
Heaven is a sausage party.

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Messages - The Dark Monk

Not mine, but we need more pics like this:
Mmmm, spicy oppressive poutine....
Quote from: Luna on August 28, 2012, 10:17:37 PM
Quote from: Alty on August 28, 2012, 08:10:35 PM
Well it's not right. Women get their own pens. Their own hygiene products. They get to be suffragettes. How come I can't be a suffragette? Next thing they'll get their own parking spaces. Men already have to give up parking spaces to people who CAN'T EVEN WALK. It's Bullshit.

Alty, honey, you want to use one of my Tampax, you feel free, I'm happy to share.  Post pics, though.

I might do this.
Two vast and trunkless legs of stone / Re: Spagbook
August 28, 2012, 10:16:43 PM
Awesome! Congrats again!
I like pretty much everyone here, even the dude with the fat mullet man for a picture. He posted that ass clapping song that totally made my day.
Daba dee daba die....

Edit for hitting post too soon like facebook:
If you need anything else or wish more let me know. I quite enjoy rummaging.
Eisenfunk - Pong
Aesthetic Perfection - Great Depression
Boole - Blow Up The World
Grendel - Zombie Nation v2k5
Antibazz - Major Tom
Puscifer - The Undertaker (Renholder Mix)
Prodigy - Spitfire
Dozer - Church of the Darkside
Blutonium Boy - Mama
D-Block & S-te-Fan - Total Eclipz
[distatix] - Medication
MDFMK - Control
Icon of Coil - Consumer (Static version)
Assemblage 23 - Let the Wind Erase Me
VnV Nation - Chrome
Razed In black - Share This Poison
Rammstein - Ich Will
Apoptygma Berzerk - fade to Black and Come White
Sweet vs The Mission UK - Ballroom Blitz
The Numb Ones - Everything in Between (Razed in Black remix)
Covenant - Dead Stars
Wolfsheim - Once in a Lifetime
Intervox - Come To Me
Mystification - Crack Up and Unexplainable Feeling
Colony 5 - Black (Club Edit)
Dope Stars Inc - Fast and Beautiful
Stromkern - Stand Up
ERROR - Nothings Working
Noisecontrollers - Yellow Minute
Neuroticfish - The Bomb
Pendulum - Slam and Plastic World ft Fats & TC and Propane Nightmares and Granite

Different genres mixed in, tie together for mood maybe? ^.^ Some ideas though, also don't forget: GANGNAM STYLE!
Imperative Reaction - Giving In to Change (Wasted Time Mix)
Quote from: HandsomeGirl on August 27, 2012, 05:30:04 AM
Quote from: A Very Hairy Monkey In An Ill-Fitting Tunic on August 27, 2012, 05:19:55 AM
Quote from: The Dark Monk on August 27, 2012, 05:18:38 AM
Quote from: A Very Hairy Monkey In An Ill-Fitting Tunic on August 27, 2012, 04:56:30 AM
What is this: >.<  ?

A really, really skinny guy's bunghole?

What does it mean?
Heh. I'mma put this back in the safe, it wasn't mean for this type of publicity, heh, you see, my ex got really mad once, and she put it on the interwebz, and we did uh...nvm. Just gonna take it and leave.....


I'll never be able use it again now that I relate it to a skinny guy's bunghole, but it's my "Ugh... dammit" face.  And my face does exactly that.  So on occasion, my face looks like a skinny guy's bunghole.

I really thought that one was in widespread use.

Widespread use? C'mon? Seriously? That was my FIRST TIME.  :argh!:
Quote from: A Very Hairy Monkey In An Ill-Fitting Tunic on August 27, 2012, 04:56:30 AM
What is this: >.<  ?

A really, really skinny guy's bunghole?

What does it mean?
Heh. I'mma put this back in the safe, it wasn't mean for this type of publicity, heh, you see, my ex got really mad once, and she put it on the interwebz, and we did uh...nvm. Just gonna take it and leave.....
Quote from: Placid Dingo on August 27, 2012, 03:30:40 AM
Quote from: HandsomeGirl on August 27, 2012, 02:04:24 AM
Quote from: A Very Hairy Monkey In An Ill-Fitting Tunic on August 27, 2012, 12:54:58 AM
Quote from: HandsomeGirl on August 27, 2012, 12:46:46 AM
I'm not usually a big fan of being upset when people die, whether it's someone I know personally or not.  Eighty two is pretty ripe, and that would generally lead me to feel less upset about it.  This one got me in the gut just a little, though.

