
Discordianism:  It is some kind of a communist sect.

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Midnight Babble 1 - What is truth?

Started by SMFabal, November 23, 2003, 12:28:10 AM

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rI've listened to Roger, Trollax and even Tyler, and I'v ecome to oner conclusion: Everyone is right.

We are all part of the machine. We can't escape. the world ended two months ago. Everyone is wrong. Everyone is right. It doesn't matter that Joseph Smith read the book of Mormon off non-existant golden tablets hidden in a hat; he's right to. My Baptist grandmother who thinks I'm going to burn in hell is right. And I'm right too.

Because truth is beyond anything any human can know. Science, politics, religion, philosphy; they're all maps. Guides that take us through life, that make us each the person we are. It doesn't matter what map we follow. What matters is that the map we follow will get us someplace we want to be. If you want to life a comfortable life, with a bigt house, expensivve car, all those material things, you probaly should listen to me. Or Trollax. Especially not Roger. Because those maps will not get you there.

The most important thing in the world is knowing what you want. I want a life with minimal stress. To that end, I work an easy, low-level, minimal responsibilty job, and have alot of hobbies that I work on when I feel like it. I have fun here, and I play the silly games that Roger's always putting down, and I do it because its fun.

SO here's my homework for you this week: take a look at yourself, and the path you see yourself following. Are you happy with what you see? If the answer is "no", you should probably start looking at why. But, if the answer is "yes", don't let anyone tell you you're wasting your life. Your map matches your goals. And that is the only true path to happiness.

~Your local pervert, half asleep SMFabal
SMFabal, High Pope of CoCK, PSP, CW, KSC, FP, GH, MORBJ

Q: How serious are you about this whole "Discordian" thing?
A: A blue fish Tuesday!
Q: No really, it this, like, deeply philosphical, or just a huge joke?
A: Yes.


Truth is a whisper and only a choice
Nobody hears above this noise

~Goo Goo Dolls~


i don't believe in ABSOLUTE truth. i think it's relative.


Quote from: Slartibartfasti don't believe in ABSOLUTE truth. i think it's relative.

that's the idea... truth is a lie


I don't believe in absolute illusion.  Illusion cannot exist without truth.

Horab Fibslager

everyone is wrong. tehre is asbolute Truth, and it is mine! ALL MINE!

Hell is other people.


Quote from: St. BlahzenI don't believe in absolute illusion.  Illusion cannot exist without truth.

Oh there is truth...
but it's also a lie

wrap your brain around it...



It might be illusory truth.  If that is the case, It is contradicting its contradiction so that It is just true and falsely illusory.


Does that mean my invisible friend is real?



Quote from: eumaasDoes that mean my invisible friend is real?

Mine is real.....she told me so just yesterday.
just like in a dream
you'll open your mouth to scream
and you won't make a sound

you can't believe your eyes
you can't believe your ears
you can't believe your friends
you can't believe you're here


there's always the chaos magick motto:

Nothing is true. everything is permitted!


Would you grant permission for somebody to kick you in the balls?  Would you disbelieve that it happened after they did it?



If somebody kicked me in the balls, I'd make sure they knew I was real.