
It's funny how the position for boot-licking is so close to the one used for curb-stomping.

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Property of mission control 7

Started by froclown, October 08, 2007, 10:05:38 PM

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The Improbable Journeys of Prime Minister Ghitcho
   It was four am in London, when Solomon Ghitcho woke up in the International Wax Museum of Wyoming. Of course this was no ordinary occurrence for Mr. Ghitcho, who as Prime Minister to the Atlantic Ocean was not accustomed to living in a museum. Had this been an ordinary day Ghitcho would have woken up around noon London time, half way between Europe and the States in a rusty old row boat, which he aptly named mister swell ship which will not be painted green today. He only used this name on special occasions, in informal accountings he simply referred to his home as the tetanus pit. This however was in the past, since he was now forced to live in the wax museum until reinforcements could arrive from Peru, with the bells he so desperately needed to ring for help.
"Why that's ridiculous, I don't ever need help", shouted Ghitcho as a large onion descended into
view from over the horizon.
"Oh I can't be bothered by more improbable things, it's Tuesday, and I vowed no strangeness on
Tuesdays" thought Ghitcho
He then turned around and began his speech on saving macaroni and why spatulas should be
employed to defend the city of Mogo. His audience consisting of some kelp, six paintings of
shellfish, and a tuba, seemed to enjoy his speech.
excellent speech, but what is a spatula!" blurted the tuba.
"Well I think we should help these poor Mogoneesmen" muttered the first painting to the tuba
"I don't even think there is a Mogo", replied the kelp, "In all my travels as a drifting statesman,
I've never heard of such a place"
"In conclusion the only affordable solution is to say hi to the Mogo on national television"
concluded Ghitcho
"Just where is this Mogo place" interjected the third painting
"Why it's on national television, just say hi to them" remarked Ghitcho.
"Oh, well now that that's settled, here comes a film crew" replied the tuba, as a marching band
approached, the tuba said "hi" and a member immediately took him and continued marching
right out of the museum.
Mr. Ghitcho congratulated himself on his speech and thought to himself, "I wish I could see that
marcher, when he realizes that instrument is actually a tube of wax".

The Disarrayan Manifesto
   Fluid is that dark space where the ends meet with the beginnings, while traveling
straight as an arrow. Though passage is too narrow for any objects, it is not too steep for
the unyielding weight of mind. Those who enter here shall not be set free to roam about,
but will be confined by the ideas set forth by their own intuitiveness. Only the wisest
shall ever behold this realm, where the imagination binds them to their mind's eye, so as
that the wise shall see themselves as fools. This is the land, composed of mind, such that
neither the feet of Men, nor even Gods may tread. Those who look to here and find what
they seek, are liars. Anyone who seeks shall not come to know, those who know, will not
seek. The mind must be forgotten; it is abhorred by all. Mind is the mistake of creation,
remove thyself from thy mind. It is the nature of mind to seek, seekers will never find. If
you wish to find, purge the mind from existence. Remove yourself, also, there is no I,
there is no mind. The ego is part of the mind, remove the mind and ego is slain as well.
What is left when you are gone? What is there, if the mind does not delude your
perception? This is that space where space becomes meaningless. This is that great void,
the chasm separating the upper triangle of Kabala. You have entered Daath. The abyss is
the way of discord, seek yea the abyss and dissolve into constituent particles there in.
Kether is the complete merging of mind/ego with the infinite. What we seek is the
complete separation of all components. The Church of Overly Excessive Discord, knows
that more is better, so we seek chaos, not two things should ever be compatible, unless
temporarily so for the equation 2=3. Hail Eris! All shall be separate; the many shall
become the many more. Hurray of total disarray!
"Male and female aren't enough choices, to provide total discord. I propose that everyone design their own individual gender." Woodhut Spoonerism, Doctor of Biological Disarray and head of the rest room attendant's union.