That's a very odd thing to say. Have you lost anyone close to you? I don't think anyone is a "fan" of being upset, but would you say something like that if your kid died? Or when you lose a parent? I would think that if you were emotionally impacted by the death of an astronaut, you would probably be more impacted if someone you knew personally died. The only thing that makes that really makes that comment make sense is if it's still only theoretical to you.

I don't think it's a tragedy when an old person dies of natural causes, as that's what happens and hopefully old age means a full life well-lived. But upset is a normal reaction to death and loss, even when it's a normal death at the end of a long life.

Well, this is going to be fun.  Not that I blame you for asking, most people do when it comes to my reaction to the recently dead.

I suppose I shouldn't have said that I'm not a big fan of being upset when people die.  Of course no one likes being upset. I just really couldn't care less.

I'll start by answering the question of whether I've lost people I was close to.  Yes, several.  Including family members.  All four grandparents, one step grandfather (I guess you'd call him that, anyway.)  Aunts, uncles, cousins and friends.

This isn't just a recent development, in fact my family mostly thinks I'm freak for it.  They all still talk about when I lost my maternal granfather when I was five.  From what I'm told I witnessed his death, and merely remarked, "Old Papa's alllllllllll gone."  I then proceeded to happily play with my toys.

I honestly don't understand it myself.  Death makes me feel nothing, and it never has.  No frowns, no tears, no matter how much I loved a person.  When I was younger I used to try to force myself to cry during funerals just so I'd fit in. 

It's not that I don't care about people.  I cry frequently when bad things happen to people I love.  I threaten people who hurt my friends within an inch of their life, and have been known to make good on those threats.  I protect my son to the point that I'd just love to keep him in a bubble.  I bitch at my husband for doing dangerous man-things.  I donate to food pantries and have on occasion paid for a stranger's child's medicine.

But as far as the already deceased, I can't even force myself to give a single fuck.  I feel like a horrible person for it sometimes, and it makes me jealous that other people do feel something for it.  I keep on expecting it to bother me eventually, but it never does.

So if it was my child?  Maybe, but I really hope I don't have to find out.

My parents are a different story, but I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire for other reasons.

As for Mr. Armstrong, it hit me in the gut for science past was all.

This thread is getting way off topic. >.<

Not intuitively having the 'appropriate' reaction doesn't mean you don't actually care. It's OK not to cry or be outwardly emotional. If you lose someone and you know you're gonna miss them, well thats caring.
This is the perfect match of words that I was looking for.

When my cousin was murdered, I could not cry. I was too angry. When my uncle died, I saw it coming through a long period of drug abuse. When my great uncle died to Agent Orange, I saw a long period of decay, and there was more sadness during the last of his life than his death. When my grandparents died I saw them hooked up and knew it was their time. I think I personally find an excuse to NOT cry, though in my cousins case I honestly can't see more of a reaction that anger, frustration and a bit of instability even from a "normal" reaction standpoint.
Also: SUU I hope this makes you happy before bed! I found something cool I want to share.
I know it's Green Day fans saying this, but I say guilt by association in this instance, and shoot them all.
Unless of course they are:  :troll:
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger on August 27, 2012, 02:02:17 AM
Ah, the good old days, before I learned to control my temper.
Quote from: The Good Reverend Roger
But what I did see was a mammoth autofabricator, the great-grandson of the CNC lathe.   You stock up the 3 stories-tall bins, download the print into it from a laptop, and off it goes.  It doesn't weld metal...It laser-fuses it with 100% penetration, a perfect fucking weld every time.  Fucker sneers at exotic metals, plastic, everything.  COMPLETE PRODUCT, NO STEPS.

I am still insisting that the possibilities for weaponizing this are endless and would be relevant now. Something....something that would make GLaDOS scream in terror.
I gave him a cd-key for Guns of Icarus LOL