditional' anything, I found, however, it gave me that final encouragement to really spend time getting into joinery. You know, just wood, fitting into wood. And then staying there. Sounds like a bad one nighter, but it's really heaven. Anyways, here's some stuff that happened in the process:

This is  where things began to tip. Oswaldo wanted to cover up the water heater in this new bathroom we built. While putting it together, I kept telling him I was just using his back patio for an art project, which he accepted. Two days later, my first foray into traditional joinery produced this 8 foot by 2 foot three panel (That's 8x6, total) TOTALLY RECLAIMED LUMBER screen, with old door hinges as the hinging. The material is all old school wood I've pulled from jobsights doing remodels.

Another ridiculous, but fun project. Oswaldo wanted a "draft" wall for tables near the front door. Apparently people with so much money they drop $150 on a meal complain alot about the natural universe, and its' inconveniences. I milled down old douglas fir for about two days, joined some panels then trimmed out of my mind with a jigsaw and router.

Oswaldo wanted the new dining area to double as a private party space, so I built this oversized cafe style door to offer seperation (from the giant hole I made in the wall for people to walk through). I started with these rough, oversized cedar planks and planed them down for about two days, hand milled the detail trim pieces and WALLAH!! a door. Again, my masturbatory endeavor into mortis and tenon joinery gone wild.  All wood joints, no nails, no screws.

Here's the new dining space. Surprisingly,  the garish pink which Oswaldo insisted was a "Mexican" thing, looks pretty sultry in dim light. That giant built in is all clear douglas fir, which I hauled out of my garage (because I love Oswaldo) and is actually a functional space on the kitchen side, for the linen, coats, plates, shoes and cockroaches.

Outgoing plates get set on this. Fat 2 x 10" cedar mortised into itself. Again, pure joinery fappishness.

Overall, this was a fun gig, can't wait til AUTENTICA expands again. Aside from great people to be around all day, I was fed huge plates of the best food ever all day long.