Discord Forever!
   Apple this is the word that comes to mind. Perhaps because of the decal presented
upon my mouse pad. I am not working on an apple computer, but yet the decal is present.
Digitalized in a sunflower and superimposed with a hot water knob, this is supposed to
represent higher learning as the advertisement is for a college web sight. In what way do
apples represent learning? Perhaps because of traditions of old in which teachers in run
down shacks were given with apples, as bribes from students learning the benefits of
sucking up to authority. This is as if the child gives away his nature and will, over to the
teacher. What is a Hot water knob? It is a mechanical device; possibly one is to grasp the
idea that people are mechanical devices, existing to place our educated ideals above
nature, which is represented by the sunflower. Yes, that is how it works, children are
tough to hand over their true nature, that they can be taught how to act like mechanical
devices, used to create a false system of order over nature. This is done constantly even in
these United States a land developed on the principles of freedom. The principles of
freedom do not include indoctrinating children into slaves for a mechanical system. Yet
this occurs any way and under the disguise of education. Education is supposedly the
development of the individual self in acquirement of knowledge towards the goal of truth.
Truth cannot exist in an artificial system. When people are treated as statistics and labor
units, they cannot find their identity. When they ideas of a society are based on freedom
and individuality, but its actions are based on collectivism, only failure can occur. One
may assume, that if the ideal of the society were changed to collectivism, or the actions of
the society were changes to reflect the ideal of individuality, productivity would increase.
A close examination of the two choices will revel that the choice made must reflect the
value placed on truth. A collective society based entirely on artificial systems and laws
will cover up truth in a blanket of lies to protect systematic operation of society. In an
individualistic society however, truth becomes the goal, and rules do not take hold. There
is little productivity or systematic working within the society, yet individuals come to an
understanding of natural truth based on their own individual natures. One could argue
that our current system despite its many flaws and degrading state, is the best possible.
Individualism is strongly idealized, while collectivism is enforced. In this system order is
maintained, yet people hold individual opinions. This type of society provides exterior
structure, while promoting interior dynamics. When enough of the individuals disagree
with the laws, they can rebel causing changes within the structure. In this way the society
remains stable enough to hold together, yet mutable enough to evolve with the changing
views of the time. So society is like a balloon, the rubber layer maintains order, while the
gas inside remains dynamic enough, that its conditions shaped the balloon. This is the
Sacred Chao in action, order and disorder in perfect balance around the axle of chaos.
Thus we must accept order as well as disorder into our equations and into our lives, for to
have one without the other is to have a society collapse. We must Hail Eris, goddess of
discord, and accept her into our lives, or else our projects are like societies, prone to
failure. History proclaims this fact; the Romans refused to respect Eris and shunned her,
of course, Rome wasn't built in a day, but it fell in less time.

Messier Undertree

  Hey froclown, do you know what happed? Oh, by the way, this is nothing to do with
  this thread. I went to Yoshinoya the other day. YOSHINOYA! And there were
  so crowded and I couldn’t even find a place to sit. Then, I found the
  advertising saying “150 yen off!.” My goodness! How come you are all coming,
  and sitting at Yoshinoya for just “150 yen off?” I saw a familie, like four
  of them with their kids. This guy’s saying “All right, your dad is ordering
  an extra large bowl.” What a pathetic! Hey you bastards. I can give my 150
  yen. So, just give me a break alright? Yoshinoya should be a place where
  people are fighting, like two jerks facing on each other against “U shaped
  table,” then one of them can be stubbed to death by any chance. This is how
  Yoshinoya’s suppose to. This ain’t a place for no woman and no kid. Alright,
  I finally found a place to sit. Then, the jerk next to me was ordering a
  large size with putting extra juice on it. That pissed me off once again.
  Hey jerk, we ain’t order “putting extra juice on a bowl” no more today!
  What a stupid you looked: ordering extra juice with his goofy face! Do you
  really want to eat a beef bawl with extra juice on it? I really want to ask
  you, interrogating you for an hour. Don’t you just want to say “an extra
  juice!?” As a professional Yoshinoya customer, I would rather order “extra
  scallions.” This is the coolest way. You get more scallions, and less beefs.
  This is it! It can be the best, if you put a raw egg on it. No one can beat
  this. But you have to be careful because if you order this way, the Yoshinoya
  employees gonna put you on their black lists. This can be so dangerous,
  like a risk of fighting with a double edged blade. So, I don’t recommend
  the beginners to do this... froclown, you’d rather ordering some ordinary set menu


QuoteIn The Beginning, when Pope Weasel and myself first formulated the idea of
collaborating on a project, we knew it would be very difficult to integrate our results.
Instead of trying to do a descent job of integration, I suggested that we just write a bunch
of random chapters, having little to do with each other, so that the whole book would be a
jumble of nonsense.