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Started by Slarti, December 06, 2003, 01:20:59 AM

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at this url is a thread on the message boards that really spoke to me

Yesterday, two Mormon missionaries knocked on my door and attempted to sell me belief in their religion. As I listened to their spiel, I pondered whether I should be the one enlightening them; a very pretentious thought I admit. As I listened to these two gentlemen, I realized that they sincerely believed in God. This single belief brings them peace and happiness. Of course I could have began to elucidate the countless errors in the Book of Mormon, but what purpose would this serve? Perhaps I would feel a great sense of intellectual superiority over two young men that have probably never questioned their faith, and for this reason alone would be incapable of defending it. I proceeded to kindly tell them that I believed no one ultimately knows whether God exists or not, and interestingly enough, they were able to accept my position, as I can accept theirs. While I believe they are completely ignorant and investing a great deal of their time believing in a religion created by a drunk, they conversely feel great sympathy that I will burn in hell.

But I do believe that we each wished the best for each other, and regardless of what religion you believe in or don't, this is what matters. I am not so sure if the ends justify the means, but if believing in an intangible thing brings you happiness and shows you how to lead a successful life, and repectfully treat others, perhaps your belief has served its purpose and was not a waste of time.


You go brother!!!!!

Ya know it's true! They can't take the faith outta everyone!!!

And all that jazz...


~Appreciatingly Trollax~



generally I agree with you. But are they really happy? REALLY?
And even if they are, aren't they making the lifes of others miserable? For example their children?
Or a lot of Fundies try to get political power by all means and make the life of ALL of us miserable, by outlawing certain things, which they deem, as if by divine will, evil and immoral.

If these evil fuckers would only try to impose their nonsense on themselves and don't enjoy life, loath their own bodies, feel shamefull for sex, have a SLAVEMENTALITY towards their church and doG, they would be within their rights.

But, alas, NO! They try to impose this EVIL CREED, the greyfacianism, the slavementality on EVERYBODY. By conversion if nessecary, by legal or other FORCE if must be.
If they are happy with their belief, fine. But if they try to impose it on others, as they do, THEY MUST BE RESISTED!!
By force if nessecary(see the spanish civil war for example), by surrealism(Hail Eris) if possible.

Hail Eris. All Hail Discordia!!



1. fuck, i forgot to mention i didn't write that, someone else did.

2. you're right cthyga. i don't mind other religions, but when they impose crap on everyone, that's when i get mad. that's why i like buddhism. they never impose their will on people or anything.


1. e4             e5
2. Bc4           Bc5
3. Qf3           Ne7
4. Qxf7++

Horab Fibslager

sips back his tao juice whiel istening to some smooth as ice covered in teflon aphex twin action

Hell is other people.


Actually there are buddhists who walk around converting people too...
Dogma is everywhere... it is the people and not the system...


Two mormon parents sit me down every night and try to sell me to there way of thinking. As I listen to them I relies they believe in God. This belief brings them an amount of peace and happiness to their life. No matter what errors I point out in what they say there is no end to there comebacks, and even if I could really trap them it would not waver there beliefs at all. It would as they put it "be a test of their faith" and they would grow stronger. Every morning we discuss and pray, every meal we pray, and discuss, every night we read the book of mormon, pray, and discuss, every Monday we have religion based family time where we sing, pray, and discuss, every Sunday we plan our week around this church. That is the two parents. The church dose more every morning they attempt to indoctrinate my thoughts for an hour and a half at a time. Selling there version of the truth. On Wednesdays I go to fellowship with youth of my age to build relationships with people of good ideals. On Sunday I attend their church where they literally and figuratively force feed me the beliefs they base their life around. That is what the church dose. The beliefs I must for fear of punishment uphold sell even more to my already controlled brain. I may not attend in any sexual activity. Or in basic words touch a girl in a place where she is not normally clothed. Clothed by the dress code I must follow. I must not drink hot drinks including coffee or tea. I get weird looks when I consume any caffeinated beverage. I must take of no illegal drugs, must drink no alcohol, and smoke no cigarettes. I am required to do no work on Sunday, and play not that day either. I absolutely can not have any homosexual tendencies. I may not also in my language speak any vulgar things. Nor listen to or watch or participate in any vulgar activities. I must steer clear of R rated movies, or inappropriate music. Pornography is by no means acceptable. I could not date in any form until I reached the age of 16. I am expected to save money for a trip that would last me two years of my life. On this trip the only things I am to do is read the scriptures, preach, and pray. That and more is what I am expected to uphold.
I have two mormon parents this is what they believe. I have told them numerous times I do not agree; I tell them what I think not to convert them, but only to FREE myself.
I have two mormon parents this is what they believe. It makes them happy. They find joy a since of peace, and security. I am in a state of endless turmoil. I can not escape from what they inflict. I am racked with endless insecurities, by all that they sell me. If they only knew what is going on inside of me because of this... If they only knew what I did to myself because of what brings them happiness. They would lie awake for all there nights.  
I have two mormon parents this is what brings them happiness a since of security. So you tell me is this intangible thing, is this source of happiness, is this killing force alright?


I'm sorry I have never put so much emotion into anyhting I have ever written.


Quote from: PenumbralI'm sorry I have never put so much emotion into anyhting I have ever written.
That's the whole idea...

and it's not just them, it's also you. The 9 year old daughter of a pagan friend of mine nearly had a hissy fit after she saw another friend of mine wearing a cross around his neck. She said it was insulting to her, but only (really) because she wanted to take offense.
If he was badgering her because she was a pagan then that's being insulting (like what happens to me with certain types of people (pagan or otherwise) when I mention my non-religious disinclinations.
Sometimes the weight of the daily grind comes down on us, because we don't have any more energy to fake it. so you may want to ease the pressure by letting up on the facade in some situations.

Sometimes it's religious pressure other times it's social pressure, and sometime's it's emotional pressure. It's all just pressure in the end, whether your told your going to hell or going to end up a homelss bum, the threat and the intentionality is the same, I feel for you pen...

peace brother...