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Defensive Personalities

Started by AFK, December 12, 2006, 02:50:43 PM

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its funny that the dude tried to criticize whats going on here regarding new people coming into the mix

because as i take a look around, there is at least a half dozen people who have jumped in and thrown some nice material and feedback over the last little while

i never understood fully what the Bhode thing was about, but it seems like the number of people jumping in is outweighing the people who come here and start throwing rocks

theres been a lot of n00bs come in over the last few months

things is lookin good

or at least mediocre

better than bad

but then again, we are all unenlightened and depressed anyway
neat hell


LHX has a point.  I think Bhode and Laz have been the exception lately, not the rule. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


so the question is:

whats the difference between the n00bs that stick around and the n00bs that start in on the hating?
neat hell



I hope someone has an extra pair of drumsticks.

Seriously though, I sometimes get the feeling that those who come and try to stir-up trouble probably had already decided that when they came here they were going to try and stir-up trouble.  I think anyone who comes here to truly learn and get into the discourse are going to be more open minded and willing to absorb new ideas.
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.


i think some people have a tough time shaking the messiah complex
neat hell


That, and sometimes personalities just CLASH.  That has to be allowed for.  So does being able to get back in once you've been shoved aside or shove yourself aside.

I don't see this crowd NOT doing that if there's a good reason for it. Or a good case is made for it.

Even people who fuck up and say the wrong things can teach you something.

hunter s.durden

I found this place 3 months ago so i'm pretty n00bish.

One big thing IMO is some of these people hate when their cool new ideas are not viewed by other with the same enthusiasm they have. Bhode took to heart that everyone thought he was a dipshit and ran off. It just seems they lack a certain civility as well. Instead of taking thing as respectful disagreement, they take it like a personal attack on their character.
I stayed because this is a pretty unique place, as far the thought talent goes. Most people that argue 'till they're blue in the face, then huff off might not be accustomed to actual individuality.
"It's a Discordian forum, they must all be bobbies like me." Once their illusion is shattered they cry and return to the furry forums (or wherever).

This place is awesome if you bury your ego for a sec and just chill.

Also once Roger locks on, you can't shake him.
Stay off the tagline for fucks sake.
This space for rent.


He eventually settles down.

But he never forgets.

I was on his shitlist for a while.  And then there's Enrico...


I think you nailed it Hunter.  I know in the beginning I took some lumps from TGRR,LMNO and others who had been around for awhile.    But, if I hadn't I'd still be a silly 23pinealer.  
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.



I still take lumps, but that's fine.  Builds the "ignore and move on" muscle.

hunter s.durden

Go back and read some of Bhode's posts. (Masochists only)
He is soooo sure of himself and his "rock solid worldview".
No growth.
No evolution of thought.
Cold unchanging rock.     Yawn.

Be like water, my friend.

Bruce Lee - His philosophies make me forget he was even a martial artist sometimes.
This space for rent.


Eh, I lived through it...I think it's a good lesson to be learned for those coming after him, but you're right...the rest is a bit of a yawn.

And Mr. Laz...he's a real rum one...instead of confronting the BIP folks, he just posts lame shit and moves on.  No equal time for HIM!

hunter s.durden

I liked Hangero.
Where'd he go?
He could spit some fire.
Quick mind on that one.
This space for rent.