
Oceana has always been at war with Iraq

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Discourse 22: The inalienable

Started by Trollax, December 06, 2003, 01:00:35 AM

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Discourse 22: The Inalienable...
Discourse 21 A: Time Continued...

Life turns up everywhere it can; Life turns up everywhere it can't.
This is so. But what is life? If life is consciousness?ñ then life is very rare?ñ if life is a scientifically defined term, then life is a state of matter involving the interaction of many things. What if life is all things? When you "die" many of the cells in your body die, but many also survive?ñ some are purpose built to living in an environment that has a collection of cells using ionic currents and chemicals to organise a great many things, some aren't. What's more even the chemicals and atoms in those cells are themselves all but indestructible. And when they do, the neutrinos and photons they will become will endure until their energy field spreads out and becomes background radiation. Where is life? There's something to that old Fundie Christian Scientist adage, "life cannot come from unlife."

But what if (as usual) they were grasping at the wrong end of the stick? How about the often popular fluffy bunny sentiment, "There is no such thing as unlife."? Life survives is the point?ñ in my seeings of many nodes and types of fields I've reached the conclusion that once "dead" nodes are adapting to the high EM environment of large cities and becoming dependent on electricity. It's odd to see a steel-gray ball of energy hanging between two large TV towers as you're driving into Sydney, but then it's odd to see ten-dimensional space rotate around in your head too, so we'll just settle for delusion. Osiris is a black god because he doles out life. He is a jailer, not a father. He gives and he takes away at his whim.

If this is so we are forever at his mercy, we must curry his favour, and ask for his permission, to truly stand up and become our own flame. Does Eris ever demand payment for services not performed on you, thus allowing you to live? Hell no, we all know she charges admission and canonises you for having the presence of mind to sneak past her.
In the European union they have legislated the shape of every vegetable and fruit that is grown and comes in, for instance, cucumbers cannot be curved and must be sold whole. FOR FUCK'S SAKE WHY?

Are we going to arrest our respective deities and Mother Nature for creating food crops that do not conform to our statute laws next? Ban religion that does not place government supreme above the church? You know with bureaucracy like this; it's easy to see why institutionalised religion eventually leads to despotism. Osiris is a black god and government is paying to be buggered by a pile driver.

Back to there's no such thing as unlife.

Life exists in spite of all attempts to wipe it out, they found bacteria that survives without oxygen or light underneath the Pacific/American plate boundary. Given the variety of physical forms from fossils of the Cambrian era we could easily have six legs an exoskeletal bottom, an endoskeletal top and three spinal cords. Life is inevitable, it is as inalienable as change despite the attempts to meter it out to give some more and some less. Among the earliest of things we are brainwashed into fearing is death, even religion teaches it. Because we fear death we must ensure our survival, because we fear eternal death we must ensure our eternal survival. Because we are forever at the mercy of good forces and evil forces, we are told that everything is created and can be destroyed at the whim of a rather bipolar god. Who in the hell let this nutcase create a universe they're going to spend all their time both creating and destroying? And who in their own rational mind would think about worshipping them?

Life is inevitable, salvation is inevitable, taxes?ñ are thuggery with a mandate.

Money works like this?ñ

Let's say you have a small island with 1000 people on it, these people get by on barter, but then one day this organisation rocks up and offers to give them a method of keeping track of transactions with little metal discs and pieces of paper. They offer to advance them 1 million units of currency in exchange for a small fee of 6% interest, so the government of the island goes out and tells people they can get little pieces of paper to help regulate the exchange of pigs, garden tools, and pottery. But the island's government decides that just giving everyone  equal amounts of money would be unfair, so the value of each animal and house and property is assessed and everyone gets an amount of money equal to that. Then the villagers start trading money, the year comes around and the organisation asks for its six percent, and gets it.
Then the villagers are happy, but then year two comes around and the organisation comes back. They want their six percent. The chief takes a look at the bill and shits himself, he asks the head of the company what it will cost to get rid of him completely. He says the 6% plus the million he gave the chief. The chief shits himself again?ñ he has to give the company part of his people's village in addition to the million units of currency he was given. He decides to try and get everyone's notes back off the people and give them to the company. But the people won't give them up. So the cunning chief decides to get his money back off his people by charging them for public services, charging them for digging wells and having their huts on his land, charging them for maintaining a military. The chief then creates a special little position for this office, and makes sure the man keeps records of all transactions on the island. The tax chief (having a family of his own to feed) takes a small percentage of the yearly takings, leaving the chief with an extra 2% of what he owes to the company to pay off his million units of currency?ñ
After about 16 years the village has no more money?ñ it's all gone to the company, the company won't accept any other form of currency, so the chief starts selling the homes and land of the island to the company and that's all she wrote. In a few years there's no need to regulate taxes as the company owns the island, but still the villagers are taxed. This time by a new chief in a nice blue suit and soon private ownership is a thing of the past?ñ Marx called such a situation communism, well communism is a synonym for fascism it seems.

