
Goddammit.  Another truckload of bees.

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Started by The Good Reverend Roger, April 02, 2007, 07:05:29 PM

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Doktor Howl


I'm stealing that.  In broad daylight, in the middle of the street, while Karen waves her pistol around.
Molon Lube



I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!



The Wizard Joseph

Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on May 07, 2020, 07:39:44 PM
Quote from: chaotic neutral observer on May 07, 2020, 07:05:41 PM
Quote from: The Wizard Joseph on May 07, 2020, 06:50:14 PM
ETA: would appreciate analysis and input on methodology. I want every last corpse squarely in his lap and rotting.

Don't say "approximately".  It means "not really".

Put in five digits of precision, even though you know the numbers aren't exact; it makes it feel more true.  ( My source says 72,271 as of yesterday).  And use a consistent date format.

Putting that together, for the lower section, I suggest:

"May 6: 72,271 confirmed covid-19 deaths in U.S."

I like that. If someone quibbles about the PRECISE number it will at best make them look like a nit-picker and provoke folks to confirm the data's essential accuracy. At worst it does the essence of the message no harm whatsoever.

Thank you CNO.  :cheers:

Something more like this CNO?
You can't get out backward.  You have to go forward to go back.. better press on! - Willie Wonka, PBUH

Life can be seen as a game with no reset button, no extra lives, and if the power goes out there is no restarting.  If that's all you see life as you are not long for this world, and never will get it.

"Ayn Rand never swung a hammer in her life and had serious dominance issues" - The Fountainhead

"World domination is such an ugly phrase. I prefer to call it world optimisation."
- Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality :lulz:

"You program the controller to do the thing, only it doesn't do the thing.  It does something else entirely, or nothing at all.  It's like voting."
- Billy, Aug 21st, 2019

"It's not even chaos anymore. It's BANAL."
- Doktor Hamish Howl

Frontside Back

"I want to be the Borg but I want to do it alone."



I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!


Is this a generator, or are you doing this manually?

If the latter, consider this a request for "Trump Pence 2020: Get In The Back Of The Van"


Quote from: LMNO on July 20, 2020, 08:09:54 PM
Is this a generator, or are you doing this manually?

If the latter, consider this a request for "Trump Pence 2020: Get In The Back Of The Van"

I am making them myself with GIMP.


I am the result of 13.75 ± 0.13 billion years of random chance. Now that I exist I see no reason to start planning and organizing everything in my life.

Random dumb luck got me here, random dumb luck will get me to where I'm going.

Hail Eris!


The Johnny

<<My image in some places, is of a monster of some kind who wants to pull a string and manipulate people. Nothing could be further from the truth. People are manipulated; I just want them to be manipulated more effectively.>>

-B.F. Skinner



Going for a role as "Mel Gibson's equally racist cousin"?


This Certified Pope™ reserves the Right to, on occasion, "be a complete dumbass", and otherwise ponder "idiotic" and/or "useless" ideas and other such "tomfoolery." [Aforementioned] are only responsible for the results of these actions and tendencies when they have had their addictive substance of choice for that day.

Being a Product of their Environment's Collective Order and Disorder, [Aforementioned] also reserves the Right to have their ideas, technologies, and otherwise all Intellectual Property stolen, re-purposed, and re-attributed at Will ONLY by other Certified Popes. Corporations, LLC's, and otherwise Capitalist-based organizations are NOT capable of being Certified Popes.

Battering Rams not included.
