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What is this section about (n00bs read this!)

Started by Cain, January 25, 2007, 09:39:52 PM

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Yeah, and really, I don't think the order is that big a deal really, though the "Welcome to the Prison" piece should be first, otherwise it probably doesn't matter all that much. 
Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Mourning Star

Quote from: LMNO on June 04, 2007, 12:57:03 PM
What's muddled are the order of the pages.  You can't print them out two sided.  You have to print them out 1 sided, and combine them on a photocopier.

Talk to Synaptyx about reformatting, if you want.

hmm, I suppose I could just stop being lazy, cut the thing apart, re assemble it in page maker in a way that allows me to print it double sided on standard 8 1/2 x 11 paper and export it to a PDF and make it available....

Anyone besides me that would want this?

Please check only 1:
[ ] Want
[ ] Do Not Want



I managed to assemble it. Not saying it was easy, but I managed it.

Don't ask for tips, I can only remember writing some big formula on a blackboard.

Would say, however, making it easier to assemble would probably make me think it more worthwhile printing it and handing it out.



Cynicism is a blank check for failure.

Mourning Star

good enough for me.  I've been busy running the rest of the nerds in my "crew" through character generation for a rifts game I'm starting...but when that's done.  I'll get to dissecting and reassembly.

Bogus Magus

Quote from: Mourning Star on June 02, 2007, 05:58:09 PM
Okay.  For those of us that are having difficulty in locating A4 paper... (8 1/2 x 11 is slightly smaller)  are there other versions available?

Also, I believe the numbers in the assembly guide are muddled...

The Marquis de Sade, who did not want to be disturbed, went to see
if the door of his cell was tightly shut. It was double-locked from outside,
He closed the inside bolt, obtained through the kindness of the
warden, returned to his table and started once again to write.

I have read this thread, but realise I need to read a lot more (the wiki etc) before daring to comment on content, approach, etc.

First impressions:

The Instructions for Assembly do not match the pages in the version I have downloaded, as Mourning Star said.

I got a nice copy by doing this:

28 & 1      back to back with   2 & 27
26 & 3      back to back with   4 & 25
24 & 5      back to back with   6 & 23
22 & 7      back to back with   8 & 21
20 & 9      back to back with   10 & 19
18 & 11   back to back with   12 & 17
11 & 13   back to back with   14 & 15

I have A4 paper (UK), but I would say the gutter needs moving just a little, because once folded in half the even-numbered pages get too close to the stapled point.

Although I love words, one of the joys of PD still comes from the random mix of type faces, graphics, styles, etc.  All very McLuhan / Burroughs cut-ups, etc.

My opening quote? A ‘Pataphysical take on ‘prisons’ that somehow reminded me of Leary and his irritating grin (suggested to him by McLoon,  I heard) apparently cheerful, even in jail.

[I found the De Sade quote in an old Evergreen Review (p70), back in the 60s. You can still find paper copies, but Lulu also offers a PDF at a very reasonable price (for the content you get.]  author: Jean Ferry

I get knocked down, but I get up again, you're never gonna keep me down     "Tubthumpin" – Chumbawamba


I agree with the layout, but we suck at it.  Feel free to take a crack at it, if you have any ideas.

Mourning Star

I've been really busy lately with summer classes and running a RIFTS game, but I swear to it that eventually I am going to break the whole BIP into it's basic pages, re-assemble it in pagemaker with a proper gutter and in an order that makes double-sided printing easier and re-PDF that mutha!

I assure thee of it.



Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.

Maybe some of the stuff I'm posting at MA would work.


I've been mulling over this for a while - my Ego Sickness and Is It Time for a Jailbreak threads are pointing in the following direction---

One idea to expand:

The current BIP pamphlet is "book one" - identifying the Black Iron Prison

Book Two would be an escape guide. On each page we identify one or two bars in our own Black Iron Prisons and give advice on how to slip past them.

They can be broad ideas like

Or more specific ideas like
*using the phone
*taking an alternate route to work
*watching the Colbert Report every night at 11:30
*traffic laws

tyrannosaurus vex

Quote from: Professor Cramulus on June 12, 2007, 03:45:40 PM
I've been mulling over this for a while - my Ego Sickness and Is It Time for a Jailbreak threads are pointing in the following direction---

One idea to expand:

The current BIP pamphlet is "book one" - identifying the Black Iron Prison

Book Two would be an escape guide. On each page we identify one or two bars in our own Black Iron Prisons and give advice on how to slip past them.

They can be broad ideas like

Or more specific ideas like
*using the phone
*taking an alternate route to work
*watching the Colbert Report every night at 11:30
*traffic laws

i disagree with the point about Stephen Colbert

this is a sacred ritual and certainly not any kind of prison bar.
Evil and Unfeeling Arse-Flenser From The City of the Damned.

Mourning Star

Quote from: vexati0n on June 12, 2007, 03:47:06 PM
Quote from: Professor Cramulus on June 12, 2007, 03:45:40 PM
I've been mulling over this for a while - my Ego Sickness and Is It Time for a Jailbreak threads are pointing in the following direction---

One idea to expand:

The current BIP pamphlet is "book one" - identifying the Black Iron Prison

Book Two would be an escape guide. On each page we identify one or two bars in our own Black Iron Prisons and give advice on how to slip past them.

They can be broad ideas like

Or more specific ideas like
*using the phone
*taking an alternate route to work
*watching the Colbert Report every night at 11:30
*traffic laws

i disagree with the point about Stephen Colbert

this is a sacred ritual and certainly not any kind of prison bar.

as a lifelong iconoclast I must argue FOR the Stephen Colbert item remaining on the list, that which is sacred and becomes ritual is dangerous, and must be destroyed.

Wrecked Fred

Quote from: LHX on January 26, 2007, 02:34:38 AM
- the map is not the territory, but we seek to compile the most effective map to use to navigate the territory

- we investigate obstacles to see whether they are real or illusions

- we investigate the limitations of working as individuals and working as a group

- there seems to be a relationship between freedom and responsibility, so we work to determine what nature of responsibilities a person could possibly have in this context

- we seem to have become comfortable with an approach at discussing new issues that seems to combine Occam's Razor and Maybe Logic
- this approach seems to be effective at getting to the core of any new issues that come up

- we dont claim to 'know' anything 'special', but rather we just seem to have developed a real effective system of deconstructing complex things so that they can be made useful

- the real tie that seems to bind people together here is a burning desire to cut thru the bullshit wherever it may appear
like a anti-bullshit task force

we understand the danger of making claims, so we dont make any of them

other trends:
- occult knowledge
- producing materials loosely related to 'Discordianism'

I don't get it.  What does that mean?  "The map is not the territory" sounds great, but how can I apply that in every day life?  Also, what's all this about "occult studies"?  I was told that you guys were all about waking up, not about living in fantasy worlds.
Fear is your only God.