The lion doesn't demand 6% of whatever the cheetahs or hyenas catch, and the cheetahs don't worry about death as much as survival. In fact, the massive conglomeration of wealth we see to day only really became possible thanks to the centralisation of the control of money. Imagine if the company gave the island a million pigs? Within a year the islanders would have been able to buy the company even if they were slaughtering 1,000 pigs a day. Money doesn't accumulate in value, it devalues. That's why it looks like things are becoming more expensive, money is becoming more and more useless because of the ridiculous situation described above. It's happening in every country. It's why public services in many nations are being sold off, because of the money governments owe to federal reserves and world banks that are independent institutions and above the law. Within a year the chief was turned into a lackey of the money company. All he had to do was make everything free and part with a few cows and some virgins. The money is then useless?ñ

~Systemic Trollax~


Part Two:

But systems like the modern one are designed on the most-insidious principle of order, Osiris would be proud. I hinted on it in "the hero's path" there is no victory without sacrifice, there is no value without expenditure. Society is engineered to keep people where they are, whatever you earn, you are allowed to keep just enough to keep you where you are, you are allowed to have just enough to ensure your survival. Because of this fact, your children will most likely end up in similar circumstances to you. In Northern Ireland there are generations of families who have been unemployed. Unless you want to give up a few cows and virgins (i.e. make financial sacrifices in order to make gains) every year you will be taxed just enough to almost push you into bankruptcy but not quite, whatever gains you can make will be miniscule.
You will be sold lies too, investment opportunities (Russian roulette with one unloaded chamber), lotteries and raffles (try and get struck by lightning), and financial incentives and grants (excuses for your slavery).

On a slightly more complex front this whole set up is the entire reason why free will is a con, it's like money?ñ why do you need someone to sell you what you already have? Abundance. Choice. But because we are brainwashed into fearing death and poverty we fail to see options; we are conned into mutilating our freedom. Farmers have it, but they are taxed the most heinously of all. Any industry that is designed to create large sums of cash has the shit squeezed out of it: doctors, petrol stations, primary production, mining, even many companies (except the largest ones) can barely afford to pay their employees and themselves.

I was recently threatened with being reported to the tax office for planning to operate a cash in hand business by a friend of mine (I am definitely taking your advice now Bella  :wink: ). But back to our example as pigs for currency. If I give you a million pigs and ask for interest back, then in order to control your "money" I need to ask for the growth rate of your population of pigs plus five or six percent. So I'd need to ask for 15-20% of your pigs per year in tax. Who in their right mind would pay that? There has to be a way of turning money into life, its already alive, how do you turn cash into things that will appreciate in value and accumulate money? Simple, spend it! Invest it in things that are worth more than they are sold for; go to bankruptcy auctions at the local courthouse. The banks will seize people's property and sell it for what they want, no more no less. Go to police auctions when they hold them, you can get plenty of great stuff on the cheap and sell it for heaps. Get into a business where you can invest in tax deductions that accumulate in value. If I was teaching singing, I could invest in signed and autographed CD's. I could then write them off as tax deductions and then sell them for lots of cash.

A jewelry store in Newcastle is having its annual sale, 65% off everything. Spend all your Christmas cash on that, then arrange a little sale at the local flea market, 20% off the regular price. Abundance is everywhere, you just have to discover it and find a way of presenting it to people's money and then devise a way of using money as a middleman only. Buy low sell high. Invest all the money for your homemade furniture business in stock (i.e. wood) and soon enough you can buy a factory and start up your own company. You turn what little you have into a shitload, by turning something into something more valuable with just a little effort and selling it just so. The Subgenii are right, we are owed an income, not because of any silly thing like rights, but because abundance is inevitable. There is enough currency on earth right now for every person to be a millionaire, but the banks can't control people that way, it happened in Germany. The usury mindset of the banks remained long after the Jewish bankers were run out of town, a loaf of bread became 10,000 marks, because the Germans decided to print more money. Why? There have to be rich and poor in this system, there is no wealth without poverty, there is no profit without loss.

Face it, complementary opposites are another lie we are sold by a system that wants us to fight over the definition of the inevitable. Prosperity is inevitable, there is no such thing as loss in nature. You may say, "But what about population explosions Trollax?" or "What about death, disease, and extinction Trollax." This is just another lie you are sold by Osiris. We are told that without the government, without taxes, without some deity metering out the heartbeat of the universe everything would die. But that's not true?ñ Nature is impartial, that's why there are population explosions and pestilence, and famine and disease. Because we so fear death, we do everything possible to avoid it, and death is a bullet that must have a victim. That is why we put people in front of it by using, war, government, money, and religion as tools. Then there are enemies, outlaws, poverty, and evildoers.

You are going to snuff out one day, one way or the other. But death is just the beginning of your journey, in truth you cannot die, but until you truly die in every sense of the world you won't know that. There is no such thing as death. You cannot be die, abundance is everywhere because everything is inevitable and abundance is inalienable then there is no need for rights.

Whoever thought you could relate money, government, tax, and banking to spirituality eh?
Well, Box = Fish
And remember, "when you forget about equality, you will fail to remember about difference."

~Rich Trollax~