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Just another night

Started by Cain, October 31, 2006, 11:07:09 PM

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,ÄúSo, you like to hurt people then?,Äù Chris said as he grabbed the guy by the shirt and threw him against the wall.  I stood back, my arms crossed, waiting for it to finish.  The guy blinked as Chris stepped back, only to cry out as a knee went into his groin.

I considered stepping in, but had second thoughts.  There was still blood and broken bottles all over the place inside and it had already been a trying night.  That the punk had tried glass someone and then taken a swing at one of the barmaids just wasn't nice.  I still winced as the punk was smashed against the brick wall again, however.

The guy tried to stand upright, but his knee collapsed and Chris started on him again, kicking him all over.  I decided to step in.

,ÄúFor fucks sake man, are you wasted?  You're going to kill this shit if you keep it up!,Äù  I grabbed him and pulled him back off the guy.  He bent over and caught his breath, then said quietly ,Äúfuck killing him, I just wanted him to wake up in a world of pain.,Äù  There was a look in his eyes that worried me, though it could just have been the orange glow of the street lights.
,ÄúGet inside and clean yourself up, I'll deal with this.,Äù  His hands were covered in blood, probably from when he broke his nose before dragging him out to this empty car park that was next to the club.

He nodded curtly and walked inside.  The guy on tarmac was still breathing, though he didn't sound too good.  I rolled him on his side, so he wouldn't choke on his own puke, then checked my watch.  Crap, it wasn't even 1am....

East Coast Hustle

ahh, the life of a bouncer.

If you don't mind me biting the idea, this might inspire me to drag up some horror stories of my own.
Rabid Colostomy Hole Jammer of the Coming Apocalypse™

The Devil is in the details; God is in the nuance.

Some yahoo yelled at me, saying 'GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH', and I thought, "I'm feeling generous today.  Why not BOTH?"


Go for it.  This incident had just been on my mind for some reason lately....better to have it out here then in my head,